UK Newswire Archive
#Occupy and the Church
09-01-2012 14:13

Shut Guantánamo - End Ten Years of Shame" - Report
09-01-2012 13:38

On Saturday 7 January, the weekend before the tenth anniversary of the opening of the illegal prison camp at Guantánamo Bay, over 200 people from London and other parts of the UK converged outside the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square to mark this unfortunate day in history and to stand in solidarity with the 171 prisoners who remain there. Organised by the London Guantánamo Campaign (LGC), the Save Shaker Aamer Campaign (SSAC), the Stop the War Coalition (StWC) and the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)
Smash EDO: Remember Gaza at first noise demo of 2012
09-01-2012 12:59
Wednesday 11th January is the first noise demo of 2012 against arms manufacturers EDO MBM/ITT 4 to 6pm, Home Farm Road - lets make some noise.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Book launch in Brighton for Targeting Israeli Apartheid: a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Handbook
09-01-2012 12:47
Time for action: Target Israeli ApartheidTalk and discussion to launch the new Corporate Watch book Targeting Israeli Apartheid: A Boycott Divestment and Sanctions Handbook
7.30pm Thurs 19th January
Friends Meeting House, Brighton
Sheffield Somali Community Protest at Social Services Removal of 13 Year Old
09-01-2012 11:47

Counter Olympics meeting in London, Jan 28
09-01-2012 07:24
A BIG meeting to prepare for Countering the Olympics is being held in London later this month.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
The Good, The Bad and the Peter Reynolds
09-01-2012 07:23

Update: FOD Education Centre Occupation.
09-01-2012 00:36

Police raid on Occupy Lancaster
09-01-2012 00:29

Full article | 1 addition | 8 comments
Undercover surveillance - Can you identify this man?
08-01-2012 23:44

1,000 police officers and Police Support Officers have criminal records
08-01-2012 21:09
Freedom of Information requests have revealed that there are over 1,000 or more police officers and PCSOs who have a criminal record serving in Britain's police forces. Some forces did not respond so the number may be even higher.Obviously, not all police officers are bad but it has also been revealed that over the last 12 months 130 Metropolitan officers were allowed to resign rather than face disciplinary hearings, thus saving the police from potentially embarrassing revelations regarding corrupt officers. The excuse for this lack of accountability in some cases was the high cost involved in investigating the corruption or breaches of discipline.
Brutality of Turkey's war crime machine
08-01-2012 20:25

in Turkey's parliament's general assembly.
'bikes alive' action at kings x tomorrow
08-01-2012 18:55

in the absence of any timetable or genuine willingness from either the mayor or transport for london (tfl), bicycle activists will stage the first of several direct actions tomorrow evening at king's cross road junctions
click on image for larger version. 'some rights reserved' - free for credited non-commercial use, otherwise contact author for permission
cyclists and supporters are expected to arrive in large numbers for tomorrow evening's 'critical mass' style blockade at king's cross in protest at the large numbers of cyclist fatalities at the junction and at tfl and the mayor's reticence to do anything about it.
tomorrow's action, which will last an hour from 6pm, follows on from a recent vigil, pictured above, which attracted around 100 cyclists and featured speakers from the london cycling campaign, road peace, london living streets, and the green party, as well as friends and relatives of some of those killed.
sixteen cyclists were killed on london roads last year, up from 10 in 2010.
campaigners are calling on tfl to introduce dutch-style cycling systems. in dutch cities, cyclists face statistically less than half the dangers of their london counterparts, and yet tfl have rejected proposals put forward as long ago as 2008, and instead is reducing the number of pedestrian crossings to 'improve traffic flow'.
tfl's grounds for rejecting junction changes at king's cross is that they may cause 'traffic delay'.
last year, 24 yr old fashion student 'deep' lee was killed by a lorry at king's cross. in december, after rejecting safety proposals at a meeting at camden town hall, tfl officials asked her boyfriend if they could now remove the flower-covered memorial ghost bike. he responded that they should 'sort out the junction first'.
in response to tfl's lethargy and failures, and in a direct challenge to their concerns about 'traffic delays', bicycle activists have called for cyclists and their supporters to join them at king's cross at 6pm tomorrow evening and to cycle around the junction en masse at a safe slow speed, perhaps stopping every now and then as sheer mass of cycle traffic sometimes causes delays.
this will be the first of several regular such actions to show tfl that cyclists are fed up of being treated as disposable citizens and are entitled to protection, safety, and consideration in road planning.
for more info and contacts for tomorrow's and future actions, see
and for some excellent opinion pieces and well-researched links, see
Reminder - Leicester Rank and File Meeting
08-01-2012 17:57
This is the planning meeting for a later Leicestershire-wide conference. Please try and get to this or forward the details to rank and filers in the area.Public squatting in the U$A on the up
08-01-2012 15:30
Although it is hard to hear what is really happening on the ground in U$A, it appears that recently there has been an increase in squatting in cities across the United States. Obviously, squatting is often a covert activity, but it seems that a few factors have dovetailed to facilitate the emergence of a new, public squatting movement. This short article will provide a background to these events and a report of the actions which we have heard about. Hopefully these are merely the tip of the iceberg....BNP membership list - Leak 2011
08-01-2012 15:08

Omar Ibrahim March 26th Anti-Cuts Prisoner Blog – 2nd January 2012
08-01-2012 14:55
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The links between Occupy, El Barrio and the EZLN
08-01-2012 13:25
Los de Abajo (the Underdogs)The links between Occupy, El Barrio and the EZLN
Gloria Muñoz Ramírez
Originally published in Spanish in La Jornada
Defend JIB National Unite Rank and File Meeting, Birmingham
08-01-2012 11:16

UK Indymedia and Twitter
08-01-2012 00:16

Since Indymedia started over a decade ago, the web has undergone major changes, with many more people and campaigns using their own blogs and sites. Corporate sites such as facebook and twitter have also become players in the exchange of information. Recent convictions of Facebook users have shown that using corporate sites can mean an increased risk for users, and whilst twitter has been more assertive about challenging police requests for user information, it remains another database which the state can potentially mine for information, for example the recent court request to Twitter for Occupy users IP addresses in the US. At Indymedia UK we still strive to find ways of getting out information about actions and campaigns to as wide an audience as possible, whilst bearing in mind the need to maintain anonymity and to reduce the risks to our users. We are currently reviewing our twitter strategy with a view to expanding the user base and getting information out to as wide an audience as posssible.