UK Newswire Archive
Global Peace Plan
24-05-2010 13:34
Observe the Day Out Of Time on July 25th 2010Boot Monarchy
24-05-2010 12:57

Plane Stupid breach security at Manchester Airport
24-05-2010 11:10
Local activists from the direct action group Plane Stupid broke through the perimeter fence of Manchester Airport just after 7 o’clock this morning. Six people have formed a human ring round one plane using lock-on arm tubes while six others have simultaneously erected tripods to blockade the World Freight Terminal.Defend the democracy village at Parliament Square! Resist the eviction tommorrow
24-05-2010 10:26
On Tuesday 25th May at 6am the met police plan to dismantle the democracy village in Parliament Square ready for the Queen's opening of Parliament. As many people as possible need to get there by Monday night, tonight to stay over night and defend the democracy village!Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Manchester Plane Stupid Breach Airside Security in Airport Protest
24-05-2010 09:16

Oppose the EDL in Newcastle
24-05-2010 08:51
A call-out to allanti-racists and anti-facists to oppose the EDL in Newcastle on Sat 29th May.UK KFA statement on the current situation in Korea
24-05-2010 05:40
Statement on current tense situation in Korea refuting allegations that south Koreanwarship was sunk by DPRK
UK KFA Picket of South Korean puppet embassy May 21st
24-05-2010 05:37
A report of the picket held by UK Korean Friendship Association of the south Koreanpuppet embassy on May 21st
Home Office ordered to release suppressed Drugs Classification Review from 2006
23-05-2010 23:52
In response to a Freedom of Information request process submitted by Casey Hardison, acting with the Drug Equality Alliance, on the 9th of March 2010 the Information Commissioner's Office ordered the Home Office to disclose a suppressed draft consultation paper with suggestions for a review of the drug classification system. The Home Office appealed against this decision and the outcome of this appeal is now pending. However on the 7th of May 2010 the Home Office released part of this consultation paper.Switzerland: Short film on Zurich's Autonomous School
23-05-2010 23:44

Boost to the nuclear weapons industry under Obama: The new nuclear legislation
23-05-2010 20:50

Howard Lyman vs. the pig murder industry's latest Rupert Murdoch funded spokespe
23-05-2010 20:19
Rupert Murdoch's HarperCollins subsidiary William Morrow chooses topromote the wife of a cattle rancher, a profiteer from the blood of innocents.
The Reason I Voted for a Hung Parliament
23-05-2010 19:24

Indymedia 10th birthday party
23-05-2010 15:22
Photos from last night's Indymedia 10th birthday party, hosted by distant island at the new social center in Camberwell, South London.
End Detention of Children and Families!
23-05-2010 14:50
Despite numerous reports and substantial amounts of evidence, the new coalition government has only committed to a 'review' of the detention of children and families for immigration purposes. This it is entirely inadequate and unnecessary. SOAS Detainee Support therefore invites you to Release Carnival, a demonstration on the 5th of June, where we will show the government that there is wide support to stop this abhorrent practice!G20 Defence Needed
23-05-2010 14:23

Nottingham anti-arms-trade activist convicted
23-05-2010 12:14

The charge arose from a February 18th protest at the Nottingham warehouse of international arms company Heckler & Koch. Before dawn, four activists locked themselves to the gates, preventing employees from entering, while Mr Jackson and another activist climbed onto the roof and displayed banners accusing the company of “arming repressive regimes”.
International bike ride links communities in resistance [1]
23-05-2010 11:22
Merthyr to Mayo cyclists set offToday, a 50-strong international bike ride begins the 400 mile journey from a community resisting Britain’s largest open cast coal mine in Merthyr Tydfil, Wales to County Mayo, Ireland, where local people have spent the last ten years fighting a Shell-led gas development. We aim to offer direct support to these two local campaigns resisting the fossil fuel industry.
Velorution writes:Today, a 50-strong international bike ride begins the 400 mile journey from a community resisting Britain’s largest open cast coal mine in Merthyr Tydfil, Wales to County Mayo, Ireland, where local people have spent the last ten years fighting a Shell-led gas development. We aim to offer direct support to these two local campaigns resisting the fossil fuel industry.
6 activists from Bristol have just cycled to Merthyr Tydfil, where they are meeting up with cyclists from across the UK. We will be joining the “Madrid to Mayo” cycle ride in Cork, and many others from Ireland are expected to join on route. We will spend ten days traveling up the west coast of Ireland, distributing a specially produced newspaper, “Changing Times”. Events are being held along the way, each night we're being hosted by different community organisations, and we'll arrive in Mayo for the Rossport Solidarity Camp June Bank Holiday Weekend Gathering at Glengad.
The ride begins today with an event in Merthyr Tydfil where local residents and the solidarity cyclists are sharing stories, ideas, music and food. It's gonna be a good laugh, but hopefully more than that - the line we are drawing from Merthyr to Mayo is a reminder that none of us can afford to see these places in isolation.
“Our communities’ stories are repeated across the globe in the places where fossil fuels are sourced. Large corporations move into areas regardless of the wishes of the affected population; resources are extracted and, whilst the corporations reap vast profits, the local people have to suffer the health and environmental consequences. And, as the fossil fuels are burnt they contribute to climate change, affecting everyone.” - Merthyr resident, Alyson Austin.
Both communities have a long history of resistance, and their efforts have resulted in amazing successes. In Erris, Mayo, the campaign won a sizeable victory in November last year, when Shell’s application for their onshore gas pipeline was effectively refused by the planning authorities; it is unclear when (or if) permission will be granted in the future. In Merthyr Tydfil, campaigners are currently taking out a Group Private Nuisance case against the mining company, Miller Argent. Significant numbers of local people are participating in the legal action which aims to limit the mine’s impact on residents. Climate activists recently did a solidarity action by blockading coal trains headed from the mine to Aberthaw Power Station. In recent months, Mayo has seen string of actions locally, nationally and internationally in solidarity with political prisoners Pat O'Donnell and Niall Harnett (more information on the prisoners and how to write to them, and the campaign in general, on the shell to sea website.)
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Film night Southampton 'A Minority Pastime'
23-05-2010 11:00
Subvert The City Arts Collective presents an evening of independent film and vegan food to raise money for the Hunt Saboteurs Association.The Socialist Workers' Party
23-05-2010 10:34
Demonstrate why "revolutionary leadership" is a dead weight for the working class...