UK Newswire Archive
Tube strike. They had PLENTY of warning.
07-09-2007 12:30

U-Turn for Peace: Mass Civil Disobedience Outside the Labour Party Conference in
07-09-2007 11:38
Join Maya Evans and John Catt for mass civil disobedience in Bournemouth,outside the Labour Party Conference, on Sunday 23 September.
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Arms Manufacturers in Norwich Blockaded and given a Weapons Inspection
07-09-2007 11:22
Today at 0630am a small group of activists locked shut the gates of Norwich based arms manufacturer MSI.....Gagged! #19 - South Wales Anarchist Newsletter
07-09-2007 10:53

Read the PDF here:

audio to follow in the next few days
Pre-emptive Peace Strike #13
07-09-2007 10:41
The 13th Peace Strike will be held on Tuesday 11th September inParliament Square from 2pm.
UK Bangladeshis robbed via 'First Solution' still haven't got their money!
07-09-2007 10:06
We are continuing to the put these Open Questions to Bethnal Green and Bow MP George Galloway because it was his involvement [including his speech on the subject in the House of Commons on 18 July 2007] 'to help the victims' that was used by a number of elements to implement their diversion away from the shoulders of the perpetrators.We are also doing so because we have not had any response from the offices of G Galloway or answers from anyone that has been claimed by the 'Respect' 'coalition ' to be 'campaigning for the victims'
Solidarity demos with Iceland in North East England
07-09-2007 09:18
I feel a need to join in the 12th September international day of action - details of why on if you don't already know.If you wanna join a wee demo at one of the following sites, email me or come along to the Star & Shadow cinema, Newcastle, at 6.15pm on the 11th.
Green groups pull out of nuclear consultation calling it a sham
07-09-2007 09:07
GREEN GROUPS PULL OUT OF BROWN’S NUCLEAR CONSULTATIONIt’s a sham, they say, in blow to ministers’ nuclear ambitions
Australia: Satirical Comedy Prank makes APEC Security a Joke
07-09-2007 08:46

Fair Play for the Palestinians - Kick Israeli Apartheid Out of Football
07-09-2007 08:30
On September 8th, England is due to play Israel in a return UEFA Euro 2008 qualifier at the new Wembley Stadium. The PSC, with the support of the BIG and J-BIG campaigns, the Scottish PSC and Friends of Al Aqsa, will hold a vigil by Wembley stadium on the 8th of September.An appeal/a request to the world media.
07-09-2007 05:22
Please ; Save the life of Innocent Canadian Khalid Awan , now he is facing hardships in MDC without any ticket in USA.The Bath Bomb Issue 2 has been released
07-09-2007 02:54
Second monthly radical tabloid, the Bath Bomb is now out. Read on for plain text version."Wanted" poster for Generals James Mattis and David Richards
07-09-2007 00:37

assault on the Iraqi city of Fallujah, which killed over 300 women and
children) and UK Lt Gen David Richards (commander of NATO forced in southern
Afghanistan, May 2006 - February 2007, during which period hundreds of
civilians were willed by aerial bombing).
Class Is Still the Issue
06-09-2007 23:54
A state of parallel worlds determines almost everything we do and how we do it, everything we know and how we know it. The word that once described it, class, is unmentionable, just as imperialism used to be. Thanks to George W Bush, the latter is back in the lexicon in Britain, if not at the BBC.Demo at high commission demanding release of Bangladeshi political prisoners
06-09-2007 23:39

Middle East Madness
06-09-2007 22:52
Then there's Congress on both sides of the aisle and presidential candidates hawkishly posturing for whatever they imagine it gains them. The public overwhelmingly opposes more war and wants the Iraq one ended. But those ideas are nowhere in sight on the campaign trail or Capitol Hill where the Iran Counter-Proliferation Act of 2007 will likely pass easily now that Congress is reconvened. It cleared the House Foreign Affairs Committee 37 to 1 June 28 and after passing both Houses will become effective January 1, 2008. It hardens the existing Iran Sanctions Act by closing loopholes in it with the intent to thwart all foreign investment in Iran and strangle the country economically.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Save Tara: Blockading the archaeologists
06-09-2007 21:42

Space Hijackers Arms Dealers
06-09-2007 19:45

incitement: cartoon portrays Iranians as cockroaches leaving sewer
06-09-2007 19:02

keep showing up.
'just another anti semitic post'
06-09-2007 18:27
this morning one of my circus group was shot and another beaten by israeli soldiers.