UK Newswire Archive
Force the MPA to answer the Flash questions
12-01-2011 09:02
Ask the MPA to sort out Kennedy Stone and the NPIOU - looks like they have been in charge since NovemberWhite Hat Report #8
12-01-2011 05:56
White Hats Reporting on the latest activities of the the Dark Cabal, the United States Fed, the WH administration, Congress, the IRS, etc.TUNISIA AND ALGERIA... NO EXCUSES FOR OUR LACK OF SUPPORT!!
12-01-2011 04:51
Algeria and Tunisia have been going through an insurrection of epic dimensions for more than one week due to the worsening of the economical situation and its impact in the live of millions of people from the lower social strata.JDL rally to support the EDL in Toronto
12-01-2011 02:24
EDL support rally at the Toronto Zionist Centre, hosted by the JDL.Bristol Activist Sports Club
11-01-2011 23:22
Every Sunday (unless it's raining) we will be getting together at Riverside Park (Along side M32, Between Staples and St Pauls Underpass) to play sports, do circuit training and have fun, and you are invited!After all this running about in Bristol and London for the student demos, we noticed we are pretty unfit. So last Saturday some members of Bristol Anarchist Federation got together to play football. Even tough we all suck at... football and it was cold and muddy we had a great time. So we thought we would create an opportunity for students and activists to get fit and meet new people by doing it every week.
The Programme:
WARM UP - Stretches and circuit training to loosen muscles.
PART ONE - Team sports such as Football, touch rugby, cricket etc (depends on what equipment people bring)
PART TWO - Demo training games. Games and Excersises to help improve agility, fitness, co-ordination and communication such as Self Defence, British Bulldogs, Breaking Police lines, dodgeball, tactics, role play etc anything that is fun and improves our chances of staying safe and free on the streets!
SOCIAL - Pint and a game of Skittles at the Duke of York.
This is a great way to meet people without the boredom of a meeting or the stress of a protest. We want to see students, unionist, socialists and anarchists all there having fun and sweating loads!
This is DIY so we are up for any ideas, skills, knowledge or equipment people can provide.
Contact for more info
Map -
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9 years of Guantánamo - Beyond Words: Silent Witness to Injustice
11-01-2011 23:17

Nottingham Students Protest Against Scapping EMA
11-01-2011 22:23
Meeting in the Market Square Nottingham at 3.00pm on Tuesday 11th Janaury, School and College Student gathered to protest at the Scapping of the Educational Maintanance Allowance. Students had earlier walked out at 2.00pm
Nottingham Students Protested against scapping the Educational Maintanance Allowance. I understand that the government plan to do this in Septemeber this year.
A rally was held in the square, before a tour round the block to take in the usual suspects like Vodafone and Boots, with much shouting of "pay your Taxes etc".
Later, folks headed off to the Conservative HQ Offices at:
Conservative Party Office
1 King Edward Court,
For those that don't know.
They weren't expected and the gates to the compound there were open. People banged on the door, rang the bell etc, to try and get someone to talk about the issue. There was no answer :-) It was noted that there was a painting of Margret Thatcher, adorning the foyer causing many remarks! Many folks at other office windows were smiling and seeming to enjoy the demo as a specticle.
The situation was good humoured until one young lad was detained [for, I think graffiti, although i saw none]. Folks then returned there to demand his release. Police were called and it is believed he was taken to Bridewell police Station, leaving via another entrance.
Demo then went back through town, visiting another Vodafone store, and having a bit of a sit-in.
The Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) is a means-tested allowance of between £10 and £30, paid to 16- to 19-year-olds who stay on in education.
Rolled out nationally in September 2004, EMA is intended to help with the cost of books, travel, equipment or anything useful to the continuation of learning. It’s paid straight into the pupil’s bank account, not their parents or their college, giving them independence and forcing them to take charge of a small weekly budget. The payments are under the condition that they attend classes regularly. If the pupil works hard or achieves good grades, there is the opportunity to earn bonuses.
EMA is available to 16-19 year olds who come from low income families and whose household’s net income is below £30,000 pa. There is an additional grant for those students from families household income is up to and below £20,000 pa. EMA currently exists all across the UK although the administering of it is devolved to the regional parliaments of Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Save EMA
Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts!
Notts Save Our Services
Defending jobs, services, welfare & education against cuts in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire
Smashed Windows & Graffiti @ Conservative Offices
descent report on ITV Central
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Solidarity demo for Thessaloniki 4
11-01-2011 20:04

1A Holland Park,
London W11 3TP
Nearest tube: Lancaster Gate, Central Line
Global Open - who Flash went to work for next!
11-01-2011 17:59
Mark Kennedy / Stone AKA Flash went on to work for a very dodgy 'commercial intel' firm set up by an ex head of the NPIOU!This is their website !

National Day of Protest Against Benefit Cuts: Latest News
11-01-2011 17:24
The second National Day of Protest Against Benefit Cuts has been called for 24th January 2011 targetting Atos Origin and the rest of the poverty pimps.Keep updated on facebook at:

Or the website at:

Right a Wrong in British Planning Law
11-01-2011 16:44
This MOPG's latest Press Release emphasises a different aspect of the argument as to why Communities in England should benefit from a 500m Buffer Zone law. It shows how many areas of England could be prone to opencast mining because local communities, unlike those in Scotland and Wales do not benefit from having a 500m Buffer Zone policy in operation.night of sabotage in bristol
11-01-2011 16:22
we are warming up...early on January 10th, as anarchists with revolutionary intent we continued in the trajectory that our horror and disgust at the society we find ourselves engulfed by demands.
as a result - bailiff and debt collecting firm Revenue on Bonnville Road, windows all down one side of the building smashed (despite regular security patrol close by).
- O2 repeater tower secluded behind a nearby industrial estate, lock cut from the gate with boltcroppers then a tyre filled with rags wedged through the biggest bunch of cables(rags also tied around the cables) and doused with paraffin and ignited with a birthday candle wick to torch the whole thing.
- Brislington police station, paintstripper used to damage the bodywork of three squadcars and one mobile c.c.t.v unit and windows put out (inside their fenced vehicle compound).
- HSBC bank on the main Bath Road, front windows shot out.
as the country lurches further into the certainty of even more clearcut class attacks on the poor by the rich, we would predict a certain rise in the use of a variety of tools and tactics by the exploited and excluded in return in this social war that some still desperately try to bury their heads from as it rages before their eyes. for us, while we respect a diversity of tactics based on participants ability and on results not dogma, a meaningful struggle against the state, capitalism and the prison-based society it produces and represents must be defined by complete and permenant conflict with the ruling order rather than demands or dialogue. now is not the time and never has been for us to waste time and breath caught up in the politics of representitives or leftists/activists wishing us to wittle away our time in petty politics rather than seeking to expand our relationships of utter revolt with each other. we seek only to find those who wish to conspire with us for a fight that will take us beyond everything we know of this world, to realise a libertarian autonomous society through collective destruction of the present one.
these actions of sabotage are simple and achieve these aims directly. in many areas there are targets, it is simply impossible for them to be all defended at once by our enemies so we take our time and strike at will. the allseeing eye still has blindspots it would seem. when struggling against the network of technological repression, police - communications infastructure - bailiffs - banks all pose very real and attackable faces to the not so invisible machine.
the fight continues.
Palestine Today 01 11 2011
11-01-2011 15:29

I can't forgive Mark Kennedy's betrayal of activists
11-01-2011 14:37
Along with many others, I was sickened when I discovered that the man I knew as a fellow activist, Mark Kennedy, was in fact an undercover police officer who had been spying on us since 2003. Yet my feelings were nothing compared with those who were close to him. The betrayal and loss they are feeling is a real grief – the equivalent of someone you love dying. I went through this myself a few years ago when one of my best friends, Martin Hogbin, was exposed as a BAE spy. I denied the facts for a long time simply because the truth was too difficult. I still miss my friend, miss the good times, miss him seeing my son grow up; I don't think this feeling will ever go away.
The NSSN & the Cuts
11-01-2011 14:28
The authoritarian left are arguing over whether the Shop Stewards Network should set up another anti cuts campaign.WikiLeaks: treat incitement seriously or expect more Gabrielle Gifford killing sprees
11-01-2011 14:19
Wikileaks today offered sympathy and condolences to the victims of the Tucson shooting together with best wishes for the recovery of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords. Giffords, a democrat from Arizona's 8th district, was the target of a shooting spree at a Jan 8 political event in which six others were killed.US government demands Twitter account information of WikiLeaks and followers and
11-01-2011 14:00
"Citing the Pentagon Papers case, the CRS report warns that an attempt to stage a prosecution for the WikiLeaks disclosures would raise questions over “government censorship” and US attempts to exercise “extraterritorial jurisdiction.”If the law were properly applied, a prosecution of WikiLeaks and Assange would not even be brought. However, given the sharp shift to the right by the US high court, along with the rest of the political establishment, there is every reason to believe that a government attempt to railroad Assange on espionage charges will proceed in earnest."
Student protester who threw fire extinguisher from roof jailed
11-01-2011 13:37
Edward Woollard, 18, sentenced to two years and eight months for hurling object towards crowded courtyardLeaflet for Network X gathering: movement beyond actions
11-01-2011 13:23
Movement beyond ‘actions’: what we have been, what we can becomeAs the UK moves into times of potential mass unrest, how does our movement find a way of connecting with the people around us? What is the best use of our political time, energy and experience in this new, and maybe very exciting phase? We all know that deep social change is going to take a mass movement, not just a bunch of activists – but how can we best be part of and agitate for such a movement?
Bitcoin P2P Virtual Currency
11-01-2011 13:01
Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer digital currency. Peer-to-peer (P2P) means that there is no central authority to issue new money or keep track of transactions. Instead, these tasks are managed collectively by the nodes of the network.