UK Newswire Archive
Climate Prediction Experiment
19-02-2006 19:59

19-02-2006 19:27
Live Streaming Video coverage begins at 8pm Pacific Standard Time,Feb 20 Monday
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for full coverage. Windows media Player required.
Flyer in solidarity of squatters and anarchists recently arrested in Barcelona
19-02-2006 18:00

19-02-2006 15:57
Time for change. We have been swindled. Our Parliament is not representing us. We must use non-violent methods to bring reform. Find your GREAT REFORM ACTS in 2006. Start with EDM 1088 today. If your MP hasn't signed it, give them the pen.Mayday and Anti-War Demonstrations
19-02-2006 15:07
DID YOU ATTEND MAYDAY 2001 OR THE ANTI WAR MARCH ON FEBRUARY 16TH 2003?Let’s radicalise and extend our fights
19-02-2006 14:56
This flyer will be an short reflection about our struggles and the necessary extension and radicalisation of them.Belfast postal wildcats win!
19-02-2006 14:15
At a packed meeting at lunchtime on Friday 17th February, in Transport House, Belfast, striking postal workers decided to end their wildcat strike and return to work having won their dispute.Appeal to Kofi Annan
19-02-2006 14:05
A moratorium and a UN mediation commission are vital to prevent escalation in the Iran nuclear conflict.. Since 1968, the nuclear weapon states and their allies have refused to conduct negotiations on total nuclear @ london social centre, russell square 20-21
19-02-2006 12:21
The cinema collective of the new social centre at russell square organizes film screenings every wednesday at 7pmat the social centre
Glorification of Blair
19-02-2006 12:07
from an anon comment on Indycymru. & good Orwell URL.anti-muslim cartoons: an act of racism
19-02-2006 12:04
The escalating controversy over provocative politically a motivated racistcartoon of the Prophet of Islam published in European newspapers has exposed
secular pretensions and racism of Christian dominated so-called “Western” media
elite. These cartoons reveal adopts double standards and hypocrisy of the West. The protests against these cartoons are equally politically motivated and reveal sense of alienation and frustration among Muslim masses the world over and exclusivist mind-set of Muslims. It also exposes the impotence of Muslim regimes before “Christian West” in possession of WMD.
Emergency demo/lobby against 150% rise in C/Care Service charges
19-02-2006 11:54
Sheffield City Council is planning to increase service charges(the amounts it charges disabled people towards their care packages) by over 150%.It will be challenged(see below)Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
More photos from Shell Occupation in Islington
19-02-2006 11:06

Biopirates: Bayer earns $379m from diabetes drug
19-02-2006 09:48

Jeb Bush linked to Florida's 911 Terrorist Flght School
19-02-2006 00:21
At the same time their planes were flying back and forth from Venezuela with illegal cargo Hilliard's charter service was also, unbelievably, being utilized at virtually no cost––despite the fact that rentals for Lear jets can run as high as $1,800 an hour––by Florida Governor Jeb Bush.AR PRISONERS
18-02-2006 23:16
Have you ever written to a AR prisoner? If not , why not?? Start Camp for Climate Action organising weekend, 11th & 12th March, Oxford
18-02-2006 22:48
next meetings announced & leaflet text - get more leaflets from networking AT article | 1 addition | 4 comments
London Shell Petrol Station Blockaded
18-02-2006 21:59

The failure of representative democracy – a case study
18-02-2006 20:39
This is a sorry tale of the government’s ID card Bill, a misquote in the local press and an MP who doesn’t answer questions.