UK Newswire Archive
Nobu caught saying blue fin is not endangered to customers
07-08-2009 09:38

Vigil for Oxford Six - 6pm, 13th August
07-08-2009 07:57

War on Terror over!
07-08-2009 06:30
According to the Washington Times, the Whitehouse have now 'declared' the War on Terror to be over.Guardian uses activist news to sell Heathrow jobs
07-08-2009 00:50
Some activists think it's a good thing that mainstream media outlets like The Guardian carry news about protests. They should think again, as this example of on-line advertising illustrates.Coal Action Scotland's Direct Action Targets Guide
07-08-2009 00:10

Olive Picking [Palestine, October 2009]
06-08-2009 23:23
Dear Friends,On behalf of the coordination Committee of the JAI/ATG of Palestine we hope that the PSC is able to publicise this years Olive Harvest event on your web pages and e mail listings. We are hoping for a greater turn out this year from Britain and further afield.
Details can be found via the web link

and on the PSC web site

ELF Sabotages Telmex Cable Line in SW Mexico City
06-08-2009 22:33

Edinburgh event to mark Hiroshima day
06-08-2009 22:23

Free the Oxford Six
06-08-2009 22:21
Earlier today we published a piec about six Western Saharan students on way to Oxford for a workshop who were taken off their plane and staged a hungerstrike protest in the airport terminal. We have just found out that earlier this evening they were beaten and arrested by police and driven to an as yet unkonw destination. Please help us to help them - www.freesahara.ning.comShut Down Guantánamo! demo - 7 August, 6pm, American Embassy
06-08-2009 21:37
Monthly demo outside the US Embassy in Mayfair calling for the closure of all illegal jails under the "war on terror" and freedom and justice for the prisoners, most of whom have faced no charges and no trial in nearly 8 years. Going strong since early 2007, if they close Guantánamo Bay, we'll go away...Show Trials in Iran
06-08-2009 18:37
Just as Iranian ex-leftwingers in the west call for reconciliation between the two wings of the Islamic regime, the ruling faction clamps down on its rivals. Yassamine Mather reportsCrucified For Speaking the Truth
06-08-2009 17:41
There is one thing that can be counted on with absolute certainly in this relativistic world: there is a protected species which no one even dares to cross, certainly not in the mainstream media. This group can now get away with anything, and the MSM refuses to offer a contrary point of view.URGENT: Fruit of the Loom Day of Action - 7th Aug
06-08-2009 17:37

We've already forced the company into negotiations with the union, which are taking place this Friday (7th August) in Washington DC
Students in the UK and USA are calling for a Transatlantic Day of Action to show support for workers getting their income and human rights back.
Scottish Climate Camp update
06-08-2009 17:13
Update from the Camp for Climate Action ScotlandVestas eviction midday tomorrow: please come to support
06-08-2009 15:21
EVICTION OF VESTAS SCHEDULED FOR MIDDAY TOMORROW (Friday)Western Saharan hunger-strike students “risk everything” to get to Oxford
06-08-2009 14:58

Vestas Roof-Top Occupation – Wed 05 Aug 09 – Pix-&-Vidz
06-08-2009 13:48

Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki!
06-08-2009 13:42

IPCC calls for immediate change in policing tactics: G20 pdf Bishopgate Report
06-08-2009 13:10
Lots of coverage appearing online and on tv news of the latest IPCC report into G20 policing, this one in relation to police tactics in dealing with the Climate Camp on Bishopgate and the specific experiences of one woman mostly at the hands of TSG.The report is available here:

and reprinted below for information purposes.
HMIC has made three immediate recommendations:
- No surprises – Protestors and public should be made aware of
likely police action in order to make informed decisions.
- A release plan to allow vulnerable or distressed persons or those
inadvertently caught up in the police containment to exit.
- A review of current public order training.
Wales, the Good Society
06-08-2009 12:41
One of the great dividing lines of politics in the 21st century will be between those who advocate the extension of the principle of free, universally available public services into new areas and those who wish to see public provision rolled-back, pared down and targeted on the ‘means-tested’ poor.