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Call for an international mobilization in solidarity with the convicted rioters

14-06-2012 23:09

On 13th July the last grade of judgment against 10 comrades, convicted for having participated in the clashes occurred in Genoa in 2001 on the occasion of the G8 summit, will be held.

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Notes From the Borderland: our response to cyber-attack

14-06-2012 22:10

issue 10 of Notes From the Borderland has just been published, along with an extract from one key article. Subsequently, our main magazine site has been sabotaged. The article extract that triggered the sabotage is reproduced below.

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Court Hearing for Olympic ASBO

14-06-2012 20:55

Today the Metropolitan police laid out their case to create the first 'Olympic ASBO' against Simon Moore. Simon currently has an interim ASBO and they are seeking to make it a full one. If it is passed it will be for a minimum of 2 years, a full year and a half after the Olympics has finished. The Metropolitan Police promised to seek to remove the ASBO after september but this 'promise' is not legally binding. The main thrust of the Met's position is to highlight the many peaceful protest actions that Simon has been involved in dating back to 2009 to paint a picture of an individual that has repeatedly broken the law and gone “outside the bounds of what is an acceptable, reasonable and proper protest” The trigger for the whole affair was the resistance to the building of a Olympic basketball facility at Leyton Marsh in East London, which Simon was involved in. A group of the Leyton residence opposed to the destruction of their community space were in the court room to support Simon.



The Met went on to explain that they would rather focus resources onto the 'very real terrorist threat to the Olympics' then on policing Simon and that this was a justification for the 'preventative' ASBO. They called many Police witnesses who recalled their interactions with Simon at various protests and actions over the years, most interestingly a detective from the 'Domestic Extremism Unit' All of whom acknowledged that Simons actions have been entirely peaceful which throws up the question of why the 'Domestic Extremism Unit' is focussing attention on him in the first place. The ASBO is re produced here for you to look through. The strangest element being prohibition 3 which reads “ Not to trespass on, or without the permission of the owner to interfere with, any building or land, while in possession of camping or sleeping equipment” Simon has repeatedly stated that he wishes to live on disused land in eco village communities and so this directly prohibits him from doing so, has no direct relation to the Olympics and could possibly continue for a year and a half after the Games. The judge seemed unimpressed with this Prohibition and indicated that perhaps this element may be amended.


What follows is Simons Statement which he read out to the court...


"I feel that this ASBO is symptomatic of the nature and feel of the Olympic games in London 2012 and the general state of consciousness of the authorities at this time.

I think it is clear to see from the delivery of London 2012 that these games are not simply about sport and amusement. They involve the channelling of very large amounts of public funds into the hands of private corporations whose primary aim is the make as much profit from their service as possible.

Partly due to this, I believe that a culture of greed has been created as London 2012. It has been reduced from an event which could be a benefit to everyone to a profit making exercise which places private interests above public.

The games offer the government the chance to increase its national and international image and popularity at a time when austerity and turbulence are becoming commonplace. The government appears to be desperate to use the games to better its image.

For these reasons I believe that there is a pathological desire on the part of the authorities and private interests to insure that the delivery of the games is executed to exactly as they intend. This is not a healthy, balanced and reasonable attitude and it is creating negative effects.

The needs of local communities in the areas where the infrastructure of the games are located are being ignored and in many cases overwhelmed or infringed on by the delivery of the games. This is evidenced by multiple examples including:

The intensive and ecologically destructive developments for games related venues on open metropolitan land at Hackney Marshes, Leyton Marsh and Wanstead Flats to name a few. This destruction of local community resources illustrates that the authorities believe is a price worth paying despite how unpopular the decisions have been in the local areas. It feels like a case of: 'the games must be completed at any cost'.

The pathological desire for results has created an atmosphere of intolerance towards anyone or anything that disagrees with any aspect of the games or its delivery.

This has meant that when local communities have expressed legitimate concerns about the way some aspect of the delivery of the games is being delivered in their neighbourhood, not only have they been ignored, they have been criminalised and penalised. The campaign to Save Leyton Marsh which is made up of residents and locals has been subjected to coercion and intimidation through the use of the law as it attempted to peacefully stand up for the protection of a community space which was taken without their consent for the construction of a basketball training facility. The construction has created a lot of problems for the locals there including the exposure to dangerous toxic waste in areas in which children, adults and animals regularly play, not to mention being effectively locked out of a vital community space indefinitely. Their concerns are legitimate and have not been listened to by the authorities to any degree which could be called understanding.

The use of measures such as the ASBO which are tools to coerce and punish, are being used for those who are engaging in ordinary peaceful demonstration against aspects of the games which are unpopular. They can and are being used to stifle legitimate dissent. This reflects a possible desire by the authorities to ensure that the public image that they are crafting for the games is not tarnished in anyway by peaceful protest. It is a further indicator of a pathological mentality which characterises the undertaking of the delivery of the games

Personally I do not think disrupting the ceremonies or sporting events of the Olympics would necessarily be an effective form of helping to awake people to an injustice. I think there is a risk of alienating and irritating those people who may be open to a message, but are also keen to enjoy these events.

However I believe that this use of punitive and coercive measures to intimidate and punish those who cause or are under suspicion of causing some form of limited, temporary and non-harmful disruption is unreasonable and is symptomatic of the pathological mentality which characterises these Olympics.

This attitude shows no attempt to understand why people have issues with aspects of the games including its delivery, its timing and its relationship with private interests.

The authoritarian nature and behaviour of the authorities in its behaviour in delivering the games are also present in its everyday activities, although perhaps in a less extreme way. It seems that our system of diluted fascism is becoming more fascist everyday. It need not be this way and it is within our power to change it.

In my case this ASBO has imposed on me a challenge whether to proceed with activities which I know are fair and reasonable and by so doing break the law or to succumb to its coercive nature and stop. I have decided to break the law.

The activities which I speak of include:

  • travelling around London and elsewhere and passing through and by the various Olympic routes and venues as part of a consequence of taking part in everyday activities including visiting family and friends and even coming to the court today. (in contravention of prohibition 1).

  • engaging in peaceful demonstration against unreasonable aspects of the games or other issues in, around or near Olympic venues or routes such as Leyton Marsh.

  • Living on disused land and using camping equipment such as sleeping bag, tent and other equipment in order to create low impact sustainable communities. (In contravention of prohibition 3).

    I have decided that I would rather live in prison than be entrapped and controlled by fear of breaching the prohibitions contained within this ASBO. Control by fear is a worse prison than physical prison. Only reacting to fear can imprison the mind and spirit.

    I would also like to take this opportunity to say that the heavy reliance of ASBOs and other forms of coercive or punitive laws to regulate society and prevent 'anti-social behaviour' is failing to create a just, peaceful and free society. I think we need a radically different approach to dealing with anti-social behaviour which is based on 'restorative' justice.

    Sir I would like to put to you that if you think the prohibitions contained within this ASBO are just then you should do as you see fit. However if you see the injustice of this ASBO or any legislation which you think is unjust, you would show the highest respect for the law by resigning your post."

The full judgement will be heard on Monday at 10 am in Westminster Magistrates court.

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Supreme Court rejects application to reopen Julian Assange's extradition appeal

14-06-2012 20:46

The UK Supreme Court today rejected the application to reopen Julian Assange's extradition appeal.

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Banner drops for Bradley Manning in Liverpool

14-06-2012 20:33

outside John Moores Uni
I had a couple of hours to kill in Liverpool this afternoon, and two big banners in my rucksack...

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Magna Carta Anniversary Marked with Death of Habeas Corpus Rights for Guantánamo

14-06-2012 17:13

Credit: London Guantánamo Campaign
Magna Carta Anniversary Marked with Death of Habeas Corpus Rights for Guantánamo Bay Prisoners
- London Guantánamo Campaign, 14 June 2012

The London Guantánamo Campaign [1] regrets the decision of the American Supreme Court, on 11 June, to reject petitions from 7 Guantánamo Bay prisoners [2], held without charge or trial for over a decade, to challenge the basis of their detention. This comes in the same week as the 797th anniversary of the Magna Carta, on Friday 15 June, conferring the rights to a fair trial and habeas corpus [3], among others, for almost the past eight centuries. The court gave no reason for its decision to overturn this basic right it had earlier upheld.

The London Guantánamo Campaign will mark International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, on 26 June, with a vigil in Trafalgar Square at 6-8pm:

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Diggers at Runnymede gathering this sat 16th Magna Carta monument 1pm

14-06-2012 15:42

Diggers call for gathering at Magna Carta monument

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Occupy Finsbury Square evicted

14-06-2012 12:46

This morning the occupy camp at Finsbury square was evicted after nearly 8 months.

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Dogs4us running scared from the truth!

14-06-2012 12:31

Wheres the writing?! Banner blanked out!
What Dogs4us want to hide - ‘Exposed by Channel 5 News and Sky News’!

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Veterans blockade Faslane nuclear weapons base in Scotland

14-06-2012 12:27

Trident Ploughshares

Press Release
14 June 2012

Two Pensioners blockade Faslane

This morning two Trident Ploughshares activists sat in the road at the North Gate of Faslane Trident Submarine base, stopping any traffic from entering the base for 15 minutes as part of the Faslane Peace Camps call for 30 Days of Action.

For details of other actions to mark the anniversary, see:

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Report of Critical Mass against EDO

14-06-2012 11:12

Getting ready to ride
Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM - From 1st May to 1st August 2012.

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Recent humiliation of Rajapaksa brings out new info dating to Dec 2010

14-06-2012 10:35

James Kingston and Mahinda Rajapaksa
In faraway Sri Lanka, which is never faraway for the political manipulations through the Oxford University using the Oxford Union, amidst contradictory accounts, an email from James Kingston, then president of the Oxford Union dating back to sometime after december 2010 is revealed.
Despite credible allegations that the PR outfit Bell Pottinger organised the whole event, James Kingston comes up with a different version and stands 'by my invitation to the President, and had looked forward to his speech with great excitement'. James Kingston also seems to assert that no one else holds power in the Oxford Union while claiming ownership for the decision to pull the plug on the 'largest demonstration seen in the history of Oxford'

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Dismissing this would be insanity

14-06-2012 10:18

Here is a chart showing members of the bilderberg group, and all the corporations, foundations, institutions and businesses that they control. It's quite astonishing to say the least,

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20 June: Protest the Israeli Women's Football Team in Wrexham, Wales

14-06-2012 05:10

Palestine Solidarity Campaign is organising a protest picket of the Israel – Wales Women's European Championship qualifying match in Wrexham on Wednesday 20 June 2012 – Outside the main entrance of Wrexham Stadium, near Wrexham General Station. 5 - 6.30pm.

This is an opportunity to raise awareness of the Apartheid nature of the Israeli State and the need for a sporting boycott of teams that act as virtual ambassadors for Israel.

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Another Demonstration at the Israeli Embassy

14-06-2012 00:55

A second demonstration and candle lit vigil is being held outside the Israeli Embassy last in solidarity with palestinian hunger striker Mahmoud Sarsak, and other Palestinians including Akram Rikhawi, Samer Albarq, Abu Kweik, Abdullah Alaker and Mahmoud Oweiwiwho are still on Hunger strike in Israeli prisons. 


Mahmoud Sarsak political prisoner from the Palestinian football team, has been on hunger strike for 85 days, and is in a critical condition [1]. Although an unknown Palestinian official said he has been taking milk, reports on Electronic Intifada and Physisicians for Human rights Israel report that he "is close to death"[2]. There has been international condemnation of Israel's imprisonment of Sarsak and other Palestinian footballers, including FIFA president Sepp Blatter who "'expressed grave concern' regarding the incarceration of members of the Palestinian team in Israel, including Mahmoud Sarsak who is on hunger strike" [3].

Others on hunger strike include the young Akram Rikhawi who has been on hunger strike for the last 64 days and who is currently fighting an extension to his detention in a statement released by him he makes reference to "Israel violat[ing] its pledge to release him when it extended his detention on May 21st"[4].

Those still on hunger strike follow a massive wave of protests from inside Israeli prisons which saw around 2000 prisoners[5] make the decision to end after the state of Israel met some demands including Prisoners from both the West Bank and Gaza being allow more family visits, and those inmates in long periods of solitary confinement will be allowed back among the general population. The current strikers are mainly battling administrative detention which means imprisonment without charge.

Last night’s demonstration saw similar numbers to Tuesday with around 30 people assembling outside the Israeli embassy holding an hour long sit down vigil. Protestors were able to get all the way along the private road leading to the embassy and right up to the gates of the building. Once again, security and police were present and remarked at their surprise at a second night of action but after being informed about the action were relatively accommodating and this time did not attempt to forcibly remove activists from the site this time. John Marcos who was on the demonstration said "it's fantastic to see such large numbers outside the embassy standing in solidarity with those on hunger strike, this is the closest we've got to the building in about 20 years"

Alongside the action, a busy meeting of around 60 people on the situation in Syria occurred at Palestine Place[6], and despite people from this meeting being unable to get to the Embassy in time for the demonstration, many have agreed to take part in actions taking place tomorrow and took part in a planning meeting for actions scheduled for tomorrow.

A variety of actions are planned for tomorrow including another demonstration outside the Israeli Embassy. Activists plan to meet at Palestine Place from 11am to begin a day of actions is solidarity with those on hunger strike. More details of targets and plans will be released throughout the day tomorrow.


1-Al Jazeera


2- Electronic Intifada & The Guardian

3- CNN online

4-Al Jazeera


5-Sky News

6-Haaretz (Israeli Newspaper) & The Palestine News Network

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undercover cops - more shit emerges

13-06-2012 23:02

I'm sure this is not the last we'll hear of Mark Stone/Kennedy (undercover cop that infiltrated eco-resistance movement, using entrapment and sexual relationships) and his ilk.

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Sabotage Action in Mayo

13-06-2012 22:16

Originally posted on Indymedia Ireland.