UK Newswire Archive
First Aldermaston SOCAP arrest on run-up to Trident vote
11-03-2007 23:48

Iran and the Congo's Vanishing Uranium Bars
11-03-2007 23:16
A mysterious Congo vanishing uranium bars incident has emerged, coinciding with a decisive International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of governors meeting in Vienna on March 5-8, regarding Iran's nuclear program.Are we dealing with a similar fabricated Psyop in the case of the alleged missing Congo uranium bars, which could at some later date be used as a pretext directed against Iran?
Tree protest camp appeals for help
11-03-2007 19:18
SPRING is in the air, the birds are singing in the trees and Titnore Woods in Sussex is once again a lovely place to be...Press Release: Open letter to UNDP-Romania
11-03-2007 18:42
(Canadian mining company wishes to destroy 1800 years old town Rosia Montana to open a cyanide open-pit gold mine. Government is complicit. United Nations Development Program wants a piece of the cake.)Merseyside Anarchists: How Can We REALLY Stop The War?
11-03-2007 18:26
At the first meeting of the new Merseyside Anarchist group we discussed a lot of things and decided that it was worthwhile continuing with the group. We also decided that the next meeting on Thursday March 15th should look at the war in Iraq from an anarchist perspective and discuss actions for the 18th March - an international day of action against the war.Israel pResident Moshe Katsav's Penny Stock Partner Michael Zwebner loses in U.S
11-03-2007 18:22
Zwebner's business backer/partner Moshe Katsav is disgraced.
Trade unions give unprecedented support against deportation fo asylum seeker
11-03-2007 17:51
Home Office scapegoats AlphonsusThis case is of particular relevance to trade unionists as he was due to speak at a forthcoming 'No One Is Illegal' Trade Union Conference (full details below)
Swindled by channel 4: spurious science for the climate of confusion.
11-03-2007 16:18
Global warming caused by human activity is a giant hoax! Bush and the oil companies were right all along, I knew I should have had more faith! So says a channel 4 documentary broadcast last Thursday, ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’, produced by Martin Durkin. It effectively attributes the green movement to a neo-imperialist agenda to prevent the world’s poorest regions from developing.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Amnesty Protest in Nottingham City Centre - Close Guantanamo Bay [Please]
11-03-2007 14:35

The University of Nottingham's Amnesty International Society's held a protest against the continuing human rights abuses at Guantanamo Bay.
Rally for Zimbabwe takes place in Trafalgar Square
11-03-2007 12:24

Bush, ‘political cadaver’ -- It’s all but (over)
11-03-2007 12:14
There is something politically odd about Bush’s tour of various Latin American countries. South American nations were ‘lost’ to the U.S. some time ago – the price paid for America’s fixation in the Middle East. Bush is loathed internationally but is particularly despised in Latin America. The Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez accurately called Bush a “political cadaver” and led 20,000 Argentinian supporters in the chant, “gringo go home”, during his counter-tour of the region.Video of Danish Embassy protest.
11-03-2007 11:11

Kenyan Social Movement Meeting Space Being Demolished
11-03-2007 10:46
STOP Blairs EU sell out
11-03-2007 09:39

On March 25th he will travel to Berlin to sign the 50 page agreement , Declaration on the future of Europe, without even consulting the people of the UK. Far from a simple "declaration", this a binding treaty which embodies "basic laws" for 490 million people in 27 countries
America And Britain Asked Poland To Host Secret CIA Gulag
11-03-2007 09:30
Britain's collusion with the CIA rendition and black sites program has been well documented. However, what seems to be emerging now is not so much a story of collusion but full involvement.
URGENT: Kenyan Social Movement Attacked - help needed
11-03-2007 02:37
Grassroots social movement 'The Peoples Parliament' 'Bunge La Mwananchi' have been organising in slum communities and over bread-and-butter issues for 15 years. Theyve been meeting daily in the Jevangee Gardens Park, Nairobi. Yesterday, Police declared their forum an 'unlawful assembly' and arrested 56 participants and injured 5.Reproductive Rights in South Dakota, US
11-03-2007 01:18
This letter is being written to you from Rapid City, SD. Rapid City is the second largest city in South Dakota and at the opposite end of the state from Sioux Falls. It is from here that women must travel five hours to Sioux Falls, seven and a half hours to Denver, or eight hours to Omaha to have an abortion. It is also from here that collectives are forming and working together to help these women gain the resources they need.