UK Newswire Archive
May Day demo in Brighton
09-03-2011 19:00

Location and details announced near the time.
"Sprout your Mind" - Week of Skillsharing
09-03-2011 18:57

So we are inviting you for a week of workshops and gathering from the 4th to the 10th of April!
Screening of Land and Freedom for Brighton AntiFascists
09-03-2011 18:34

6.30pm Thursday 10th March at the Duke of York's, Brighton.
Resist the Trojan Horse Aid from the US and the UK
09-03-2011 17:23
The UK is trying a variety of methods to break into the civil war in Libya - they must be resisted.
#March26 TUC Demo Alt Media meeting - Sat 12th
09-03-2011 16:22
Alt Media + Grass roots reporting for March 26th TUC Demo
Saturday 12th March, 3pm - 6pm @ ULU (as part of March26 AAC Prep Weekend)
Calling all film makers, video shooters, audio recorders and radio enthusiasts, photographers, twitter reporters, DIY media makers, bloggers and writers. Together we are stronger >> Come and prepare and co-ordinate together for covering the massive March 26th demonstrations and actions >> Join Indymedia London and other projects including radio stream coverage and Reel News in discussing and developing plans for collaboration and grass roots reporting of the demonstrations >> If you have a project already underway come and present it, if you want to get involved come along ready to participate.
University of London Union, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HY
Room numbers tbc
Palestine Today 03 09 2011
09-03-2011 15:49

Full article | 1 addition | 14 comments
Saif Gaddafi's london mansion occupied
09-03-2011 14:55
This morning a group calling themselves Topple The Tyrants have occupied the £10m Hampsted Mansion of Saif Al Islam Gaddafi, in solidarity with the Libyan people and their struggle to overthrow the murderous Gaddafi regime.IGB sink to new low
09-03-2011 13:50

Violent crackdown on Iraqi opposition plus 1
09-03-2011 13:18
“Human Rights Watch singled out a severe retrogression in the status of women and girls, who under the secular dictatorship of Saddam Hussein and the Baath Party were “relatively better protected than other countries in the region.” Forced marriages, forced prostitution, domestic abuse and sexual abuse have all risen sharply in the years since the US invasion.”The Torture of Bradley Manning
09-03-2011 12:49

International Women's Day in the Philippines
09-03-2011 12:39

May Day! May Day! Rossport Solidarity Camp Summer Gathering Sat 30 April -Mon 2n
09-03-2011 11:00
Come up to the Rossport Solidarity Camp Summer Gathering for the May Bank Holiday weekend to see for yourself what's at stake and learn more about the campaign.Anti-Shell Non-violent direct action workshop
09-03-2011 10:58
A non-violent direct action workshop is taking place on Sat 9th -Sun 10th April. All are welcome, open to complete beginners-no experience necessary!The Arab Revolution and Anti-Imperialism
09-03-2011 09:10
Tunisia falls. Egypt falls. Anti-imperialism gets a shot in the arm. Ben-Ali and Mubarak, who for decades acted as nothing but Western stooges, are forced from power and the global order trembles. Cracks emerge under our feet and we all wonder; what next? We are too close to these events to truly realise their magnitude. However, what must be made emphatically clear is that the global order stands or falls with the Pan-Arab revolution. The fighting in the Arab street is a transnational fight of epic proportions. While it is a fight for dignity, a fight for rights and a fight for fairness – these battles cannot be pitched without truly knowing one’s enemy – the forces of empire.Yorkshire Student Assembly
09-03-2011 01:43
An event to bring all student groups from around Yorkshire together to create stronger links between the groups which will hopefull be mutually beneficial.Point of no return: U.S. and NATO prepare for war with Libya
08-03-2011 23:10

Britain and France, in close consultation with the U.S. and Germany (collectively the NATO Quad), are jointly writing a draft resolution for a no-fly zone over Libya to be presented to the Security Council. If the resolution is supported by nine or more of the fifteen nations on the Security Council and if permanent members China and Russia don't veto it, the stage will be set for a series of further military actions by the U.S. and NATO against Libya, which will be presented by the West as UN-sanctioned, in a manner alarmingly evocative of the process used to prepare the attack on Iraq in 2003.
Libya: A Response to the Escalating Situation
08-03-2011 21:05

Foreign Office Responds to Letter on Guantánamo Bay
08-03-2011 20:07