UK Newswire Archive
Iraq’s draft constitution: a recipe for neo-colonial rule
31-08-2005 13:49
The constitution that was endorsed by Iraq’s presidential council on Sunday, and is to be put to a referendum by October 15, is an outrage against the Iraqi people. From beginning to end, it has been written to advance US imperialist ambitions in the Middle East, notably long-term control over Iraq’s oil reserves and permanent military bases in the country.KILL WHITE SUPREMACY
31-08-2005 11:34
German woman prefers three days jail to paying anti-nuclear fine
31-08-2005 11:28

A young German woman is spending the second of three days in jail because she refuses to pay a 70 euro fine and 77.30 euros court costs for blockading a nuclear waste train in 2003. Ulrike Laubenthal is calling for people to turn up to stop a similar waste train through France and Germany to a dump in Gorleben, northern Germany, on 5 November.
noborder action Xanthi
31-08-2005 10:30

Yesterday there was a demonstration with about 200 people in Komotini against the nearby refugee prison and a successfull attack against the prison in Vna.
The camp finishes today, there were no arrests.
(translation 31.8.2005, original 28.8.2005)
Ryanair website calls noise restrictions 'nonsense'
31-08-2005 09:58
This is taken from Ryanair's website.
UK Government Proposals on Noise Restrictions will Deprive you of Low Fare Flights
The UK Government is currently proposing to increase noise restrictions at Stansted Airport, which threatens the growth of low fares flights for UK consumers. This is at a time when Ryanair and other low fare carriers are investing billions in quieter aircraft to reduce noise disruption.
We want our passengers to be aware of this nonsense regulation by the Government which, if implemented, will reduce your choice of low fares destinations and inevitably increase air fares.
You can write to the UK Department for Transport at

Solidarity Protest With Sacked Gate Gourmet Workers
31-08-2005 09:55
Protest the offices of Blue Arrow, Castle Street, Liverpool at 12pm September 2ndUzbek activist held in mental hospital
31-08-2005 09:38
A leading Human Rights activist in Uzbekistan has been locked up in a psychiatric hospital in an echo of soviet style practices after distributing anti-government leaflets which prosecutors claimed insulted the countrys emblem.Indonesia's Human Rights Violations Report
31-08-2005 07:17
LEST WE FORGET How you can go about reading the secret Indonesian government report that investigated gross human rights violations occurring in East Timor during 1999.Video of right wing 'Protest Warriors' fleeing Crawford pro-war rally
31-08-2005 06:09
4:30 minute video. About two thousand people converged in Crawford for the “Cindy (Sheehan) Doesn’t Speak for Me” rally Saturday. However, in a odd turn of events, and despite repeated pleadings that “we are on your side, we are on the right,” the rally turned on conservative youth "Protest Warriors."Here's The Funny Part
31-08-2005 03:25
The Madness has gotten to the point that our Extreme Apathy can no longer allow us to pretend it isn't there.Corrupt Canadian Elections
31-08-2005 02:24
This is how the NWO is advancing their agenda in CANADAYou say you want a revolution?
31-08-2005 00:15

- William Burroughs
HELP! S.O.S. from the US! Our president is insane!
31-08-2005 00:08
The American president (insane usurper) is vacationing while a major US city is destroyed by global warming propelled hurricane.Music, the metaphorical apocalypse of unobservant teenagers
30-08-2005 23:30
In High Fidelity I believe it to be accurately stated that adults may take extreme precautions to what children may view at the cinemas or on the internet. However they do not take the same care in the child' music tastes, yes the child may have slightly less volatile physical urges than other children but may listen to the most heart-breaking, sad and ultimately soul destroying music known to mankind. Will the parents care? No, because it's only words to most people, but to others it's a personal message being transmitted directly to the listeners' brains giving them an entirely new interpretation of the world they live in.This is why certain music should be sliced off mid-root before it can take
saturday club meeting 3rd sept
30-08-2005 22:39
saturday club meeting on saturday 3rd september at 11.30 at the basementAstonishing attack on Jean Charles de Menezes Campaign
30-08-2005 21:12
Attacking people involved in the campaign organised by the family of Jean Charles de Menezes seems to be a popular pastime for journalists and commentators at the moment.Thousand Workers Siege Labor Department in Manila
30-08-2005 20:52
Filipino protesters and unionists from Gelmart Industries, the country's top garment exporter, clash with police at the Department of Labor and Employment office in Manila August 15, 2005. Protesters condemned the Labor Secretary and the Gelmart management for failing to meet the demands of employees.Cycle for peace photos from Great Cumbrae Sunday 28th August.
30-08-2005 18:04