UK Newswire Archive
Israel and the Oil question
12-04-2002 15:23
One question puzzles me, and I want to throw this open for some answers. How [if at all] does Israel co-incide with the wider matter of Middle-east oil ?afghan solidarity campaign
12-04-2002 14:27
25 million Afghans need to rebuild their lives. A fifth of them are refugees, the world’s biggest refugee population. An alreadybackward economy has been smashed by Taliban rule and 20 years of civil war.
The small labour movement and the left in Afghanistan were the first victims of Jihadi terror. Thousands were massacred, many went
underground or into exile.
what now in israel-palestine
12-04-2002 14:25
Two nations, two statesIsrael out of the occupied territories!
An editorial in the latest newspaper "Solidarity" (Vol.3 No.5) gives an overview of the issues.
Show support for Palestine
12-04-2002 14:00
As the truth emerges about nuclear armed Israel's genocidal onslaught in the Occupied Territories show your opposition by coming to the protest in London on Saturday.Dairy Social Centre Raided: Pics + Report
12-04-2002 13:23

(The first 3 pics were taken after the police left as people remained determined to keep the centre open.)
Pal Demo in Edinburgh
12-04-2002 12:26

(it's drummers under the flag...)
Witness appeal from "No War on Iraq" banner drop
12-04-2002 11:04
Did anyone witness arrest of two women during the protest last week?Instability In The Region, Colombia's War Of Position Continues In Place
12-04-2002 09:32
Rebels target Colombia's political and economicalelites. "FARC can't hang around in ambushes anymore, waiting for the enemy to pass by", says rebel spokesman in an exclusive interview with ANNCOL.
Police raid Radical Dairy Social Centre
12-04-2002 09:30
This morning over 30 riot police stormed into theRadical Dairy Social Centre in Stoke Newington
as part of the Mayday campaign of repression.
Horrific racist gang rape
12-04-2002 01:26
The horrific racist gang rape of a 14 year old girl in South Africa.Violence in the Middle East - Interesting Radio Broadcast
12-04-2002 01:12
Radio broadcast that discusses the most interesting aspect of the bloodletting in the Middle East, the response of the politicians and media to it and why.Why do we keep counting on our Western leaders ?
12-04-2002 00:08
the solution, but i know, it ain't easy"WOMBLES 7"
11-04-2002 23:18
Support for the WOMBLES 7 who are in court this Mayday.Alice In The Wonderland
11-04-2002 22:41
After all, may be Mr. Powell is endowed with extraordinary occult powers, enabling him to transform Arafat into a powerful man and his collapsing authority into something credible!