UK Newswire Archive
DSEi Day 2 and Disarm goes to ExCEL
09-09-2009 16:36
Today being the second day of DSEi, a group of about 20 had arranged to meet up and head for the ExCEL Centre. FIT were down the road from LARC and more turned up at Freedom, so no element of surprise was possible. We met up in a local park, and set off, attracting an ever larger gaggle of cops on the way to Tower Gateway, with more joining the throng at the station. By the time we got onto the train, there were almost as many cops as protestors. Arriving at Custom House DLR, one member of the group was pulled aside for a search under Section 1 for drugs. The rest of the group were escorted up the stairs to a walkway overlooking the centre and platform, where the sound system was switched on, banners put up and delegates generally abused using a powerful megaphone. The glass on the side of the walkway proved very effective for banging on as delegates gathered on the platform below.Palestine Today 090909
09-09-2009 16:25

Afghanistan's First Oil and Gas Licensing Round
09-09-2009 16:10
If evidence were ever needed as to the resilience of oil companies and their willingness to do business in some of world’s most hostile environments then surely it would be worth drawing on the story of Afghanistan.Contact Eldelman Managment (STOP KINGSNORTH)
09-09-2009 16:10
Edelmen UK are trying to get public support for E-On's new coal powered poer station at Kingsnorth. They are also manipulatig the media (not that they would have to try too hard!) to try and get positive articles in the press relating to the proposed new power station.Remember Its not built yet and it never will be if we stand up in defence of the earth! Contact them and ask the to stop helping E-On!
Billionaire Resnick Poison Spraying People Animals and Insects of California
09-09-2009 16:05
With a check to Schwarzenegger, billionaire Stewart Resnickhas been allowed to spray Checkmate against the people's will.
Checkmate is a poison whose ingredients Resnick has said no
one need know. He is also controlling the world's food supply
through creation of seedless varieties.
Contact Scott Wilson - Stop Kingsnorth!
09-09-2009 15:49
E-on are paying Scott Wilson to help push their plans for kingsnorth and to try and make E-on look a better company. To build something like a new powerstation a company has to carry out lots of research and it would appear that they have been using scott wilson to do this. If they can't carry out all the assesments they can't build Kingsnorth.There is no way that scott wilson have the intrest of the enviroment or locals at heart, all they care about is the money they are being paid by kingsnorth.
Contact them and ask them to stop helping towards the planning and construction of Kingsnorth!
Drax 29
09-09-2009 14:29

Locations For Targets (Kingsnorth Campaign)
09-09-2009 14:20
There are 5 companies after the contract for Kingsnorth. However if they get enough hassle for chasing the contract then they won’t bother anymore, it also a great way to show them what they are in for if they do get the contract. We must be relentless in our campaign as we are fighting for all life current and future.Please download for the attatchment for a better formated version of this article.
Catholic Workers Arrested at DSEi Arms Fair for Pouring Red Paint
09-09-2009 14:07
Wednesday 9th September 2009 DSEi (1) Arms Fair, ExCEL Centre, Docklands, London.London Catholic Workers Katrina Alton and Martin Newell poured red paint on to a sign advertising the DSEi Arms Fair [this morning at 8.30am]. The red paint represents the blood of the victims of the arms fair, on [the walkway which is the main pedestrian entrance to the arms fair by Custom House DLR station].
12/9/09: Bringing radical alternatives into Bristol city centre
09-09-2009 12:53

...radicals, strugglers, freethinkers, anarchists, workers, fighters, unemployed, dreamers, peace-lovers and planet-savers. Come along and join in the fun!
The Bristol anarchist bookfair 2009 sweeps into the city centre on 12 September. Bringing together local and national groups, networks, individuals and distros, the bookfair provides absolutely anything you have ever wanted to know about anarchism, and much more. It is also, this year, the opening event for the Bristol CoMutiny Convergence – details at

Live chicks crushed video, hamsters' heads drilled, pigs dropped onto concrete
09-09-2009 11:25
In Spencer Iowa in the US, the Hy-Line hatchery crushes baby chicksalive.. and other animal atrocity stories
Day 3 of Leeds garbage strike
09-09-2009 11:23
The Leeds bin strike enters its 3rd day with no sign of a breakthrough in the disputeLondon Demo for arrested Belgrade Anarchists, Friday 11th
09-09-2009 10:42

Student Stop the War Conference with Ilan Pappe
09-09-2009 10:25

University of London Union, Malet St.
Nearest tube: Russell Square (Piccadilly Line)
Police station attcked in Chile, @s in trouble!
09-09-2009 10:04
Petrol bomb attack on police station in Santiago, shot(s?) fired, one wounded, 2 arrestedAnother Financial Crisis
09-09-2009 04:19
Governments around the world who were able put large amounts of money into the financial system to avoid a meltdown. This money has mostly ended up being used to pay of banks debts, who have begun to lend money again, and lately some of this money has been used to boost the stock exchange.As a result Governements now have even larger debts, which is sure to produce another economic collapse in a year or so. Personal debt and bankcruptcies are still at an all time high.
Disarm DSEi press release: Corporate Investors Attacked at Anti Arms Trade Action
09-09-2009 00:28
Windows were smashed and paint bombs thrown as hundreds of anti arms protesters descended on The City to voice their anger against the investors in the arms trade.West Yorkshire AR Group - Action Update
09-09-2009 00:10
West Yorkshire AR Group - Action UpdateSmash EDO Weekly nose demo cancelled due to DSEi
08-09-2009 23:50
Smash EDO have a week off!Pix from Disarm DSEi protests London
08-09-2009 22:49