UK Newswire Archive
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Gordon Brown Vetoes Prisoners' 4p Per Hour Pay Rise
01-05-2008 10:54
The issue of prisoners' pay has hit the headlines again. On the eve of the latest local government elections, the government decided that it would look bad if were seen to be giving prisoners a paltry 4p an hour pay rise. Especially after a prison officers union official had branded prison life cushy and the governments own 10p tax rate crisis.Brighton & Hove Council to Vote on NO2ID Motion
01-05-2008 09:55
Brighton & Hove Council are to vote on a motion opposing the Government's ID card proposals. If passed, the motion would commit the council to non-cooperation with the scheme. Local campaign group Brighton & Hove NO2ID are urging residents to contact their councillors to show their support for the motion.Freedom to Protest: What Does the Proposed Repeal of Sections 132-38 of SOCPA Re
01-05-2008 08:47
An analysis of the result of the Goverment consultation 'Managing Protest Around Parliament' and the possible outcome from the call for evidence by the House of Commons Joint Committee on Human Rights addressing the issues of policing and protest.Riseup! Radio #4 The May Show – Get in there!
01-05-2008 08:11

Ahoy there Landlubbers! Get ready to tune in to another baddy chasing, wind generating, solar cooking edition of your Riseup! Radio. This month we're on hand to mop up the neon green-wash from the doorstep of power giants E-On. You can hear about the situation in Zimbabwe as we interview a Notts-based MDC activist, and we talk to Aran from Transition Nottingham about preparing for a descent of our energy use. We've got live music from poet and performer Joss, and more word-smithery from the DIY poets.
All this and more, not forgetting some crackin’ tunes by Trickster, Wholesome Fish and Martin the Livewire, plus some adverts to make you piss your pants!
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May Day Migrants Call
01-05-2008 08:04

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Cleaning Company Target E.ON on National Day of Action
01-05-2008 07:53
At 07.45 this morning E.ON offices on Pall Mall were targeted by the new upstart Coal Cleaning Company as part of a nationally co-ordinated Day of Climate Action against False Capitalist Solutions.Another Franco-German nuclear waste transport this autumn
01-05-2008 04:32
German authorities have allowed another transport of highly active nuclear waste from France to the north German village of Gorleben this year.It will be the first since 2006 and as usual is expected in autumn on dates not yet revealed.
Each transport by train and trucks usually costs about 30 million euros to police as thousands of demonstrators from all over Germany converge on Gorleben, roughly equidistant between Hamburg and Hanover.
About 20,000 police drawn from all over Germany are usually marshalled into the area to assure passage on the last 20 kilometres of the journey by heavy-duty, low-loader trucks from a railhead at Dannenberg to the prefabricated storage hall at Gorleben.
U.N. Official Calls for Study Of Neocons' Role in 9/11
01-05-2008 02:54
Interesting that this author desperately tries to make us hate this man, while veering away from any and all discussion of the actual facts involved in 911.Israel Again Claims "Oops!" Regarding Murdered Journalist
01-05-2008 01:29
Does the Israeli military only recruit the blind, and then forget to train their recruits?This is the only rational explanation for the sheer volume of "mistakes" it claims to have made.
It said this when it targeted and murdered UN personnel after they reported Israeli War Crimes in Lebanon.
They do it any time someone supporting the Palestinians, or threatening to tell the whole story, is murdered.
Calling Israel's Bluff: Palestinians Agree To Truce Offer
01-05-2008 01:28
Which is futile, since Israel will only reject it, as it does not want the 'crisis' it engineered with the help of fellow Extremists in the US, to end.Iran Dumps US Dollar, US Preps For War
01-05-2008 01:26
In other words, the corporate media that collaborated with Bush/PNAC to LIE the American people, and the people of the world, into two illegal wars, are set to do it again ...As Predicted: Israel Makes New "Generous Offer"
01-05-2008 01:24
Since the Coup attempt coordinated by the Extremists in the US and Israel succeeding in dividing the Palestinian political class, I've been waiting for Israel to announce its new "offer" which would demand further sacrifices of the Palestinians, no compromise on the part of Israel, and a complete avoidance of Israel's outstanding legal and moral obligations.Well, here it is ... History repeats itself.
Audio: Sheffield Community Renewables - Public Launch
30-04-2008 22:59

For a Proletarian, Class Struggle May Day!
30-04-2008 21:35

A chance to put your views about SOCPA
30-04-2008 20:53
Not sure how much its worth, but lets at least publicise it!Government Culture of Evasion
30-04-2008 19:01
Millions of people are still been driven into dept and despair by the shambolic Tax Credit System.Here John Hemming, MP for Birmingham Yardley speeks out in an article condeming the culture of ivasion within HMRC and Government.
Sir Tom Hunter Crest Nicholson - Family Picket HBOS Plc AGM Glasgow
30-04-2008 18:40

May Day 2008 Statement from the Iraqi Labour Movement
30-04-2008 18:38
To the Workers and All Peace-Loving People of the WorldMassive side effects of TRASYLOL known for a long time
30-04-2008 17:11