UK Newswire Archive
Don't Share Your Car....?
23-08-2002 11:54
Washington DC - William Ford Jr., CEO of the Ford Motor Company testified before Congress about the nationwide problem of ride sharing. Ford cited ride swapping as the number one reason for the the company's declining revenue. "These 'pool pirates are depriving Ford of rightful income. Three sometimes four people are sharing rides. Less wear and tear on the cars means fewer new car purchases. That's revenue that's being robbed from Ford."Anti-HLS demo update: cops escort people onto tube
23-08-2002 11:50
12:44 Anti-Huntingdon Life Sciences demonstrators escorted on the tube to the West End by police, including officers from CO and FIT (Forward Intelligence Team).Cop cars and vans from the City are now heading towards Mayfair. [no story follows]
Brazil Creates World's Largest Rainforest Park
23-08-2002 11:35
Brazil Creates World's Largest Rainforest ParkUpdate: Anti-HLS demo stopped by police
23-08-2002 11:11
The anti-Huntingdon Life Sciences demonstration currently underway in Central London has been stopped by police.At least one person has been stopped and searched under the Prevention of Terrorism Act for carrying a camera.
[no story follows]
For background information, see
National Farmers Strike Today!
23-08-2002 10:10
Plans are already afoot for action throughout the autumn and winter period.Anti War Speech that got Eugene Debs 10 Years
23-08-2002 10:05
Any speech that got its speaker imprisoned is worth readingURGENT: 275 arrested, in runup to WSSD in SA
23-08-2002 10:02
Hi - I am from the Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign in South Africa, a social movement fighting the government's neo-liberal policies. See
I'm sending this email to all the international contacts I could pool together from my mailbox. This is an urgent call to action.
Cheney, Rumsfeld Help Coverup CIA Scientist's Murder
23-08-2002 10:00
Secret documents have revealed that Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld helped cover up the murder of former senior CIA scientist Frank Olson, a key member of the CIAs secret brainwashing programme MK-ULTRA.GERMANY: 4th military arrest for total objector Thomas R. Kroll
23-08-2002 09:58

Bush's Secret Service, Police Attack Media Covering Protest
23-08-2002 07:58
Reporters were targeted along with protestors with pepper spray in downtown Portland Thursday evening. The Portland police, operating with the Secret Service, pepper sprayed photographers, reporters, and television crews during a protest against Bush. Opposed to Bush's war fever for Iraq, and decrying the administration's latest move to exploit the terror of forest fires for his timber industry chums, citizens turned out in droves to defend the U.S. homeland's Constitution and forests, only to be chided by Fuhrer Bush. More details at
Animal Cruelty: Al-Qaeda's Got Nothin' on the US Military
23-08-2002 06:43
The world is rightfully shocked at the alleged puppy experiments of Al-Qaeda. Unreported by CNN are the decades of animal cruelty inflicted by the U.S. Department of Defense. This brief expose reveals a history of U.S. animal abuse that makes Al-Qaeda look like good samaritans.Aziz Ahmed Home Office Ref: A117377
23-08-2002 04:55
"Home Office is so embarrassed by this glaring example of incompetence and negligence ...."Procapitalist demo Manchester July ( film )
23-08-2002 02:43
Pro-capitalists marching in manchester, UK during the commonwealth games - with ABBASwedish SAC protests against the arrest of SKT-member
23-08-2002 01:42
We are extremely concerned of the news that the secretary of the Siberian Confederation of Labor (SKT) in Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Vladimir Prokhorovich Vorobyov, has been illegally arrested while leaving his home yesterday.Protests Against Bush in Oregon-State of Emergency Declared
23-08-2002 00:27
Just found Portland IMC in time to find reports of THOUSANDS on the streets protesting against U.S. Emperor G. W. Bush!FILTH DOWNLOAD child porn
22-08-2002 23:48
2 POLICE MEN have been caught downloadin child pornSacco & Vanzetti 75th Anniversary
22-08-2002 22:53
August 23rd marks the 75th anniversary of the murders of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti. Gone but never forgotten.SWAZILAND: Mario Masuku is acquitted
22-08-2002 21:30
Report from "Simunye" (

Swazi women turn to prostitution as hunger bites
22-08-2002 21:22
Report from "Simunye" (