UK Newswire Archive
One World Cup
21-05-2002 11:51
The beautiful game has turned very ugly and become a distraction from what's really going on..One World Cup
21-05-2002 11:50
The beautiful game has turned very ugly and become a distraction from what's really going on..PCS calls for sanctions, arms embargo, war crimes investigation
21-05-2002 09:46
PCS, the union representing UK government workers (benefit office staff etc) passed the following motions at its national conference in Brighton last week:Understanding The Israeli Palestinian Conflict For The Average British
21-05-2002 08:36
Israel bars any candidate from holding office who thinks Israel should be a secular, democratic state with equal rights for all.Why Israel's 'seruvniks' say enough is enough
21-05-2002 06:29
The laywer representing Israeli conscripts who refuse to serve beyond the 1967 ceasefire lines explains why a growing number of soldiers are disobeying orders, in order to protect the basic values on which Israel was founded.Genitically modified golf courses planted in IS
21-05-2002 00:19
GM grass to put club golfers on par with the bestRising without Uprising
20-05-2002 22:20
Civilizations do not clash over cultures; only States clash over territories and resources. History never came to an end and never will, only the regimes, oblivious of their outmoded paradigms come to end.Brave New Mind Control
20-05-2002 21:58
Way back when the Huxley intellectual elite knew what was going on and how the social mind could be controlled so that freedoms could be voluntarily relinquished in obeisance to the state. A righteous prediction and knowledge indeed..The Manchester Loombreaker - Issue 28
20-05-2002 17:31
The Loombreaker is Manchester's Direct Action round-up:In this month's Loombreaker -
Free Weed ...well, sort of, International Solidarity with Palestine, Last chance for Park Nook, Free Party in Matlock Hills, DU Action, Blitz Festival
IMC Hamilton Interviews Barrie Zwicker, Host of VisionTV's 'The Great Deception'
20-05-2002 17:17
Important thoughts from Barrie Zwicker during these times of state-terror.Support the Intifada - EVENTS!
20-05-2002 16:47
Public meetings and pickets of Marks and Spencers organised by Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! in SUPPORT OF THE INTIFADAPalestine never existed in history. Prove me wrong.
20-05-2002 12:30
Great article belowNews Updates 20-5-02
20-05-2002 12:22
New stories on the Corporate Watch website - GM protests, oil and the U'wa, human rights and gold mining in Tanzania, Welsh schools on toxic waste dumps, and links to further stories.Why Israel's 'seruvniks' say enough is enough
20-05-2002 10:26
The laywer representing Israeli conscripts who refuse to serve beyond the 1967 ceasefire lines explains why a growing number of soldiers are disobeying orders, in order to protect the basic values on which Israel was founded.bishop to practise what ihe preches
20-05-2002 10:22
Bishop vows to sell £1m mansion and give proceeds to the poorALL Refugees Welcome Here?
20-05-2002 08:33
Do Open Borders conflict with Union Rights?Divest Israel Now!
20-05-2002 07:37

Palestine Solidarity Demo-London-18/05/02
20-05-2002 06:14

Evidence of Bush/New World Order 9-11 Plot
19-05-2002 23:55
Critical Digest: Pass to Mainstream!