UK Newswire Archive
Fair Trade Fortnight event in Bradford
19-02-2004 08:33
6th March: Fair Trade Fortnight event in BradfordAVIAN FLU OR ANIMAL RIGHTS ABUSE
19-02-2004 03:53
Hundreds of thousands of chickens in Thailand and as much as a million were slaughtered in Asia due to the orders executed by government policies. Bird flu could have been managed with antibiotics and sensitive and naturally-harmonious care towards animal breeding practices.Incitement 2 presents "Surplus: Terrorised into being consumers"
19-02-2004 00:29

"That is not violence. Sitting there doing dope and watching MTV . Then you go and get a job. Just schlep along. To me that is violence," says Zerzan. "We are terrorized into being consumers."
Sunday 21st March 7:30 pm at the Packhorse, Woodhouse Lane
SUF (sweden): Solidarity with Redfern
19-02-2004 00:18
The international committee of the swedish Anarcho-Syndicalist Youth Federation (S.U.F) would like to express our solidarity with the combatants and freedom fighters in Redfern, Australia.Palestine Refugee Films - Bristol March 3rd
18-02-2004 23:51

Wednesday 3rd March 2004 : 7.30pm
The Cube Microplex, Kings Sq, Bristol
Call to boycott and/or take action at BP Baku-Ceyhan pipeline greenwash meeting
18-02-2004 23:44
On February 24th 2004, BP has invited NGOs and 'socially responsible' investors to a meeting on the highly controversial Baku Ceyhan oil pipeline. It's set to take place at the Radisson Edwardian Hotel in Stratton Street, London.
Pentagon wants soldiers that don't have to eat
18-02-2004 23:29
Soldiers' moms will no doubt be horrified. But the Pentagon is looking into ways for GIs to fight for up to five days -- without eating a single meal.During a mission, soldiers in the field typically don't have the time, or the inclination, to chow down. That lack of food can affect their battlefield performance. So Darpa, the U.S. military's far-out research arm, wants scientists to figure out if soldiers can operate at top levels -- without lunch breaks.
AIDs and Democracy
18-02-2004 23:29
AIDs is the biggest developing problem for the third world. After debt, its probably the key issue preventing their recovery. Yet our aid is woefully inadequate and apparantly, there is nothing we can do about it.Thailand and Saudi Arabia build apartheid walls
18-02-2004 23:21
First it was Israel, then Saudi Arabia. Now Thailand plans to build a concrete fence along part of its border with Malaysia.locals stop work at blackwood
18-02-2004 21:05
18.2.04 For the second day running locals together with activists from the camps have stopped work at Blackwood, out- numbering bailiffs and Costain workers and sending the chainsaws packing. The involvement of local people in the active defence of the site is a crucial development- these people deserve our support!!Jail if you make a mistake on your tax return?
18-02-2004 16:46
The provisions of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and Money Laundering Regulations 2003 come into force on 1 March 2004. This will force accountants, banks, and tax advisers to inform on their clients and it could mean that a small mistake on your tax or VAT return will lead to imprisonment. Of course, this latest infringement of personal freedom in the UK is all being done in the name of the 'war on terror'.Registered social landlords – the new corporations
18-02-2004 16:23
Housing associations, or Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) as they are now known, are becoming a powerful oppressive force within our communities. You get videos showing how marvellous your house will be, fantastic bathrooms with palm trees on the wall - they’re a delight to the eye. But it isn’t true. Former council tenants, who now regret agreeing to transfer, will tell you the promises weren’t fulfilled, repairs weren’t done, their homes weren’t renovated.Farnborough town centre judicial review
18-02-2004 16:21
A local resident in Farnborough has sought and obtained leave for a judicial review of the unlawful planning decision to destroy half of the town centre and build a superstore. Social housing of 28 maisonettes was earmarked to be destroyed for the store's car park.South Korea: Migrant Workers Struggle, update
18-02-2004 15:13

This is the first lawsuit in Japan to bring justice to Japanese ODA.
18-02-2004 14:49
Let's Support the victims of Japanese funded dam in Indonesia's Sumatra island.8,396 residents and natural ecosystem filed
Koto Panjang Dam lawsuit in Tokyo.
From: "Voices in the Wilderness (UK)"
18-02-2004 13:17
From: "Voices in the Wilderness (UK)"Protest planned at Coca-Cola launch, 19-2-04
18-02-2004 12:44
Coca-Cola are planning a stunt to launch Dasani a new bottled water. The Columbian Solidarity Campaign, are planning a protest at 12 noon on Thursday at the Peace Gardens to coincide with the launch on behalf of eight assasinated trade unioun workers and their families. They accuse Coca Cola of impeding the progress of programmes to clean up drinking water forcing millions to drink soft drinks.Stopping work on Monday/ how to make a chainsaw operator irate
18-02-2004 12:27
On Monday 16th Feb a small group of activists helped stop tree cutting at Blackwoood.