UK Newswire Archive
Burying Jenin
06-05-2002 13:07

World Organization Against Torture Rebukes Israel
06-05-2002 12:52

06-05-2002 12:06
More than 200 people were touched by the personal accounts of 5 Cambridge students who recently spent two weeks in the Palestinian Occupied Territories as independent international observers. They spoke at a public meeting in the Emmanuel United Reformed Church in Cambridge, 8-11pm 5th May, following a lunchtime vigil in Cambridge Market Square.british sanctions breakers head for iraq
06-05-2002 10:34
four members of voices uk risk 5 years in a british prison by taking essential medical supplies and children's toys to iraqStockholm: Confrontations between police and activists at mayday-street party
06-05-2002 10:29

Pro Israel Demonstration London Today
06-05-2002 08:56
Pro Israel rally to take place in Trafalgar Sq today.police watch site is go!
06-05-2002 08:26
police watch site for brutality watchIsraeli Weapons of Mass Destruction: a Threat to Peace
06-05-2002 08:22

Welsh Green Gathering Shock
06-05-2002 08:12
Welsh Green Gathering cacncelledAntifascist mayday in Czech Republic
06-05-2002 06:35
Here's an article about the antifascist mayday in Brno, Czech republic, and some links.Palestinians who use children as human shields are heroes in Arab world.
06-05-2002 01:03
Read belowISTC at MFI
05-05-2002 23:26
The freedom to choose who looks after your employment rightsAnother small victory against sharon
05-05-2002 22:42
Just as our group have been let loose inRamallah, 10 of our activists from ISM and a
journalist from the LA Times, entered the
nativity church in Bethlehem, laden with bags
of food for the starving people inside.
petition for gothenburg protesters
05-05-2002 22:24
Call for Justice after the Occurrences in GothenburgQue Se Vayan Todos
05-05-2002 21:39
An eyewitness account of the financial meltdown and ongoing grassroots rebellionChirac wins by a landslide
05-05-2002 20:35
Chirac: "France has reaffirmed republican values"Jacques Chirac has won a landslide victory in the French
presidential election after voters surged to the polls to
keep out far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen.
Pink castle occupation continues
05-05-2002 19:45
11 days into the occupation of a proposed GM field in Dorset and the pink castle is still going strong. Photos and video available.