UK Newswire Archive
Antifascist demo against Golden Dawn! RIP Killah P!
18-09-2013 22:06

Palestine Today 18 09 2013
18-09-2013 18:43

Veggies outside DSEi: No to the Arms Trade
18-09-2013 08:55
Last week saw peaceful days of action co-ordinated by the 'Stop the Arms Fair Coalition' in response to the bi-annual arms fair DSEi (Defence & Security Equipment International) at the London ExCel Centre. DSEi is the world's largest arms fair and it exists so that arms buyers and sellers can come together, network and make deals.
From 'Campaign Against the Arms Trade' (CAAT): 'DSEi 2013 featured 1,500 exhibitors from around the world displaying arms ranging from rifles to tanks to fighter jets to battleships. They were joined by "trade visitors" and military delegations, including countries involved in conflict and from human rights abusing regimes, as well as those with desperately underfunded development needs.'
On the Sunday 8th September the week of action was kicked off with a demo organised by Occupy London: Occupy vs the Arms Trade. Volunteers from Nottingham-based Veggies, the vegan catering campaign, went down to London on this Sunday to provide food by donation for the peaceful protesters. Veggies has been supporting campaigns for humans, other animals and the environment since 1984.
On Sunday 8th September, Veggies of Nottingham packed up their vegan cakes and samosas and headed down to London to give their support to the hundreds of peaceful protesters campaigning against the immoral and unethical DSEi arms fair.
At least two Nottingham companies had stalls at DSEi. Heckler & Koch and Ergo Computing exhibited their wares to military delegations from around the world. H&K, which is based in the Lenton Lane industrial estate, sells assault rifles and submachine guns to repressive regimes such as those in Bahrain and Egypt.
Campaigners were very happy to see the Veggies team (and their delicious vegan food!) along on the day. The team provided a boost of morale to those that had been out protesting since the early hours of the day and hadn't had anything to eat. In fact people were so happy to see Veggies that the stall was swamped with those eager to get hold of food by donation and all boxes of food and trays of cake quickly sold out.
People were also very interested in the campaign literature the team had brought along, as human rights and animals rights campaigning is all part of the same struggle against needless suffering and injustice. Animal Aid's purple poppies, sold to commemorate the many animal victims of war, were available on the day and people donated generously for these.
If you would like to join the friendly Veggies team to campaign against social injustice, animal abuse and enviromental destruction then you can contact them at:
Information on the website:
More details about the Arms Trade and what happened during the week of action can be found on the following websites:
Animal Aid's purple poppy appeal:
A Response to Bristol Post and the Police's Anarchist Witch Hunt
18-09-2013 08:55

Reblogged from Bristol Anarchist Federation:
When members of the “Angry Foxes Cell” burnt down the almost complete Police Firearms Training Centre in Portishead near Bristol, it took a lot of people by surprise, ourselves included. This week the Bristol Post published an article on a report by Avon & Somerset Police with the Stalinesque title “Our Five Year Ambition”. The Posts front page ran the Headline “Targeting the Enemy Within.” This was followed up by a comment from the editor singling out anarchists and drumming up public support for their increased oppression.
Hail The New Dawn - Book on Blood & Honour
18-09-2013 07:30
May 27th 1989. Hundreds of Nazi Boneheads from all over Europe gather for 'The Main Event', a Fascist musical Jamboree....except hundreds of them got no further than Hyde Parks' Speaker's Corner where they met a bloody end.
Antifascist killed by nazis
18-09-2013 07:27
Antifascist worker and hip hop artist murdered by Golden Dawn nazis in PiraeusPalestine Today 17092013
17-09-2013 18:14

Israeli soldiers invaded various areas in the occupied West Bank, killed one Palestinian and broke into dozens of homes, and searched them, and kidnapped nine Palestinians, the details are coming up, stay tuned.
Robotics and the real (sorry, Karl, you got it wrong) final crisis of capitalism
17-09-2013 16:56
Robotics is advancing rapidly. Probably within the lifetime of most people now living – and conceivably within the next ten years – there will be general purpose robots (GPRs) capable of doing the vast majority of the work now undertaken by human beings. When that happens international free trade and free market economics even within a closed domestic market will become untenable. The final crisis of capitalism will be the development of technology so advanced that it makes capitalism in the Marxist sense impossible because machines make humans redundant.UG#661 - Countering Intelligence 4 (Death Dealing Drones Return Home to Roost)
17-09-2013 16:45

BNP scraping the barrel for Euros
16-09-2013 14:55
East Midlands BNP have announced their candidates for the 2014 Euro elections. The list is as interesting for who’s not on it as who is:
1. Cllr. Cathy Duffy.
2. Revd. Robert West.
3. Bob Brindley.
4. Steve Brammer.
5. To be decided.
he first two are obvious choices for the party as the most prominent BNPers in Leicestershire and Lincolnshire even though both did poorly in May’s local elections (West only managed to get 88 votes). Nottingham’s Bob Brindley, however, is anything but a “safe” choice. Brindley uses his Nottingham BNP twitter feed to launch increasingly barmy diatribes against Jews, homosexuality, Asians and just about everyone who isn’t a signed up white supremacist (although he has made an exception for serial paedophile Jimmy Savile).
After Brindley comes Steve Brammer from Ranskill, North Nottinghamshire. Brammer is almost unknown to fascists in the Midlands, probably because he lives only a few miles from South Yorkshire. He has never stood in an election before.
And next in line after Brammer is… well it looks like they couldn’t find anyone else to stand for them! There are no candidates from Derbyshire or from Northamptonshire, no sign of “super activist” Paul Hilliard from Derby and no sign of “Heanor Patriot” Cliff Roper either. Have they jumped ship as well? We will see. Certainly Roper showed signs of a swing to a more extreme right wing position after losing his Amber Valley seat, headlining his blog with the notorious 14 word phrase beloved of neo-Nazis. Perhaps the BNP isn’t extreme enough for him any more?
The release of this list is a further sign of decline for the fascist party. Only a few years ago, the East Midlands were seen as one of the BNP’s strongholds. Now they are struggling even to find 5 people across the entire region to stand for them. Good riddance!
Royal Mail and ideology
16-09-2013 10:46
The privatisation of Royal Mail is an act of pure ideology. The globalist, laissez faire ideology has infected to a lesser or greater degree all of Britain’s major political parties. That ideology dovetails with the supranational mentality engendered by the EU , commitment to which is at the British political elite’s political core. It is doubtful if any senior British politician not firmly committed to either laissez faire globalism or the EU; most are committed to both. That is the simple truth.Nottingham Green Festival in the Arboretum
15-09-2013 10:57
12 - 6.00pm Sunday 1st September.
The Nottingham Green Festival in the Arboretum Park, now in its 22nd year, is independently organised by grass routes community based volunteers, with no statutory funding. The ethical standards and environmental / human / animal rights ethos of the event are long established, having evolved from the pre-history of the Nottm Peace Festival from which it has grown.
This year, the Green event hosted Veggies and the East Midlands’ Vegan Festival
Previous Green Festival Items
2011 Indymedia Report:
2010 Indymedia Report:
2009 Indymedia Report:
2006 Indymedia Report:
2005 Indymedia Report:
Capoeira Dance at the Green Festival
BreadChasers at the Green Festival
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Vegan Festival at Nottingham Green Festival
15-09-2013 10:57
12 - 6.00pm Sunday 1st September.
For 6 years, from 2005 – 2009, Veggies and other vegan campaigners helped organise the East Midlands' Vegan Festival which welcomed over 2000 members of the public each year to the Council House on Nottingham’s Old Market Square.
However the Council House have refused to host future events, so the Vegan Festival team are very grateful to the Nottingham Green Festival for providing space to hold a Vegan Festival within the Green Festival.
2010 East Midlands Vegan Festival Hits the Streets
Previous Green Festival Items:
Nottingham Green Festival / Vegan Festival 2013 callout:
2011 Indymedia Report:
2010 Indymedia Report:
2009 Indymedia Report:
2006 Indymedia Report:
2005 Indymedia Report:
Capoeira Dance at the Green Festival
BreadChasers at the Green Festival
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Thousands Of Yahoo Groups Hacked Week Of Sept 8 by Yahoo
14-09-2013 20:20

Daniel Loeb, a Wall St. billionaire
involved in private equity, a former
vice president of Citigroup,
whose wealth is estimated by Forbes
to be 1.5 billion, in a hostile takeover
wrested Yahoo with the help of 3 of his
Wall St. cronies from Jerry Yang in 2011 and 2012. But this week
he has accelerated the slashing of Yahoo Groups
Bill Gates gave 3 months notice before he totally eliminated Microsoft Groups, as he
broke his contract and word.
refuse to collaborate!
14-09-2013 19:48

This is an appeal to friends, comrades and ‘organisers’ of protests. In light of the mass arrest of 286 anti-fascist protestors on 7th September (and Fortnum and mason, critical mass, BNP Whitehall etc) we appeal to all organisers of protests from whatever organisation to immediately cease from negotiating with the police in any form whatsoever and, for any protests currently being planned, that organisers withdraw immediately from communication with the police.
The police have become the protest organisers. It is they who organise what happens on the day, who goes where, what is said and not said, how the protest acts, behaves, moves and demonstrates. We have now not only a state sanctioned but state organised protest. Be effective and you are liable to mass arrest. Deviate from this meticulous state planning and you’re liable to mass arrest. We must not get used to this!
Fracking, Coal and Planning: The Story Of Westfield
14-09-2013 17:35
Ed Davey the Sec of State for Energy and Climate Change has argued that with a robust regulatory and planning system there will not be environmental damage from Fracking. Here, this view is challenged, by using an example of environmental damage caused by opencast mining at the Westfield site in Fife. This example demonstrates how impotent the planning system is when systems of control break downThis press release from The Loose Anti Opencast Network, about what is currently happening in Scotland, where company bankruptcies have left up to 25 un-restored opencast mines, including Westfield, the subject of a recently published LAON report
Protests at Arms Dealers’ Charity Dinner – report and pics
12-09-2013 23:54

Swindon radical Bookfair - 21st sept
12-09-2013 18:03