UK Newswire Archive
Sims Hill Shared Harvest Public Meeting
16-06-2010 16:22
Sims Hill Shared Harvest is a members owned and led Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) project. A group has been working to set this up over the past year and are now in a possition to open it to the wider community. There will be a community meeting on June 29th, 7:30m @ Hamilton House.Some of you may be aware that over the past few months work has been under way to develop plans for one of Bristol’s first Community Supported Agriculture projects (CSAs) near Frenchay.
Sims Hill Shared Harvest aims to launch a member-owned CSA which will help to reclaim Bristol’s historic (and fertile) agricultural land.
For those of you who are new to CSAs, they are a popular model of co-operative farming which builds dynamic relationships between people, the land and food. Members contribute to the running costs of the farm and receive a fair share of the harvest in return. A refreshing change to conventional supermarket shopping!
If you are interested in becoming part of a visionary new project please come to Co-Exist, Hamilton House (see map here) on 29th June form 7:30 pm for an 8 pm start. Please arrive promptly and enter via the Canteen on Stokes Croft. You will be directed upstairs to the Community Arts space where the meeting will be held. Light refreshments will be served.
It will be a great opportunity for us to present our work so far, for you to ask questions about where we are aiming for, and to find out more about what being a member of a CSA actually involves. It’s also an opportunity to celebrate our achievements and to start working together to make this happen. If you wish to come to the launch event, please rsvp by replying to the simshillsharedharvest@googlemail email so we can have an idea of the numbers we can expect. We very much look forward to seeing you there!
Please sign up to our blog at or email the project at to be added to our email list.
Anarchists invade supermarket in Thessaloniki
16-06-2010 16:18
On 14th of June, anarchists went into a supermarket, destroyed the security systems and took food and other products from inside and left without paying. They also took the money from the cash desk and burnt it outside the supermarket!photos from the burnt money and information in greek:

cuts protest in liverpool
16-06-2010 15:55
a demonstration agaist the proposed cuts in the councils budget at the town hall on 22nd junebefore this a march of three colleges and university groups is taking place on the 19th.
Iceland passes "New Media Haven" Law
16-06-2010 15:10
Iceland has passed a law giving Iceland the world's strongestpress and whistleblower protection laws. This is a good move and assures greater press freedom - and sets a very nice example in contrast to the UK.
Lawless Culture
16-06-2010 13:34
Upon entering college people prepare themselves for the real world through self discipline, new ideas and social experimentation. Testing society's boundaries is to be expected along with learning some personal ones. At a time when students are out of sight from their parents often the only persons left to provide guidance, assistance and assurance to impressionable minds are professors.BBC distortions of Israel's Murderous assault
16-06-2010 13:33
In Yiddish it’s called Chutzpah, to have the nerve to say something outrageous, the perfect description—if what was said wasn’t so odious—by Israeli propagandists. I’m talking here about an Israeli spokeman on the other night, attempting to justify the murderous assault on the Gaza aid activists. Attack becomes “defence”, international waters become Israeli, or not as the case may be.
Actually Chutzpah doesn’t even begin to describe the venomous and hysterical rantings of the Israeli spokesman. Eventually it just got too much for me to watch.
On the other hand we have the ‘measured tones’ of your standard BBC model, allegedly impartial and objective, yet they’re both united by a common worldview.
Gaza Flotilla - Videos from protests worldwide
16-06-2010 13:33
A representative selection of video from protests in countries around the world regarding the Gaza Flotilla atrocities.
Newcastle protest for Freedom Flotilla (pics)
16-06-2010 13:33
Report and pictures of the Newcastle protest for the Freedom Flotilla at:
Small Victories
16-06-2010 13:33
Zine about the little victories in life taken from the online zine library at in order to test that the new Zine section for Northern Indymedia is up and running with no problems.
Seems to be working fine. This may be deleted soon so let us know what you think by sending us a mail to
We hope people enjoy the new Zine section.
Claptrap 5
16-06-2010 13:32
Claptrap 5.
The latest issue of the Bradford Based celebration of Bradford!
In this issue:
music and film reviews
Westfield Hole Update
why the luddites are ace
electoral reform
community updates from your fave Bradford DIY venues
definition of a flabblerouser
Events listings
Let's Talk Consent
16-06-2010 13:32
I picked up this little leaflet/zine about sexual consent at London Anarchist Bookfair 2007. I have been copying and distributing it since then and my original copy was pretty poor quality, so apologies for the not great images here.
It was originally made by the Hysteria Collective (don't know much about them) and they list their email as
Looking Out of Your Window
16-06-2010 13:32
I put this zine together in 2009 for London Zine Symposium but I actually wrote the text a lot earlier. It's about the amazing time I had when I travelled from Bradford to London to visit my friend and explore the largest abandoned building in the UK. It was ace!
I printed hard copies for the Zine Symposium and have been vaguely sort of distributing it since then. If you want a 'real' copy get in touch. Especially if you're a library :D
Team Snuggs, Powered by Hugs
16-06-2010 13:32
Made in 2006 by Joe Kerrigan this comic tells the beginning of a story about two normal people who become superheroes!
There was only ever one copy of this printed, so this is probably the only place you're going to be able to read it. Based on 2 real people (who don't actually have any super powers...sob)
Dealing with Distractions
16-06-2010 13:32
Confronting Green Capitalism in Copenhagen and beyond...
This is a zine I found on the site and quite liked.
Midnight Cowgirl
16-06-2010 13:32
I picked this up at the 2009 London Zine Symposium from Cherry Bomb Zine distro (New Zealand)
It's the personal account of an anarchist sex worker working in New Zealand where prostitution has been legalised.
Bradford Zine Fayre Zine
16-06-2010 13:32
The amazing 1st Bradford Zine fayre was held at the Treehouse Cafe in June 2009. Loads of people got together to share their love of zines, buy zines, eat cake, go to workshops, make some cool craft stuff and then listen to some local poetic talent until the late hours. We look forward to the next Zine Fayre this year!
This zine is made up of contributions from those who attended and was then printed by the ace, ethical, charming and all-round wonderful Footprint Workers Co-Op, they print stuff! (and do websites and web hosting) They can print your zine! yeah!
Advert for the event on UK Indymedia. Report from 2009 event on Leeds/Bradford Indymedia.
Suing the Police
16-06-2010 13:32
A guide to how to sue the police, courtesy of Brighton Anarchist Black Cross
Marlinspike Seamanship
16-06-2010 13:32
An ace zine about knotty boat stuff! namely how to tie different knots and what they are used for.