UK Newswire Archive
28-05-2003 08:45
Get the skinny on the latest SWP venture: to form a 'New Party' with Muslims! Coming to Birmingham soon..(great news for women & gays...)(3)GLOBALIZATION AND TERRORISM:PROFILES"DIEZ HORAS CON LA GLOBALIZACIÓN"(AMAZON
28-05-2003 08:25
Autor.-Oscar Sánchez Fernández de la Vega
TELEFONO EDITORIAL : 0034981915500

Baathists Fear for their Lives
28-05-2003 04:15
An Iraqi who managed to leave for the United Arab Emirates earlier this week told that the corpses of Baathists are starting to turn up in back streets and alleyways.Why Are We At War?
28-05-2003 03:26
In his review of Norman Mailer's "Why Are We at War?", Mark Dankof gives a thumbs up to Mailer's criticisms of Bush's preemptive war against Iraq and quest for Empire, while giving a thumbs down to Mailer's inconsistencies on Zionism and its history.Text of Israels 14 (unpublished) Roadmap conditions
28-05-2003 02:25
...Yesterday's Cabinet vote in favor of the Road Map made it contingent upon 14 "comments" that Israel submitted to the Americans...The Prime Minister called them "red lines beyond which we cannot and will not withdraw." Despite this, he has yet to publicize them......The Senguls will continue on their path!
28-05-2003 01:13
Date: May 20, 2003 Statement: 302"Gulf war 2 syndrome" probably caused by DU
27-05-2003 23:27
Leading nuclear physicist and Gulf war veterans' scientific representativeDr Chris Busby said today that the newly reported outbreak of 'Gulf war 2
syndrome' is probably caused by exposure to depleted uranium.
International Action Against 'Dirty' Weapons
27-05-2003 23:15
This Thursday 29th May the Second International Day of Action Against Depleted Uranium is taking place. The scale of the event promises to be many times larger than previously seen as public outrage over the recent use ofdepleted uranium (DU) weapons in Iraq by Britain and America grows.
Human Rights Group Criticizes Hugo Chavez and Venezuelan Media
27-05-2003 21:57
The Human Rights Watch is concerend that the Venezuelan government is not doing all it should to protect journalists.Saddam Hussein nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize
27-05-2003 21:42
The Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.ISM: International Rights Groups Decry Increased Harassment of Monitors
27-05-2003 20:08
Israel and the Occupied Territories: International Rights Groups Decry Increased Harassment of MonitorsReinventing Libertaria
27-05-2003 18:58
"Being a libertarian may be a step in the direction of conservatism, but being a Libertarian puts me in the pocket of people out to kill me."Is Nuad Boran unique? Tom Yam Khung is to!
27-05-2003 17:58
Is Nuad Boran unique? Tom Yam Khung is to!question about thessaloniki?
27-05-2003 17:37
i'm interesting to go down to thessaloniki for EU summit.whom collectives are going down there?
Stop Israel’s campaign against Negev Bedouin!
27-05-2003 15:49
Letter Campaign against House Demolitions in Unrecognized Bedouin Villages in the Negev.Israel and Palestine: London meeting 8 June
27-05-2003 15:47
36 years of Occupation: 36 years too longEurope or America
27-05-2003 15:12
Where do you think the UK's future should be?