UK Newswire Archive
Brochure handed out by greek anarchists in the M20 anti-war demo, London
23-03-2004 20:43
Below are the two parts of the brochure we handed out during the M20 anti-war demo..Pembrokeshire Land Occupation and Low Impact Dwelling Convention
23-03-2004 20:28

His eco-house is a national treasure, a historic relic and an inspiration to thousands of other people. It must be preserved.
Meanwhile, in a gobsmackingly blatant display of double standards, the Park¹s planning committee have given outline permission to Alfred McAlpine to erect 350 holiday chalets imported from Estonia and 60 holiday flats at his ³Bluestones² site in the Park.
You are invited to join our Easter protest camp in the Park, to persuade Tony to change his mind and the planners to change their policies
Menwith action, gate 2 report
23-03-2004 16:52

Kentish Town Eviction pics
23-03-2004 16:51

Baliffs have come and gone, not sure if there due back today?
Pix of Theatre of War Whitehall Protest, 19 Mar 04 (set 3/4)
23-03-2004 16:25

Pix of Theatre of War Whitehall Protest, 19 Mar 04 (set 2/4)
23-03-2004 16:16

Telestreet Conference
23-03-2004 16:03
[This is a preview of the Telestreet meeting Etera 2][Below this introduction I have posted a provisional program for the meeting]
Etera 2 meeting, March the 25th 2004 in Sennigallia, will be the second meeting of the Telestrade or Telestreet. A national movement of micro-tv stations (sometimes transmitting to no more than a few blocks) scattered across Italy. Telestreet operates between the legal and technological cracks of the Italian mediascape. Literally squatting the shadows or blank spots where the signals of terrestrial broadcasters cannot reach, leaving shadows on the spectrum which the Telestreet groups occupy.
Pix of Theatre of War Whitehall Protest, 19 Mar 04 (set 2/4)
23-03-2004 16:02

The world uses diversion media by focussing on unique incidents:Palestine and
23-03-2004 13:33
The world media excites the public opinion and divert it from the essence of the Problem of Palestine.Pix of the Anti-War march in London, 20 Mar 04 (set 3/3)
23-03-2004 13:15

Pix of the Anti-War march in London, 20 Mar 04 (set 2/3)
23-03-2004 13:06

Pix of the Anti-War march in London, 20 Mar 04 (set 1/3)
23-03-2004 12:55

Boycott Bayer Campaign
23-03-2004 12:53
Boycott Bayer has been launched by anti-GM campaigners: posters and leaflets availableNo good news from Afghanistan
23-03-2004 12:31
Morale in the UN is low and the biggest outbreak of fighting since the defeat of the Taliban. Things are not looking too good in Afghanistan. This is a personal diary from a UN worker in the north of Afghanistan.Planning application looms for Britain’s Henge Capital
23-03-2004 12:06

Tarmac Northern Ltd, subsidiary of Anglo American Plc have confirmed, despite UK Government and English Heritage statements against further quarrying in the area, that they will be applying for planning permission to remove yet more of the ritual landscape of this, the UK's largest henge si
IMC screening of DSEI video - Indefensible in Brixton tonight
23-03-2004 12:04
Screening of DSEI video - IndefensibleTUESDAY 23rd MARCH 2004 7pm - 11pm (film starts about 8pm)
in THE UPSTAIRS BAR, Brixton RITZY, Coldharbour Lane SW2 (3 mins from Brixton tube)
Hunger Strikers Health Worsen
23-03-2004 11:57
Eight days into the glorious hunger strike by Colombian Coca Cola workers and the struggle continues, but neither the corporation nor the national government concern themselves with the grave health problems now affecting the participants in this important protest for life and dignity.CASE COLLAPSES AGAINST HARINGEY ANTI-ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNERS
23-03-2004 11:53

Eviction resistance in Kentish Town (now!)
23-03-2004 11:19
An attempted eviction of a squatters living in flats over the co-op supermarket in Kentish Town is currently being resisted.... (11:45am Tuesday 23rd)death commute pt.2
23-03-2004 11:03
copyright and royalty free mp3 from australia's newest noize terrorist matt bleak.