UK Newswire Archive
Demonstration Against French Government Roma Evictions
02-09-2010 12:19
Saturday 4th September 2010Congregate 1:00pm outside French Embassy
58 Knightsbridge
(Nearest Tube Knightsbridge)
This demo is part of a European wide protest organized by European Network Against Racism

GrowHeathrow eviction reprieved - great community support at court
02-09-2010 12:05

After community beats EDL in Bradford - where next for the antifascists?
02-09-2010 11:54
Andy Yorke explains looks at the lessons from the different antifascist mobilisations against the English Defence League in Bradford on 28 August – and at the movement we need to build to stop the fascistsThe Other Crisis
02-09-2010 10:30

Bath coach to anti-Tory/cuts demo, Oct. 3rd
02-09-2010 10:22
On Sunday the 3rd of October, the Tories will be kicking off their annual conference - thousands of angry people will be there to meet them -There will now be a coach running to the demo from Bath -
Leaving 3/10/10 @ 9am from Laura Place, Bath
tickets - £10 waged, £5 unwaged
contact for tickets or more info on the local fightback against cuts.
For info on other coaches leaving from near you, check out
There will be something for everyone on the day, with trade unions, community groups and even an anarchist 'direct action bloc', so grab a ticket and get yerself to Brum on the 3rd of Oct.
I'm also pretty sure that at least one coach is being put on from Bristol, so if anyone could post info, that'd be handy.
9/11 Truth - The worldwide “BuildingWhat?” Campaign
02-09-2010 10:02

Bristol Indymedia presents: PRISON? Monday 6 September 2010
02-09-2010 09:22
an evening of theatre and debateBristol Indymedia and Bristol ABC, in association with Bristol Anarchist Bookfair, present PRISON ?
Having been well received at the Edinburgh Festival, Bristol gets a chance to see this impassioned one man performance written and performed by Charlie Ryder. This is a true story which is creatively told using a variety of theatrical devices including puppetry, masks, physical theatre and dance.

Bristol Indymedia and Bristol ABC, in association with Bristol Anarchist Bookfair, present PRISON ?
A one man performance written and performed by Charlie Ryder. This is a true story which is creatively told using a variety of theatrical devices including puppetry, masks, physical theatre and dance.
Monday 6 September 2010 - Doors 7.30pm for 8pm performance.
£3/4 but nobody turned away for lack of funds
The Cube cinema, Dove St South, Bristol BS2 8JD
In October 1993 Charlie Ryder took part in a demonstration to shut down the BNP headquarters in Welling, south-east London. This developed into a serious riot, and a few months later he was featured on the TV show Crime Monthly. He was arrested and after a two year wait was sent to prison for 16 months. In prison Charlie kept a scrapbook to record poems, letters and art work. Charlie, not a professional actor but an open and impassioned performer, has brought the scrapbook to life as a full production.
What does going to prison really entail? This gives a rare and honest insight into the prison system, putting a face to what is often the faceless idea of 'the prisoner'. The play depicts the trauma of prison, in particular the de-humanising effects of well known procedures, such as being strip-searched, are clearly examined.
DEBATE: At the end of the show Charlie will hold a Q and A session - your opportunity to debate and discuss issues raised by the show.
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Palestine Today 09 01 2010
02-09-2010 08:25

mare street eviction
02-09-2010 08:22
mare street the last east london social center is evicted
195 mare street - evicted
around 5am 2nd September 2010, high court bailiffs turned up in force, for the second eviction attempt on the east London social center. around 30 officers failed to batter the grade 2 listed door in, and then moved on to the chain saws.
this awoke residence sleeping inside who had seconds to react as the bailiffs, in a change in strategy started smashing through the grade 2 listed windows, despite being clearly labeled. It just shows that Dunbar bank doesn't care about the buildings historic past, only the money that can be made from the construction of more yuppy flats.
and so the last east london social center has fallen...
mare street is dead - long live mare street.
"Getting away with murder". PROTEST THE POPE
01-09-2010 23:16
For Rwandans, the pope's apology must be unbearableIf sexual abuse in Ireland warrants his contrition, what contempt is shown by the Vatican's silence over its role in genocide
"Week of Slaughter" at Manchester dog track
01-09-2010 22:09

Climate Action Film Night
01-09-2010 21:26

industry, hosted by London Rising Tide.
Scaling Parliament - First Hand Account
01-09-2010 19:22
on 25th may this year, when the queen visited parliament for the state opening, several democracy village citizens attempted to get past massive security and scale the building with banners. just one (known as "Sky Warrior") succeeded, and here is their rather inspiring and wonderful first-hand account of the day.
Sticking my head out of the tent I peered towards Big Ben. The hourly gong had been our companion for a number of weeks. We had grown used to it, at 7am the daily rush to city offices had begun. There was an air of tension around the village. Democracy Village had been set up on the 1st of May 2010, traditionally known for being International Workers Day, following the arrival of the May Day parade a section of the march broke off and proceeded toward Parliament Square, the seat of power in the UK containing, the House of Lords, Westminster Abbey and of course the Houses of Parliament. This collection of activists from all backgrounds, Anarchist, Communist and Socialist arrived with a common purpose, to end the war in Afghanistan and the needless daily slaughter of combatants and civilians alike.
Four weeks later and we were still there, dug in, manning battle stations and already conducting operations of direct action, we had be awakened by the Police conducting a search, apparently looking for bombs. We had been pre-warned by the Police that this would take place, to ensure the safety of the head of state. The 25th of May was the day the Queen had opened Parliament, an over the top ceremony more suited to times past. It had been a major victory for us, having been convinced our removal from the gates of power would have been conducted long before this day.
There would be four of us attempting to scale Parliament which, had only be accomplished on two other occasions. To scale the Houses of Parliament. This was the first day of the new government, security would be tight.
All of us realised that the risk of being shot was very high. There was initially an uneasy silence only broken by some feeble attempts at black humour. It was never far from my mind that running at the Palace of Westminster with a rucksack on ones back is a sure way to commit suicide by cop. We were later to find out that these cops were on high alert for terrorist attacks. Whether or not these threats were real was irrelevant. The people holding the Heckler and koch machine guns believed they were a clear and present danger.
The previous night I had packed my rucksack with everything I believed I would need, water?, check! food? check!, banner?, check! rope ?check! , a bottle for pissing in ??? check check and check.
The plan involved dressing as workmen, hard hats and high visibility jackets, the tactics ? to descend the perimeter wall with the aid of a ladder. Simple!! The difficulty lay in the fact that the first person over the wall had to jump.
Having travelled across Westminster Bridge around 745am to a building that we had secured a week or so before, this building we were using to store equipment. During our trip across the bridge we were joined by our friend Steve, one of the dozens of homeless alcoholics whom had been drawn to the camp from the very beginning.
With Steve in tow trying to keep up with his bad leg, I reflected how we were breaching the SOCPA legislation, Serious Organised Crime and Police Act, when I scanned the crew as we walked over the bridge, it dawned on me this was neither Serious or Organised.
Since Fathers for Justice and Climate Camp protested on Parliament, there had been a review of security. However, having watched the Palace for a number of weeks it was apparent that there was a loop hole.
On the Westminster Bridge side of Parliament, there was a wall with a 20ft drop into a walkway, running along side this walkway was a further perimeter fence and countless CCTV. The Palace had been under going some maintenance work and was covered in scaffolding. Something that would be ideal for placing a banner and holding our protest. On Westminster Bridge was a constable with the Metropolitan Police, his job was to prevent our cunning plan. We had others ideas and a belief in what we were doing. The main purpose was to raise awareness with the pubic about the ongoing pointless slaughter in the Middle-East. A war the British Government had entered based on lies and a strategy of ignoring the overwhelming feeling that this was an illegal occupation.
I know all about illegal occupation and brutality from armed forces, having spent my formative years growing up in Ardoyne with a couple of miles radius of Ardoyne where you had a one in four chance of being killed as a result of the conflict if you were a young male.
With those sorts of life experiences taking part in non-violent protest against war and for justice is not a difficult transition. This however as I have already mentioned was not without risk. Here we were walking towards a very alert Westminster Bobby, in construction outfits not realising that we were already receiving a lot of attention from the local police having been arrested numerous times since May the first. They knew who we were.
All credit to the policeman on duty alerted to our presence we noticed that he began to radio in some information while looking in our direction. Having reached the traffic lights I hear the words 'abort!! abort''', to which I replied 'just go!!!'. It was too late, we had wobbled and been compromised.
Plan B kicked in, which we hadn't actually planned but that's besides the point. Here we were all dressed up and no where to go. We crossed the road and it crossed my mind that the theme tune to The Benny Hill Show would not have been out of place, we decided to enter the Underground station on the opposite side of the road, which had a number of exits including one right at the side of parliament. The very place that we had planned to jump over the wall.
On exiting the station our friendly Bobby was there to greet us. His suspicions proved correct, and our stealth with a thing of the past. We climbed the stairs and begun to retrace our steps over the bridge. This time I was focused. I remembered I had everything I needed in my rucksack. This was the time. The universe was conspiring to help us. What's the worst that could happen?
this was a time for taking the fear and turning it into adrenaline. Bellowing the magic words Go! Go! Go! I got on the wall and jumped onto the trees.
Thump! Crack! Snap!, not the sound of your favourite cereal but the sounds one makes while breaking the branches of a tree all while parachuting without the parachute.
I was in! Fuck! This was it! I looked up to be greeted by the funniest thing I had ever seen. One activist dangling from the wall, one hand being grappled by the Bobby and the other two being restrained, including the ladder. For a moment I thought he had transformed into an octopus.
The seriousness of the moment returned, by now armed police would be responding to a breach in security. I couldn't hang around I had everything I needed and a determination that I was doing the right thing. I ran to the corner of the building which was at the end of the walkway. Our plan had involved using a ladder at this point and that was now in the hands of the police. Adjacent to where I was attempting to climb there was a security gate behind which by now had arrived two Westminster police who were screaming and shouting for their colleagues to open it. To my left was the a wall the other side was a long drop into the Thames River. Having attempting to climb up the corner I quickly realised that the moss was making it impossible. A quick scan of the wall and I noticed two places where I could put my hands and feet. The only problem was that it would require walking along the wall, one slip and serious injury would be certain. Taking my time I got to the wall. And begun to hand over feet make my way along the face of the building. By that time an activist had arrived with the other big banner. For those of you who have been involved in high risk situations like this will know that what goes up, must come down and by this time I was nearly exhausted, the initial rush of adrenaline had subsided and here I was faced with one last push to the scaffolding and with a fellow activist trying to hand me a banner. Deciding not to take the banner, I took four or five deep breathes and cleared my mind. With the last big push I was up. At that very moment the gates flung open and my friend was tackled to the ground. We had done it!!!. This may seem like an odd thing to say, but now I could relax. I knew that I was untouchable for the time being. They wouldn't come near me without the specialised rope team and that was a few hours away. Climbing the scaffold I found a place to sit had a smoke and some water and proceeded to put up the banner I had in my rucksack. 'WE RESPECT THE SOLDIERS BUT WE DON'T SUPPORT THE WAR'
The irony in this was never far from my mind. Here I was an Irish Republican, whose Father Sean was an Officer Commanding in the IRA during some of the most violent periods in the history of the North of Ireland. What would he think about all this? That didn't matter, I was clear on my motives I lived, breathed laughed and cried in a violent society for most of my life. Having first hand experience of conflict and its legacy. I wanted peace more than most.
Sky Warrior
Obama’s Iraq speech: An exercise in cowardice and deceit
01-09-2010 18:29

The address could inspire only disgust and contempt among those who viewed it. Obama, who owed his presidency in large measure to the mass antiwar sentiment of the American people, used the speech to glorify the war that he had mistakenly been seen to oppose.
Bath coach to Anti-Tory/cuts demo - Oct 3rd
01-09-2010 16:58
On Sunday the 3rd of October, the Tories will be kicking off their annual conference - thousands of angry people will be there to meet them -Climate justice: Think global, act local
01-09-2010 16:22
Global economic justice & living sustainablyAn evening of speakers, discussion and action.
Come and find out more about climate justice and living sustainably.
It will be a good opportunity to take part in an interesting discussion and learn more about the World Development Movement and the issues we campaign on.
Tuesday 28 September
Doors open 7pm, talk 7.15pm to 9pm
Unitarian Meeting House, Brunswick Square, Bristol, BS2 8PE
Come and hear from:
Forward Maisokwadzo - Bristol Zimbabwe Association
Claire Milne - Transition Bristol
Kirsty Wright - World Development Movement
For more information contact Katharine on 020 7820 4900 or at
Be informed, be inspired, together we can make another world possible
Wikileaks’ CIA release -- say what?
01-09-2010 16:16

The current leak was posted to their web site on August 25. It is titled CIA Red Cell Memorandum on United States “exporting terrorism,” 2 Feb 2010.
The leak describes Red Cell as a CIA unit created by the director to develop “out-of-the-box” analysis offering “alternative viewpoints” on key intelligence issues.
This document doesn’t disappoint in being out-of-the-box.
Afghanistan: NATO's ten-year war in South Asia
01-09-2010 15:58

The conflict represents the longest continuous combat operations in the history of the United States and Afghanistan alike. With the North Atlantic Treaty Organization for the only time in its existence activating its Article 5 mutual military assistance clause in September 2001 and thus entering the Afghan fray, European nations that had not been at war since the Second World War are now engaged in an endless combat mission.
There are 150,000 foreign troops in Afghanistan, 120,000 of them under the command of NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). Military personnel from over a quarter of the 192 members of the United Nations. They include soldiers from almost every European country, several Asia-Pacific states, and nations in the Americas and the Middle East.
Tatdown for refugees at Leeds Festival apocalypse
01-09-2010 14:23
On Monday 30th and Tuesday 31st August 2010, a group of volunteers from the Leeds and Bradford areas went to the site of the Leeds Festival, held over the previous weekend, to salvage tents, sleeping bags and clothing for refugees in Calais who are seeking asylum but denied access to shelter and the right to work there.