International Action Against 'Dirty' Weapons
CADU | 27.05.2003 23:15
This Thursday 29th May the Second International Day of Action Against Depleted Uranium is taking place. The scale of the event promises to be many times larger than previously seen as public outrage over the recent use of
depleted uranium (DU) weapons in Iraq by Britain and America grows.
depleted uranium (DU) weapons in Iraq by Britain and America grows.
Press Release
For immediate release May 27th 2003
International Action Against 'Dirty' Weapons-
Huge Public Support for The Second International Day of Action
Against Depleted Uranium
This Thursday 29th May the Second International Day of Action Against
Depleted Uranium is taking place. The scale of the event promises to be many
times larger than previously seen as public outrage over the recent use of
depleted uranium (DU) weapons in Iraq by Britain and America grows.
Groups all over the world have pledged to take part and will be involved in
protesting against military, government and commercial targets involved in the
production and use of depleted uranium weapons and public awareness raising
in their local communities.
Countries that will be seeing protests on the 29th May include so far;
Yugoslavia, Greece, the USA, Ireland, Germany, Finland and Britain.
Organisers of the many protests range from groups such as Nuke Resister in
the States who have a long history of working against DU weapons to
individuals who have just found out about the use of these weapons after the
recent attack on Iraq and feel compelled to take a stand. Fittingly Britain and
the US will see the highest levels of protests with at least 15 events planned
across Britain and 10 across the States, including Washington DC and New
York. Anger at the issue in Britain is especially strong in Scotland where DU
weapons are tested.
Anna Bell from the Campaign Against Depleted Uranium (CADU), who have
been working to support those taking part in the day, said "We have been
completely taken by surprise at how many groups have wanted to take part in
the Day of Action. People who have not been involved in campaigning before
have come to us and have said they couldn't believe their governments were
capable of such hypocrisy and irresponsible behaviour. Iraq was the first time
many people had heard of the weapons and their effects. With the international
trade in these weapons and the contamination they cause respecting no
borders an International Day of Action is the most effective way of saying DU
weapons are completely unacceptable to the world community."
DU weapons are both chemically toxic and radioactive and can cause long
term damage to human health and the environment. They are have been
labelled a weapon of indiscriminate effect by the UN Subcommission for
Human Rights. For more information please contact:
The Campaign Against Depleted Uranium
Fax or telephone: 0161 273 8293
The Campaign Against Depleted Uranium, Bridge 5 Mill, 22a Beswick Street,
Ancoats, Manchester, M4 7HR Tel./Fax.: +44 (0)161 273 8293
E-Mail Website:
CADU's quarterly newsletter is available free of charge by E-Mail (send us a
message with 'Subscribe CADU News' as the subject) or by post for £6 per year.
Please send your cheque draft or postal order in £ sterling to the address above.
For immediate release May 27th 2003
International Action Against 'Dirty' Weapons-
Huge Public Support for The Second International Day of Action
Against Depleted Uranium
This Thursday 29th May the Second International Day of Action Against
Depleted Uranium is taking place. The scale of the event promises to be many
times larger than previously seen as public outrage over the recent use of
depleted uranium (DU) weapons in Iraq by Britain and America grows.
Groups all over the world have pledged to take part and will be involved in
protesting against military, government and commercial targets involved in the
production and use of depleted uranium weapons and public awareness raising
in their local communities.
Countries that will be seeing protests on the 29th May include so far;
Yugoslavia, Greece, the USA, Ireland, Germany, Finland and Britain.
Organisers of the many protests range from groups such as Nuke Resister in
the States who have a long history of working against DU weapons to
individuals who have just found out about the use of these weapons after the
recent attack on Iraq and feel compelled to take a stand. Fittingly Britain and
the US will see the highest levels of protests with at least 15 events planned
across Britain and 10 across the States, including Washington DC and New
York. Anger at the issue in Britain is especially strong in Scotland where DU
weapons are tested.
Anna Bell from the Campaign Against Depleted Uranium (CADU), who have
been working to support those taking part in the day, said "We have been
completely taken by surprise at how many groups have wanted to take part in
the Day of Action. People who have not been involved in campaigning before
have come to us and have said they couldn't believe their governments were
capable of such hypocrisy and irresponsible behaviour. Iraq was the first time
many people had heard of the weapons and their effects. With the international
trade in these weapons and the contamination they cause respecting no
borders an International Day of Action is the most effective way of saying DU
weapons are completely unacceptable to the world community."
DU weapons are both chemically toxic and radioactive and can cause long
term damage to human health and the environment. They are have been
labelled a weapon of indiscriminate effect by the UN Subcommission for
Human Rights. For more information please contact:
The Campaign Against Depleted Uranium
Fax or telephone: 0161 273 8293

The Campaign Against Depleted Uranium, Bridge 5 Mill, 22a Beswick Street,
Ancoats, Manchester, M4 7HR Tel./Fax.: +44 (0)161 273 8293

CADU's quarterly newsletter is available free of charge by E-Mail (send us a
message with 'Subscribe CADU News' as the subject) or by post for £6 per year.
Please send your cheque draft or postal order in £ sterling to the address above.
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