UK Newswire Archive
Police intimidation continues
10-09-2001 12:52
Note to Corporate jounalistsCampaign against DSEi now
10-09-2001 11:22
Below is a long list of email addresses that you can use right now to spread the word about the DSEi and the accompanying protests.DSEi - awareness raising - Sat 8th - report
10-09-2001 09:08

URGENT!! Solidarity Appeal: RELEASE SATISH KUMAR!!!!
10-09-2001 06:24
Urgent! Solidarity appeal! Release Satish Kumar! A well known political author and labour activist, he has been imprisoned on false charges. Satish is an important role model to the people of India. He needs your support!! Send messages of protest to the email adresses at the bottom of this article!Release Satish Kumar!
'Amused' Queen Mother scotches death rumours
10-09-2001 02:31
Call off the street parties, the old hag is still alive. Still it is only a matter of time before she kicks the bucket so hang on to your 'Queen Mum: Good Riddance' stickers - it won't be long.Why the Corporate Media ain't publicising Disarm DSEi
09-09-2001 18:35
Explanation of lack of preview coverage...Nestle forces UK government to do as it's told!
09-09-2001 17:53
Food lobby forced PM intou-turn on plan for vaccination
World Bank turns on its economist
09-09-2001 13:57
This artcle appeared in the finance section today's Sunday Times - Sept 9, 2001Hackney for Sale
09-09-2001 13:09
From 6 - 8 September, concerned local activists and residents of Hackney squatted a local shop in Stoke Newington in disgust at the cuts (some up to 100%) to local funding for necessary playgrounds, nurserys and community centres. This property was used to create a temporary eastate agents (and showcase) to create awarness in the community of the hundreds of public building to be sold for development.WTO - TRIPs Trade Regulations for the Rich against the Poor
09-09-2001 12:28
Armchair Activists sit down and add your comments or write to the Right Honourable Patricia Hewitt Secretary of State for Trade and Industry House of Commons London SW1A 0AA. She will be attending the WTO meetings as your representative on food patenting.Germany to join Race To The Bottom
09-09-2001 11:27
Germany currently enjoys a milder and (relatively) fairer form of capitalism than the our neoliberal Thatcherism presided over by Gordon Brown. This could be set to change, as Germany finds it increasingly more difficult to attract and retain "investment". There's seems to be only one solution: Lower wages for the masses and a significantly downsized welfare state.Free Speech in Danger in Spain. Please, support our campaign against the LSSI.
09-09-2001 11:11
Freedom of expression is in real danger now in Spain. If the Electronic Commerce (Society of Information Services) Directive is approved, most websites that are not "properly" registered would be considered illegal and have to face enormous fees which will in fact paralyse their activity forever.SWP parade, to promote the brighton protests
09-09-2001 10:42
Come join in the fun! we'll be driving some cars with anti privatisation, anti star wars, and anti Tution fee banners through some areas of south east london, screaming our thuggish violent propaganda through it (sarcasm?)The Anti-Capitalist Convergence in D.C.
08-09-2001 19:53
Things are becomming huge down here in D.C. in preperation for the IMF \ World Bank protests this month.QUEEN MUM IS DEAD
08-09-2001 12:11
Reports from two independant sources say the Queen mum died sometime before last Friday 7th Sep. And that this news is being withheld until Sunday 9th. Why?