UK Newswire Archive
ALERT: 13 Papuans Abducted and being taken to Jakarta
22-12-2003 12:40
Yesterday, 21st December, 13 Papuans were taken by police from the KemahInjil Church service in Wamena. They were amongst 20 Papuans who had
previously been arrested in connection with flag raising events way back
in 2000. They had since been released but were taken yesterday without
warning or any information being given to families or lawyers.
Noborder DAY OF ACTION 31 January 2004
22-12-2003 11:45
Sans papiers, migrants and refugees as well as supporters are calling for a European day of action on January 31, 2004.Baker’s mission on Saddam’s debt may undermine Iraqi democracy
22-12-2003 11:18
James Baker is meeting Tony Blair on Thursday. By arranging a ParisClub debt restructuring he goes against the will of Iraqis, who are demanding a fair arbitration tribunal on Saddam’s odious debt.A crude attempt to equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism
22-12-2003 10:30
A recent article in the British newspaper, the Guardian, provides a noxious example of the concerted effort being orchestrated by the Zionist political establishment to rubbish all criticism of its murderous policy towards the Palestinian people.
CCTV 'no answer to street fights'
22-12-2003 09:50
The study was the first to compare police and hospital dataCCTV schemes in town centres do not stop drunken street violence breaking out, according to new research.
Yellow-belly alert in U.S. (by Latuff)
22-12-2003 08:18

Israel faces elite commando defiance
22-12-2003 01:20
Israel's facing another act of defiance as more members of the military refuse to serve in the occupied Palestinian territories.Code Red
22-12-2003 01:16
Homeland Security blank-eyed dictator raises the security a;ert to demonstrate that the 'War on Terror' raises the level of 'chatter' - the NSA types talking amongst themselves- to promise an event as big as or bigger than 9/11Who is he kidding? Or are his Homeland pals really planning something for the holiday season?
RE: Fuad Moussa id 851611707
21-12-2003 22:53
I wrote a letter in objection to a gay Palestinian who was not being granted a living permit in Israel to live with his partner even though his family in Palestein threatened to kill him if he returned and this is the response I got.In London as it is where me the letter writer is from.
CDC vaccine cover-up
21-12-2003 21:35
"The public needs and deserves to know the truth – not only about the biggest medical bungling in our history, but also about the extraordinary efforts of both the pharmaceutical industry and government agencies to cover it up." -- Mother of an autistic child"A review of these documents leaves me very concerned that rather than seeking to understand whether or not some children were exposed to harmful levels of mercury in childhood vaccines in the 1990s, there may have been a selective use of the data to make the associations in the earliest study disappear."-- Dave Weldon, physician and congressman
21-12-2003 16:58
come along and bring books to be read, discussed, written, swapt, given as gifts or burned. we will decide which books are to be burned and soak them in parafin overnight for the book burning the next day.
21-12-2003 16:32
The Quichua people of the Sarayacu territory have been adamantly opposed to the oil companies entering their ancestral lands. Since November of 2002, the Ecuadorian military has occupied their lands to allow the oil companies to conduct seismic testing. In repsonse, the Sarayacu community has declared a STATE OF EMERGENCY.Feel like walking or writing for peace in Oz?
21-12-2003 15:07

Non-existent weapons vs weapons that don't exist
21-12-2003 13:30
The Independent's story headlined "Libya gives up nuclear and chemical weapons" would indeed be good news, were it true.European Nations Commended for Opposing Palestinian Challenge to Israel's Creden
21-12-2003 13:28
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today commended European Union member nations for their strong opposition to the most recent Palestinian effort to challenge Israel's credentials at the United Nations.Police praise DSEI tripods action
21-12-2003 11:36
Another DSEI tripods action court caseA Day of wild strike (italy)
21-12-2003 10:32
A Day of wild strike: continues the permanent assembly at the Atac warehouse of Portonaccio road.U.S. soldiers digging their own graves in Iraq (by Latuff)
21-12-2003 09:06