UK Newswire Archive
Child Stealing By The State Conference The Suncastle Skegness Lincolnshire
27-07-2012 05:52
Andrew Peacher01754 228 273
Wensday 12th Thursday 13th September 2012 The Suncastle Skegness
Child Protection The Future of our families Conference
Dear Sir/Madam
I Would like to invite you to the Annual Conference of the Child Protection and the future of our families conference to be held on Wensday 12/13th of September at the suncastle
in skegness lincolnshire.
The conference which will start at 9am on the 12th of september which will focus on child protection and the need to keep families together.
We have many guest speakers including Child Protection officers we have Brian Gerrish ex navy Uk column newspaper roger hayes the british constitutional group MP John hemmings we have parents such as lucy allan and tina challonor google these names be amazed.
We also have Dr carley from the usa speaking via skype link We have parents and children speaking.
We are looking for Orginizations small and large.firemen,gps,health,care, Police,Nhs,ChildProtection,mps,Socialworkers,socialservices,fostercarers,Solicitors,Judges
These people are needed to give a balanced view to the conference the difficulties of child protection the mistakes made the Legislation the future of child protection the focus to support families more and to keep children with natural parents.
The aims of the conference is to which aims to prevent physical, emotional and sexual abuse and neglect of children
by promoting the physical, emotional, and social well-being of children. We aim to promote the rights of children
as citizens, through multi-disciplinary collaboration, education, campaigning and other appropriate activities'
The Other aim is to stop stories like this one and asking those involved in child protection to think before they remove children

1:-The fact is that parents who have committed no crime are losing their children to forced adoption!
2:-Experts who depend on court appearances for a living, nearly always agree with the local authority.They make predictions that parents just might abuse their children (including newborn babies) in the future ,so these parents lose their children to permanent fostercare or adoption,not for something they have done but for something they might (or might not) do!
3:-Over 1000 UK children /month are taken into care ,Fosterers are paid an average £400/week per child (birth mothers get around £20/week),and a foster agency founded by social workers getting around £1500/week per child was recently sold for £130million !A real money driven industry !!
4:-Parents whose children have been taken are gagged and threatened with prison if they protest publicly;At contact parents are gagged again and forbidden to get emotional,to speak any foreign language,or to discuss the case with their children otherwise contact will be stopped.
5:-More children are taken for emotional abuse than physical and sexual abuse added together.Despite "baby P" the number taken for physical abuse is steadily falling as a percentage of the total number of children taken.
6:-What are the solutions?
(a)Impose criminal rules of evidence in family courts so children cannot be taken unless parents are proved to have committed a crime affecting their children. Also parents would be free to obtain a second opinion from an expert of their own choosing.
(b)Abolish all gagging of parents leaving them free to protest openly if their children are taken, and also to say what they like to them at contact without censorship ! Two very simple changes, two very obvious solutions.,but will anyone impose them and derail the moneytrain? Don't hold your breath
I Andrew Peacher Orginizer would kindly ask you to be a speaker or to attend the event please get back to me in writing at the above or by email tel 01754 228273
There is special hotel rates being orginized at the savoy hotel skegness for any one interested just quote the conference by myself when booking.
The numbers are limited for the conference which is totally free to all i would appreciate a confirmation by the middle of august for further details please contact me
The conference has been requested by Parents who have lost their children to child protection it will be a pleasure to hear from like minded professionals as well.
I would like to ask if you could put our event details on your website on your office notice board or simply tell a friend or collegue This conference is for tommorrows children.
Andrew Peacher
Banner drop on Snowdon summit marks 2nd anniversary of release of the Afghan War Diaries
26-07-2012 20:03

Exactly two years after the WikiLeaks release of the Afghan War Diaries, Wednesday 25 July 2012, banners were unfurled at the summit of Snowdon to mark the anniversary.
More Olympic Evictions in Calais
26-07-2012 17:05
More evictions are threatened in order to 'clean up' the streets to pave way for tourists and athletes during the back online
26-07-2012 15:07

Diggers2012: Activities at Runnymede Eco Village this Saturday
26-07-2012 12:58

Southwark Council Vandalise Community Gardens
26-07-2012 12:55
Yesterday the Council in its infinite and omnipotent wisdom decided to carry out another* aggressive attack on the popular Heygate Community Gardens, near Elephant and Castle, by spitefully destroying the colourful and thought-provoking artworks that have been brightening up the dull spaces within the now empty estate that the council plans to demolish.
As part of people’s amazing efforts to keep the place public and enjoyable local artists have been welcomed it to use the old walls of houses as canvases to paint murals, graffiti and street art on. These were a collection of lovely, considered and sometimes wry artworks created for the benefit of all. Yesterday,under the direction of Andrew Ashaye (Heygate & Aylesbury Case Management Officer), the Council aggressively decided to return the walls back to uglier and now badly painted over blank walls once again.
It was noticeable that they mostly singled out for painting over the large and thoughtful pieces around the Community Gardens and pond. However the rest of the estate is still covered with scribbles, tags, obscenities and so on but these remained up after the Council had done it’s paint slapping. We ask the questions: What possible offence can be caused by the Heygate murals and with what mindset does the Council operate with to come and destroy local artists work without even any warning or debate?
LET THEM KNOW THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE: We suggest that if you feel that this was an unnecessary, wholly unaccountable and aggressive act that you make your feelings known to those who carried it out and to CC in your email Peter John and Fiona Colley, who are the leading Council lights in the Regeneration Dept.
Write to:
Andrew Ashaye –
Peter John –
Fiona Colley –
For more than two years local people have been using the green spaces within to put into practice what the Council has been twiddling their thumbs about and that is how can the space within the Estate be used for community benefit whilst the bureaucratic stages of regeneration grind ever slowly on. Called ‘interim use’ it means that instead of sealing up the giant forest within the Heygate to await demolition in two or three years time, the space is maintained for exactly the sort of the thing the Heygate Community Gardeners have been doing there all along.
Not only does the act of growing flowers and vegetables, giving out free allotments, keeping chickens, running a pond, having growing and planting days, seed swaps and also showing films and having small social events maintain exactly the kind of things that grows communities, it also acts as a deterrent to crime inside the Estate. Leaseholders living on the estate have not been burgled since the community activity started something that had been a regular occurrence before.
All of this local effort and hard work comes from a desire to actually see the Heygate site as still part of the public space of The Elephant area and to maintain the enjoyment to be had at wandering amongst the 400 plus mature trees inside. As part of these acts of growing and nurturing, the work done by artists inside the estate has been welcomed and enjoyed by all involved in the Community Gardens. They were an integral part of keeping a community spirit alive against the whims and anti-social behaviour the Council engages in that pretends to care about community benefits but by it’s actions shows nothing but contempt for local people and how they make this a much needed reality here and now.
Full report with pics here.
In March 2012, the Council came to the gardens and stole the pump for the pond and were threatening to remove all the exhibition stands and other objects by which we thought they meant the chairs and tables people use. It was pointed out to them that that ‘the council’s time and resources might be better spent on things including basic estate maintenance and cleaning‘. They argued that they would ‘continue to monitor the general health & safety on the site prior to demolition works taking place to ensure that the site also remains safe for the remaining residents‘. We had to laugh as the remaining residents are the only ones doing any actual looking after the site whilst the Council does nothing to the collapsing walls, holes in the paving and so on.
In memory of Osman Rasul Mohammed
26-07-2012 10:57
This letter was written by a friend of Osman Rasul Mohammed, an Iraqi Kurdish asylum seeker who plunged to his death from a seven storey towerblock in Nottingham two years ago. He had spent nearly ten years fighting for asylum after repeated refusals of his claim. Denied the right to work or access state benefits, he was living on the street off £20 a month and food parcels supplied by a charity.Take Back the Land: Action Round-Up
26-07-2012 09:56

Curo Group Somer Housing
26-07-2012 09:16
26-07-2012 00:25
You can still come to the Camp if you have not yet registered or paid.Online registration has now closed but you can pay for entrance and meals on arrival.
Logging in Lenton
25-07-2012 22:55
NCC have begun an extensive felling of the characteristic lime trees which line Lenton's avenues.
A letter from NCC recently made it's way through our door informing us of what appears to be fairly extensive clearing of the lime trees in Lenton. The justification for this, we are told, is that some residents have complained about aphid mess, falling branches and loss of daylight. The council held a meeting about this on 25th June (unfortunately I was unable to attend). In any case, I gather that this was merely a PR exercise and not consultation as the decision had already been made. The council's letters and statements make this whole scheme sound reasonable and well considered but personally I have serious misgivings and objections to the plan.
The lime trees define the character of lenton and do much to make it a pleasant place. It's a real joy to live amongst these great mature trees, which are in a constant state of change and create a different streetscape for each season. In summer, Lenton appears to be more forest than residential area, with houses being completely obscured from afar. Presently, the trees create a fantastic cathedral-like effect, enclosing the long straight avenues in leafy vaults, casting dappled shade and a calm green ambience over the streets. Alas, the soothing sounds of leafy boughs rocking gently in the wind and birds singing from the branches are soon to be replaced by the howl of winds funnelling down empty suburban streets; the seasonal greens, yellows, oranges and browns to be succeeded by the ubiquitous grey of the English sky.
There are some less-obvious benefits that the trees bring. They create habitats for wildlife (not just aphids) playing a role in the biodiversity of the area. The trees help in some capacity to deal with excessive surface-run-off during sudden down-pours, intercepting and soaking-up rain water (particularly important of late). They also provide seasonal shading and cooling through evapotranspiration and reduce the urban heat island effect. At a time when we are increasingly concerned about climate change and how to adapt to a hotter, wetter climate, does cutting back on this natural mechanism for resilience really make good sense? I could go on about the benefit of these trees but I feel that the photos really say it all.
I don't recall being consulted on these proposals. The problems cited could have been addressed through a more moderate strategy, such as pruning as and where obscuring of light is a real problem, and maintaining the trees regularly to ensure that precarious branches are dealt with. I do not feel the case for this mass felling has been made.
The existing trees have taken a around a century to reach their current stature, and if left to their own devices will continue to play their part in Lenton's urban environment for decades and perhaps centuries to come. The hour grows late, the chainsaws have already arrived and the fate of Lenton's Limes appears to be more-or-less sealed. Assuming the new replacement trees are actually forthcoming, survive their infancy and are sufficiently resistant to vandalism, it will still be decades before these pleasant leafy avenues are restored to their present glory. Indeed, most of us will not live to see that day. The thought that all this is happening in order to appease a handful of people who don't like cleaning aphid crap off of their cars is a little upsetting to say the least.
New Report Documents ‘Total Policing’ Clampdown On Freedom To Protest
25-07-2012 21:38

A detailed new report launched today by the Network for Police Monitoring (Netpol) highlights how promises made by the police to ‘adapt to protest’ after 2009′s G20 demonstrations in London have been forgotten in a remarkably short space of time and a far more intolerant ‘total policing’ style response to protesters has developed in the UK.
Hunger strike at Morton Hall immigration centre
25-07-2012 20:55
As many as 100 detainees at Morton Hall Immigration Removals Centre are refusing food in protest against their treatment by the authorities. The protest, which began on Monday night, has also seen protestors take to the roofs of buildings. The centre was under lock down for most of yesterday and detainees were confined to their rooms. A group of supporters who were in touch with people protesting inside the centre held a demonstration outside the perimeter fence yesterday afternoon.
Newswire: Solidarity with protest inside Morton Hall | Morton Hall detainees protest during Ramadan
Previous features: Demonstration in support of Ruhul Anam | Campaigners target Morton Hall IRC
According to reports from campaigners in contact with detainees, the protests began at the Iftah meal on Monday night. Muslim detainees who had been fasting during daylight hours for Ramadan were offered small portions of what they described as poor quality food. The men refused to eat in protest and say they will continue to do so until they receive better treatment. The protest has since spread to a wider protest involving non-Muslim detainees who have said they are “treated like dogs” by the authorities.
The Morton Hall authorities’ response was to put the centre under lock down, meaning that detainees were confined to their rooms, until all of the rooftop protesters were brought down just after 2pm yesterday. Some protestors have said they will continue to refuse food until conditions change. The management of the centre has declined to release any information to the media, but as there are reported to be around 300 men currently detained in the centre, a protest by 100 will have been a very significant problem for them.
A group supporting the hunger strikers held a demonstration outside the prison perimeter yesterday afternoon, using noise, chants and a megaphone to address detainees. They called for “Freedom of movement” and to “Shut down Morton Hall”, expressing their solidarity with the protests.
This is not the first time mass protests have been held in the centre, which was only opened last Summer. In December last year unrest began when prisoners were locked down for extensive periods whilst cells were checked. This meant that many were unable to visit the shop and buy phone credit, or receive legal and social visits, things that can only be done at certain times of the week. 61 detainees signed a petition against the lock downs and a peaceful protest was held on the football pitch at which it was alleged that guards assaulted a detainee and put him in solitary confinement. The remaining protestors refused to return to their rooms for 30 minutes. Following the protests a number of detainees were removed to Nottingham and Lincoln prisons and other detention centres.
Another Opencast application for the Marley Hill Area?
25-07-2012 19:42
This area between Gateshead and Co Durham already has already had to contend with one recent opencast application for the Birklands site as well as the prospect of more opencastin g on the proposed Marley Colliery Reclamation site. Now it seems local people could soon face a third application17 Years In Solitary Confinement
25-07-2012 13:54
Since the end of the 70s Mr. Peter WEGENER has been in prison; he never killed anybody, but he had committed a few robberies and later tried to escape from prison three times.Escape attempt in 1995
In 1995 he and a comrade, Mr. Finneisen, took a guard of the prison hostage in Celle (Lower Saxony/Germany) and escaped from the jail. Both were captured two days later, and since that day both had been kept in solitary confinement. Mr. Finneisen was released from prison in 2011, after he had finished his sentence.
GDF corporation exposed and attacked in Bristol
25-07-2012 13:32
Last night we visited GDF's office on the Anglo Office Park in Speedwell, broke around 20 windows around the unit (on both the ground floor and first floor) and left spray-painted tags next to the front door, ECOCIDE (with an arrow pointing to the company logo) and A.C.A.B. with an anarchist symbol.