UK Newswire Archive
6th SE Assembly "Resist G8" meeting, June 11st
09-06-2005 16:03
>>2pm to 6pm
Silent Violence
09-06-2005 15:18
If you like peace the notion of silent violence may be uncomfortable - disturbing even. But the elements that make violence what it is; fear, pain, danger, and death are all contained within deprivation. The only difference perhaps is that one is a result of aggression and the other a result of ignorance.Ben Zephaniah denounces Jamaican homophobia.
09-06-2005 15:05
Via Amnesty Intl. dub poet Benjamin Zephaniah has today issued a statement calling on the jamaican authorities to act against homophobia. This on the 1st Anniversary of the murdered gay actvist Brian Williamson.reggae star Capleton has had tour dates in France cancelled over hate lyrics....
Zero Hour in Bolivia: What to Watch for Today
09-06-2005 14:44
Please read this dramatic account of current events in Bolivia and stay tuned to them via Let everyone know that you are aware of what is happening there and that any attempt by U.S. power to impede the people’s will, will only further tarnish the world’s perception of us and bring death and more misery to yet another third world people struggling to be free.Economism, Economic Ethics and Donations
09-06-2005 13:20
Economism is the great ideology of our time. It claims that (1) resisting the market is impossible and (2) submitting to the market is best for everyone. Both are not true.. Embedding the market in principle of usefulness to life has a priority as an ordering version of the film "Capitalisma and Other Kids' Stuff"
09-06-2005 13:00
Calling all anti-capitalists!! “Capitalism and Other Kids’ Stuff” – a popular new film, winning much acclaim, which argues the anti-capitalist case in simple language - is now re-edited and viewable and downloadable as a BitTorrent at www.socialist-tv.comMPs slag off Geldof
09-06-2005 12:47
On Tuesday Members of the House of Commons slagged-off Bob Geldof for calling for a million people on the streets of Edinburgh. Highly irresponsible they muttered into their Order Papers.G8 Great? Debt and the art of deception
09-06-2005 09:53
It's all getting a bit weird... the lines are bing blured and the goal posts unclear. The PR machine throwing white wash and confussion into the mix as the G8 summit approaches. With climate change and African poverty apparently the key issues on the official agenda and the great and the good of planet celebrity all pledging support, and even corporations getting in on the game, it's no wonder people are getting confused.New LSF Website!!
09-06-2005 09:25
The Liverpool Social Forum, Liverpool's grassroots network of activists, groups and concerned individuals fighting for local and global justice has launched a new website.Is this our most dangerous Newspaper?
09-06-2005 08:48

Stratcom: One-Stop Shopping for Bush War Plans
09-06-2005 05:13
Bush is likely to get us into more wars. Since critics are now aware that we were lied to about the reasons for the war on Iraq, he will have to start the next war so quickly that no debate is possible. Stratcom makes this possible.Under Likud, illegal outposts received NIS 70 million to Build ....on Palestinia
09-06-2005 03:12
The Housing Ministry allocated at least NIS 70 millionto build infrastructure and erect public structures in
82 illegal outposts in the West Bank during the prime
ministerial terms of Benjamin Netanyahu (1996-1999)
and Ariel Sharon (2001-2004), Haaretz has learned from
an appendix to attorney Talia Sasson's report on the
Art of War: Gun Violence in America
09-06-2005 01:39

Report of `Reclaim the Streets` demo at Holyrood on June 8th with 10 photos
09-06-2005 01:10

BNP Neo-Nazis Back To Court on June the 16th
09-06-2005 01:03
Slick neo-Nazi Griffin, old-time white supremacist Tyndall, and "sick in the head" Hitler worshipper Mark Collett, return to the courtroom at Leeds, on June the 16th.More problems for builder planning asbestos factory housing development?
09-06-2005 00:25
Rochdale Councillors vote unanimously against Countryside Properties and MMC Estates road closure:In their bid to build over 600 homes and a children’s nursery on the site of the world’s largest asbestos textile factory, Countryside Properties and MMC Estates have just run into more problems:
Make War History - Sheffield demo against the G8
08-06-2005 23:57
Between June 15-17 G8 Interior and Justice Ministers will be meeting in Sheffield. Some of the loudest cheerleaders of the 'war on terror' will be meeting to disscuss its further prosecution and its impact at home. Sheffield Stop the War Coalition have called for a demonstration, to send a clear message that these people are not welcome here.Saturday 11th June 2005, ASSEMBLE 10.30am, Devonshire Green.
Circus Extravaganza
08-06-2005 23:47
Big Show at Circle Community Centre,St.Georges TheatreArt Not Oil launches tonight (9.6.05) in London!
08-06-2005 22:58