UK Newswire Archive
Open Source Software Threat to Windows
10-05-2005 16:16
Microsoft Corporation’s most significant threat to its domination of computer software markets operating systems is Open Source Software, according to its own chief executive, Steve Balmer.Harold Hamlet confusingly starts an "Up OS - bring down Microsoft - " campaign campaign in warwickshire countryside.
Send campaign donations to support Harolds campaign tour.
Earth First! Action Update
10-05-2005 15:48
The Earth First Action Update is gearing up to go to press.Cre8 Summit workshop seeks folk who want to run a workshop/perform/cook
10-05-2005 15:40
DESPERATELY SEEKING: anyone who wants to come up for Cre8 Summit and run a workshop/perform/host an event/cook/whatever! The Summit runs from June 12-17 and whether you can do a one-off or a repeated event, please let us know!Get Blair Out and End this Damn War!
10-05-2005 13:53
"Get out of our country and there will be no more explosions," he told the uncomprehending Americans staring at the smouldering wreck of a car bomb."Greece: Mayday of Solidarity and Dignity in the dockyard ZONE of Piraeus
10-05-2005 13:29
This year’s 1st of May was on a Sunday and on a religious day of the easter. So Mayday in Greece will take place on the 10th and 11th of May.New Corporate Watch Report on G8
10-05-2005 13:23
Excellent new report by corporatewatch on the G8 in Scotland.Brown USA to Brown UK, DISRUPT EAD MEETING IN AMSTERDAM, Wed. May 10
10-05-2005 13:15

same old labour
10-05-2005 13:14

-BBC news online
Special Report: Bringing the G8 Home
10-05-2005 12:54
Corporate Watch's new hard-hitting report, 'Bringing the G8 home: corporate involvement in and around the G8 in Scotland 2005' is now on the web, available to read, print and distribute. Go to
Support the congestion charge
10-05-2005 10:27
Transport for London has open a consultation to help them decide if the congestion charge should be extended in London, you can take part in the consultation online in:
Deep Ecology
10-05-2005 08:39
Persephone's Notes from
Facing Climate Change and Other Great Adventures
Joanna Macy's talk on 9th May 2005
Full transcript of talk plus audio/visual material to be published within two weeks.
Beleaguered parastatals warn of impending food crisis
10-05-2005 06:59
Zimbabwe's key production and distributionparastatals have warned of major food shortages in the near future unless government provides immediate funding to restore viability to these businesses.
10-05-2005 05:43
Progressive media's obsession about Vietnam has made them believe that the US in a Quagmire in Iraq. Critics of war must keep calm. Americans did not go to Iraq to spread democracy or liberate the enslaved people of Iraq, give them the gift of liberty, freedom of press and economic prosperity.They went there as gold diggers for oil! They have broken Iraq in three antagonistic parts who are killing each other and destroying their economic infrastructure.Foget the propaghanda, the occupiers are doing a good job in destroying iraq; instigating Death Squad Capitalism,establishing a puppet government to secure the flow of cheep oil to the US. All thanks to an American Mullah who is helping US to establish "Market Economy",that is the transfer of Iraqi assets to US corporations. In Vietnam the US did not have an Ayatollah at our side! Iraq as a national identity is no more!It has been bulkanized!The Power of Performance
10-05-2005 00:57
The link between Psychology and Drama is a barely visible, hugely underestimated and very powerful human resource. Augusto Boal knew this and developed exercises with this link in mind. Though they were still firmly rooted in the theatre, the psychological benefits cannot be ignored.weekend training in Nonviolent Direct Action, Legal skills, and Action Support.
09-05-2005 16:18
This in-depth training is a chance to come together withother likeminded people and prepare yourself for taking direct action or supporting others to take action at the G8 Summit and beyond.
Fairtrade Fashion Show
09-05-2005 16:16

Abandon Affluence
09-05-2005 16:12
The party is still raging like mad. The drunks and the addicts and the gangs are sending out for more pizza, more booze, and more drugs and they are killing people to do it. Some of us are sobering up and waking up. We are starting to see the damage that has been done and we are whispering to each other, “We have to kick the criminals out”.Accident in Sellafield
09-05-2005 15:44
According to Radio Z, quoting The Guardian and The Times a part of the Sellafield nuclear plant had to be shut down after a acident.200 t of highly deadly plutonium have leaked out of a pipeline.
The level for plutonium to be deadly is said to be in the area of milligrams.
Tis news come at a time when the British government is planing to expand the nuclear programm.
Cannabis March Confirmed for this Sunday
09-05-2005 15:16
A Cannabis Education March and Rally is being held this Sunday (May 15th)Assemble 1pm at Russell square to march to a rally in Trafalgar Sqare at 3pm