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09-07-2005 22:12



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A G8 protestor reacts to London attacks

09-07-2005 20:34

Here's something I jotted down on the Resist G8 train from Scotland to London. It's basically sets out my feelings at this stage about the political situation, and these may change while I'm actually in London. It's weak on many points, but please see it as a starting point for discussion.

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London Underground Bombing Exercise Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack

09-07-2005 19:44

A consultancy agency with government and police connections was running an exercise for an unnamed company that revolved around the London Underground being bombed at the exact same times and locations as happened in real life on the morning of July 7th.

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Resist train returns safely to Kings Cross

09-07-2005 19:03

We've just heard that the South East Assembly Resist train has returned safely from the G8 protests. The train set off at 11.47am this morning - there were some 40 cops there to greet the London-bound protesters, a couple of stop and searches took place before anarchists waved goodbye to the police.

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Bomb scare in Sheffield 48hr before London?

09-07-2005 18:49

The weblink attached suggests there was a bomb scare in Sheffield 48 hours before London bombs, it was supposedly not reported in the local press/media, is this true?
Can this be confirmed by anyone in Sheffield on Tuesday???

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G8, Africa and climate change: a good time to bury bad news

09-07-2005 18:26

When the news of the bombs hitting London broke on our campsite in Craigmillar, we all immediately reached for our mobile phones in the hope that friends were ok. In that moment, the G8, Africa, the protests and the police all became irrelevant. As good news filtered through, political minds inevitably began to drift back to the wider political implications. "This will definitely mean ID cards,” one sighed. "Iran will be next for the neo-cons," said another. "And Muslims are going to be hammered." Debates and disagreements broke out but on one thing everyone was agreed: this was “a good time to bury bad news”. And yesterday's announcement of the G8 deal on Africa and climate change contained a lot of bad news, whatever those idiots Geldof and Bono say.

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War on Want: G8 turn their backs on the world’s poor

09-07-2005 18:11

The G8 have today betrayed the 1.1 billion people living in poverty across the world, and the millions who supported the Make Poverty History (MPH) campaign, says UK development NGO, War on Want.

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Campaigners distance themselves from Geldof praise for G8

09-07-2005 17:58

Having released their own separate media statements in response to the disappointing G8 communique, War on Want and the World Development - 2 UK based development NGOs who have been uneasy about the way in which Make Poverty History has been co-opted by the government and its celebrities - were so disgusted by the Bono and Geldof press conference that they issued a joint statement in condemnation. The question is: why it is only these 2 NGOs who have the guts to come out and speak truth to power?

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Irish Neo-Con 'Think Tank' Smears UK Indymedia with London Bombings

09-07-2005 16:50

Freedom Institute from Republic of Ireland

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Auchterarder G8 pics

09-07-2005 16:48

Short account and pics from the day

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rampART cheesy chillout tonight

09-07-2005 16:43

Had enough of riotsm protests and politics for one week?

Get down to the rampART for some 'authentic' South-Western CountryFolkPunk with Buzzard and the Cheese live from 8pm


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Infernal Noise Brigade at Gleneagles

09-07-2005 16:38

Video of the Infernal Noise Brigade at Gleneagles G8 Summit.

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09-07-2005 16:17

What's with the peace vigils? 50 dead in london - that's the price for 50 dead every day in Iraq! Come on, lets turn this around.

Blair must go!

Troops out now!

Justice for Palestine!

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Clarke set to rush through emergency arrest powers

09-07-2005 15:36

Ministers are expected to rush through measures to arrest and detain suspects accused of acts associated with terrorism as an immediate reaction to yesterday's bombings.

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Bristol Indymedia : Back and Now on Oscailt!

09-07-2005 15:08

Bristol Indymedia Is Back!

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BBC Says Bombings Will Unite People Behind Government

09-07-2005 15:01

BBC | July 8 2005

Question: If the bombings had the impact of uniting the people behind the government in support of the government, who had the most to gain from carrying out the attack?

Answer: The government.

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short interview: Rose Gentle, whose son was killed in Iraq on Blairs 'sympathy'

09-07-2005 14:21

A short interview with Rose Gentle, whose son was killed in Iraq, and her views of Blairs' 'sympathy for the families'. She now campaigns with other families of soldiers killed to 'stop Tony Blairs' lies...and bring the troops home'. The interview was filmed around her talk at At Augustines Church in Edinburgh in the run up to the G8 summit.

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Europe and the Power of Capital

09-07-2005 14:18

"The economic form of neoliberalism is based on political decisions, not practical economic necessities.. The 20:80 society is described as a goal of this global world.. Only the democratic nation-state can show the economy its place entitling it to exist for people and not vice versa.."

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Bomb Scare Suggests Blair Knew and Did Nothing

09-07-2005 13:50

Israeli intelligence warnings indicate government 'looked the other way' as bombers struck