UK Newswire Archive
Fred Grove - victim of redevelopment
27-08-2006 12:33

Bizarre goings-on in Birmingham this week as pensioner Fred Grove stepped up his campaign against eviction.
Fred has been served with a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) on his canalside cottage in the Vauxhall area of the city, because he stands in the way of “progress.”
Chalking4Peace@NottingHill Carnival TODAY & TOMORROW Join US
27-08-2006 12:22

Body: We will be in the westbourne rd - kensal road area - - grab some chalk if you can find some from your local shop and join us
you can call - 0799492455 to find us

George Bush TV (FOX) journalists released in Gaza
27-08-2006 12:15
Two foreign journalists kidnapped in Gaza City have been released after nearly two weeks in captivity.American Steve Centanni and New Zealander Olaf Wiig of US organisation Fox News were dropped off at a Gaza City beach-front hotel.
Tree camp eviction to start this week?
27-08-2006 07:34
A CALL-OUT for help has been made by the Camp Titnore protesters in Worthing, West Sussex, who fear an eviction attempt is likely to be made this week.On Tuesday morning an appeal hearing is to be held into the eviction order issued by the High Court in London.
Democracy Now, 9/11 and Structural Engineers
27-08-2006 00:24

Democracy Now!, an alternative news site in the US (Wikipedia's Democracy Now! page) has been challenged to a debate on 9/11 since it's host and co-founder, Amy Goodman said in an interview with David Ray Griffin in 2004:
AMY GOODMAN: Can you name an expert you have relied on, for example on the issue of the world trade center towers going down, expert in structural engineering who has said it is impossible for the explanation to be the planes hit, and the fires caused the towers to go down?
AMY GOODMAN: Name just one. Name just one structural engineering expert who said it is not feasible that the planes caused the towers to go down.
And this same view has been expressed here:
"There is not one structural engineer in the whole world that thinks the towers couldn't have collapsed because of the impact of the planes, alongside the fires causing the steel trusses to lose their structural integrity (not melt that is a red herring, nobody makes that claim)."
Now a Structural Engineer, Charles N. Pegelow, has come out to question the official story, read on for a open letter, Dear Democracy Now!
IWW Informational Picket in Edinburgh
26-08-2006 23:17

We (4 wobs, two supporters) chose our ususal target - the High Street branch on the top of the Royal Mile.
The area was teeming with people as it's mid-Festival.
George Galloway - Live From Beirut
26-08-2006 23:08
Recordings of Galloway's debates, live from Beirut this evening.Censorship on the web
26-08-2006 22:57
I was just searching for some info on a sweetner called Sucralose. The page I wanted from Google "There have been no long-term human toxicity studies published until after the FDA approved sucralose for human consumption. Following FDA approval a human ..." came up with "Attorneys acting on behalf of the manufacturers of sucralose, Tate & Lyle PLC based in London, England, have requested that the information contained on this page not be made available to Internet users in England."Full article | 1 addition | 19 comments
Is your bin bugged?
26-08-2006 21:41

Is your bin bugged?
You don't need a Weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing.
26-08-2006 19:52

Titnore Woods ... Urgent Eviction Alert
26-08-2006 18:49
Titnore Woods protest site faces imminent eviction and needs support urgently.London Critical Mass subjected to police bully boy tactics.
26-08-2006 17:23
The ride was great at first, good music, nice vibes, and circling Parliament Sq was very enjoyable. Though during the last hour or so things started to turn very nasty, especially at the frontWholesale of Community Spaces Continue as Construction of New Buildings Halt
26-08-2006 15:44
Birmingham City Council have auctioned and sold community buildings all over the city, while the number of newly built community and social buildings has dropped to a shameful zero.INTERNATIONAL DAYS OF ACTION AGAINST THE ICELANDIC STATE AND ALCOA
26-08-2006 12:02
The Icelandic highlands are the last great expanse of true wilderness left in Western Europe. Now the country's hydroelectric potential has been targeted by multinational corporations, who intend to establish large-scale heavy industry in these hitherto pristine hinterlands. These multinational vandals - willingly helped by the Icelandic government - are about to produce an environmental catastrophe of unprecedented proportions.Belgium: Borsbeek Forest Occupation Eviction Threat
26-08-2006 11:33
After three weeks of logging of oaks and piecemeal evictions of treehouses in Borsbeek Fortress III action camp, many trees are still standing. The forest is being destroyed because they are in the way of Antwerp Airport, a small business airport which wants to upgrade and allow for larger planes to land. GroenFront! has occupied the forest, a habitat of endangered bats, to prevent it's destruction. A larger scale eviction is expected for this coming Monday (Aug. 28th)Over the past three weeks activists have been delaying the 'forest maintenance' significantly by chaining themselves to barricades or the logger's machinery and by occupying trees using walkways, platforms and swings.
One year after Katrina, Gothenburg Critical Mass
26-08-2006 09:32

The Liquid Bomb Hoax: The Larger Implications
26-08-2006 09:18
The bomb plot political ploy fits the previous political pattern of sacrificing capitalist economic interests to serve domestic political and ideological positions. Foreign policy failures lead to domestic political crimes, just as domestic policy crises lead to aggressive military expansion.derby potatoes needs stopping, but what about genetic "medicine"?
26-08-2006 07:34
from main page first reported in uk indy national site & gm watch,also Radio Nottingham recently.If anyone has details of these potato crops please put them up on indymedia so people know where they are & can protect their own crops & genes.But how many people also know that the recent monster elephant man drugs were genetic medicine made by german Biotech company Tegenero.Nottingham has its own biocity with gm companies & connection to nanotechnology etc next to the bbc island on london road, as there are no safety regulations what happens to people nearby if dangerous particles escape or there is an accident?
ASTROTURFING: Why the information on patient group sites can be suspect
26-08-2006 07:01
There are plenty of tactics that drug companies employ in order to increase sales.