UK Newswire Archive
Palestine Today 07 13 2010
13-07-2010 15:13

Book Review: Sleight of Hand on the World Stage
13-07-2010 14:28
Galichian has made a significant contribution to our understanding of the continuing attacks on the history and legacy of the Armenian people.Are You a "Perfect Citizen"? Big Brother Deploys Snooping Sensors on Private Networks
13-07-2010 13:41
Rather than addressing an impending social catastrophe, Western governments, which serve the interests of the economic elites, have installed a "Big Brother" police state with a mandate to confront and repress all forms of opposition and social dissent. -- Michel Chossudovsky and Andrew Gavin Marshall, Preface, The Global Economic Crisis: The Great Depression of the XXI Century, Montreal: Global Research, 2010, p. xx.
Democracy village Peaceniks PIcnic wed 14th july 7pm
13-07-2010 13:29
Democracy village Peaceniks PIcnic wed 14th july 7pmNew Schools Network; The John Adam St Gang
13-07-2010 13:26
New Schools Network claim to be an independent group, however they are most certainly not independent of the John Adam St Gang.What we describe as the 'John Adam St Gang' are those insitutions located roughly between The Strand, Embankment, Craven Street and Lancaster Place.
Your Bookfair Needs You [1]
13-07-2010 13:22
2nd Callout for stalls and workshopsDear Bristol Activists,
Your Bookfair needs you.
The third annual Bristol Anarchist Bookfair will happen on Saturday
September 11th at Hamilton House, 80 Stokes Croft, Bristol. From 10.30am
to 6.00pm and the bookfair collective wants you there.
Bookworm writes: Dear Bristol Activists, Your Bookfair needs you.
The third annual Bristol Anarchist Bookfair will happen on Saturday September 11th at Hamilton House, 80 Stokes Croft, Bristol. From 10.30am to 6.00pm and the bookfair collective wants you there.
The date of the event draws near, just nine weeks to go now. And the deadline for applications for stalls and workshops is the 9th of August if you want to appear in the program as it needs to go off to the printers. (That's one month away guys!)
The sooner we get those applications landing on the doorstep of Bookfair HQ or arriving in our inbox the sooner we can put time into those little details that make Bristol Anarchist Bookfair stand out as a major event in the radical diary of the South-West.
This event will not happen without radical groups and publishers in Bristol and beyond holding stalls and workshops so it's over to you guys now.
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Please put it high up the agenda of your next meeting, hopefully you will
agree to doing something and ideally both a stall and a workshop (or even
a film/slideshow/talk/debate/recital).
The original full call out and the booking form is available on the
website and click on Stalls & Workshops
in the top right hand corner.
For help or info e-mail us at
Love & Rage,
The Bookfair Collective
US and Israel quietly announce plans to reconstitute their nuclear stockpiles
13-07-2010 13:16

2 GM maize trials trashed in Catalonia, Spain
13-07-2010 11:39
On Sunday night 2 genetic trial sites were destroyed by large numbers of people.Ugandan Attack May Herald Spread of Somalia’s Instability. Another false flag?
13-07-2010 03:02
"Wake up already, It’s 1984. Orwell was the most insightful political thinker the world has ever produced. Read and share his genius and stop allowing the ruling class and it’s psyoops departments to get away with such stupid see-through actions without getting called down to the matts!!!!! Am I the only one who sees this elephant in the living room?"Gaza protesters receive Met police payouts
13-07-2010 02:48
Two protesters beaten by unidentified police officers during a Gaza demonstration in London receive £25,000 in compensation from the Metropolitan Police'One World' Festival 1
12-07-2010 23:24
'One World' Festival 1
Saturday 10th July 2010
12pm - 5.30pm Old Market Square, Nottingham
'local music from around the world'.
Saturday 10th July 2010
12pm - 5.30pm Old Market Square, Nottingham
'local music from around the world'.
Programmed by Chilled Produce and Long Journey Home the line up is:
12.50 Nolklon
Folk and Roma-esque music
Romanian based quartet playing contemporary music influenced by traditional folk and Roma melodies.
13.40 Big Jig
Celtic songs and tunes (from Ireland)
Nottm six piece that mix traditional dance tunes, with ballads, Irish songs and slow airs.
14.10 Chinese Lion Dance
(Notts Chinese Community Association)
Dating back a thousand years the lion dance is believed to bring luck and happiness.
14.30 Les Elus
Rhumba, Folk, Jazz, Blues, Zouk, Salsa
Derby based Congolese band and community group that promote and raise awareness of the richness and heritage of Congolese culture.
15.10 Capoeira
(Capoeira Angola Nottingham)
An African Brazilian fighting dance performance game. Supported by Capoeira East London.
15.25 Mohammed
Banderi Music - Iranian Bagpipe and Congas
Nottm based musician who plays rhythmic dance music from
Southern Iran commonly performed at weddings and other celebrations.
15.45 Chinese Lion Dance
(Notts Chinese Community Association)
Dating back a thousand years the lion dance is believed to bring luck and happiness.
16.00 Iyar and Ali
Music from Kurdistan/Iran
Nottm based duo from Kurdistan and Iran playing traditional folk and dance music.
16.30 Capoeira
(Capoeira Angola Nottingham)
An African Brazilian fighting dance performance game. Supported by Capoeira East London.
16.45 Zacc Rogers
Soul, Jazz, Blues, Funk, Country Grass and more
Nottm born and bred performer of vocal based guitar music that balances both the old and the new and traditional guitar and modern technology
Chilled Produce
Long Journey Home
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
'One World' Festival 2
12-07-2010 23:24
Saturday 10th July 2010
12pm - 5.30pm Old Market Square, Nottingham
'local music from around the world'.
Saturday 10th July 2010
12pm - 5.30pm Old Market Square, Nottingham
'local music from around the world'.
Programmed by Chilled Produce and Long Journey Home the line up is:
12.50 Nolklon
Folk and Roma-esque music
Romanian based quartet playing contemporary music influenced by traditional folk and Roma melodies.
13.40 Big Jig
Celtic songs and tunes (from Ireland)
Nottm six piece that mix traditional dance tunes, with ballads, Irish songs and slow airs.
14.10 Chinese Lion Dance
(Notts Chinese Community Association)
Dating back a thousand years the lion dance is believed to bring luck and happiness.
14.30 Les Elus
Rhumba, Folk, Jazz, Blues, Zouk, Salsa
Derby based Congolese band and community group that promote and raise awareness of the richness and heritage of Congolese culture.
15.10 Capoeira
(Capoeira Angola Nottingham)
An African Brazilian fighting dance performance game. Supported by Capoeira East London.
15.25 Mohammed
Banderi Music - Iranian Bagpipe and Congas
Nottm based musician who plays rhythmic dance music from
Southern Iran commonly performed at weddings and other celebrations.
15.45 Chinese Lion Dance
(Notts Chinese Community Association)
Dating back a thousand years the lion dance is believed to bring luck and happiness.
16.00 Iyar and Ali
Music from Kurdistan/Iran
Nottm based duo from Kurdistan and Iran playing traditional folk and dance music.
16.30 Capoeira
(Capoeira Angola Nottingham)
An African Brazilian fighting dance performance game. Supported by Capoeira East London.
16.45 Zacc Rogers
Soul, Jazz, Blues, Funk, Country Grass and more
Nottm born and bred performer of vocal based guitar music that balances both the old and the new and traditional guitar and modern technology
Chilled Produce
Long Journey Home
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Bristol Council big budget consultation fraud
12-07-2010 22:22
'hidden' conversation to co-opt the public's name to cutsBarely a month after its launch the council is to close its public forum for gathering budget cutting ideas from you, the public. The number of contributors who have managed to access this site is barely 50, a substantial portion of whom are clearly council employees.
Yet, in the near future as the cuts start to tear at the fabric of front-line services and blight the lives of Bristol's vulnerable people and communities, have your ears open for the phrases like "after public consultation" and " having listened to the people of Bristol", the will fall glibly from the public 'servants' who earn more than the Prime-Minister.
Two things only are to be commended about the "Bristol's budget conversation" website recently spawned by the Councils PR section.
First is the audacity of their cynicism, which is truly, in the favoured phrase, "world class".
Second is that in the modern electronic age they have managed to hide its existence so well from the people it purports to represent, and in whose name the axe will swing. I'm sure the Pentagon will soon be after them for their internet encryption skills, may be they could raise some money as information camouflage consultants.
Make no mistake - the scale of the coming cuts is to be severe, and people are going to suffer.
Though not every one of course:"Salaries of Bristol City Council's top 300 wage earners amounts to nearly £17m"
The apparent reason the consultation ends so soon is that shortly after the Council actual spending figures are to be published.
As some of the contributors have pointed out, this refusal to publish the information on which the supposed conversation is based demonstrates exactly how insincere the exercise is - you can't have a proper conversation about anything if you are denied the facts.
It will close in 4 days - on the 16th of July.
Please, please will some one get on to this site and give these people some of the grief they so richly deserve.
It will close in 4 days - on the 16th of July. After that you will have been officially consulted, so it will all be your fault.
Metro Attempts to Stifle Free Speech
12-07-2010 21:22
Each morning on the streets of Bristol you'll see people handing out 'Metro' the free newspaper from the Daily Mail group. Recently a spoof version was started and it's go Metro hot under the collar and sending in the lawers!If you go to this website (Metr0 - zero at the end)
You can see the spoof version of Metro. Bit of fun and making a few points about politics. Metro have gone all legal and are trying to use the law to shut the parody down:
The Metro has obtained a High Court injunction against “all persons responsible for the publication and/or distribution” of a Metro spoof paper that was distributed by campaigners at London tube stations on Friday morning. But since the spoof was produced and distributed anonymously, the injunction seems to have been served upon the wrong people, in what appears to be a guilty-by-association verdict.
The spoof paper, which has also been circulated on the web, has a similar masthead and layout to the free daily, with a zero instead of the O. The owners of Metro, Associated Newspapers Limited, claim this is an infringement of the company’s trademark copyrights, while campaigners argue the company directors “do not have a sense of humour” and have “gone too far in suppressing free speech to protect their commercial interests.”
What you can do to help - spread the story far and wide! Show the corporate bully boys of Metro that they should grow a sense of humor and take it on the chin!
Tweet it! Facebook it! Email it! Re-post it! Defend the right to take the piss!!!!
Clay plaster on Ecoworks Straw Bale Building
12-07-2010 19:24
We'll be working on the clay plaster inside the strawbale building at Ecoworks on Tuesday 20th & Thursday 22nd July, 10am-4pm.
Ecoworks is accessed off Ransom Road, St.Ann's - ring 07973 116291 for access through the gates.
All welcome - wear old clothes and bring work gloves if you have them - you will probably get muddy....
Please join us if you can for this fun, sculptural eco-building technique, and spread the word! We are hoping to get a lot of the plastering done this summer.
For further information please call 07963 505429.
Hope to see you there...
Seeking a Safe Place to Live in 2010 United Nations Refugee Day
12-07-2010 18:49
TAMPA BAY, FLORIDA - Every year 19 million youth flee their own country, seeking somewhere else that’s safe to live. Over 70% of them never make it. But that doesn’t stop them from trying. This is the message Youth for Human Rights International portrays in their PSA to help others understand Human Right # 14, “The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live”, for creating awareness on United Nations Refugee Day, and every other day.Is Israel A Normal Country?
12-07-2010 18:03
An important and often neglected question...Gaza to Venezuela - Reports from the frontline.
12-07-2010 17:54
Come and hear activists recently returned from the Gaza Flotilla and Latin America.New video about 2009 Gaza protests in London
12-07-2010 17:22
Short film about police brutality in London during and after the 2009 protest against the Israeli attack on Gaza.