UK Newswire Archive
Costs of policing operations at RAF Fairford
03-07-2003 14:41
House of CommonsHansard Written Answers text for
Tuesday 1 Jul 2003
1 Jul 2003 : Column 254W
RAF Fairford
03-07-2003 14:10
The letter he sent to the FA Committee is not complete.ISRAEL: Update on court-martials and imprisonment of conscientious objectors
03-07-2003 13:39

peat action, Manc.
03-07-2003 12:43
simple peat action - DIY at your local DIY - while we can still breathe...Baku anti-Amec action, Manc.
03-07-2003 12:40
Amec night-time hit - stop the Baku pipeline!NO MONEY FOR URIBE'S WAR AGAINST THE COLOMBIAN PEOPLE
03-07-2003 12:18
Next week Uribe Velez (the president of Colombia) has been invited by Blair to visit the UK for a meeting which aims to generate further "Aid" for Colombia.This "Aid" will be used to further repress the Colombian people for the benefit of multinational investment.
It is imperative that we mobilize on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th July to let Blair and Uribe know that we do not support this repression and that we are in solidarity with the Colombian people.
See the communique below for further info:
G8 - Video Interview, New Partnership for African Development
03-07-2003 11:20

Turkey: soldier killed by guerrillas
03-07-2003 10:13
Turkish TV reports soldier killed by "terrorist organisation".Martin Shaw leaves hospital after one month
03-07-2003 07:47
Anti-G8 activist Martin Shaw was released from Lausanne hospital this morning. He has spent a month recovering from near-fatal injuries sustained from an incident on the 1st of June in which the Swiss police cut the rope that he and his climbing partner were hanging from while attempting to stop delegates from attending the G8 summit in Evian.Statement of Martin Shaw on leaving hospital
03-07-2003 07:28
Today I am leaving hospital after two operations and a month recovering from injuries that I sustained as a result of police actions in response to direct action that we took on the Aubonne bridge on the 1st of June. In this statement I wish to elaborate our reasons for making this action, and show how the extreme response to this protest fits into a wider political contextPoisoned Water on Tap Paid for by Us
03-07-2003 04:42
Democratic Mass Medication?!! Fluoride, more poisonous than lead, bone cancer, brittle bones and low I.Q are just a few of the effects! There are no benefits. Protest while you can, let your MP's know, they mustn't get away with this human rights abuse.VIDEO EVIDENCE OF SIMON CHAPMAN'S INNOCENCE
03-07-2003 02:16
Video that shows the police placing bags filled with hammers and molotov cocktails around Simon.Inglewood CA police beating video
03-07-2003 02:02
Police in Inglewood California decide to beat a 16 year old teenager.Independence Radio - 4th July
02-07-2003 23:41

"Peace not war" CD will be released soon
02-07-2003 23:00
The 'PEACE NOT WAR' coalition is fighting against the war since months, and they had been joined by a lot of musicians. The result of this movement is going to be released on June 2 in the form of a double CD.DSEi- International Call to Action
02-07-2003 22:15
Cambridge Naked News European NewsReal Night
02-07-2003 21:21

Here are some pictures of the last one.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
02-07-2003 20:15
Today is Wednesday, July 2nd, 2003 and this morning while I was listening to the radio (V-103) to be exact; there was an issue going on about people from Africa saying that black people were not cosidered or did not deserve to be called African Americans that we should be called Americans. Tihs really bothered me, I mean although I am a growning teenager, life and time are very intricate now these days. I just think that as people we are all equal as one.