UK Newswire Archive
St Pauls Canon resigns over attitude to occupation
27-10-2011 14:55
Rev Dr Giles Fraser a Canon at St Pauls resigned today over plans to forcibly remove Occupy London Stock Exchange protesters from outside cathedra.He was seen as a sypathetic ear within the St Paul's establishment and has decided he "could not support the possibility of violence in the name of the church". On the first day of the occupation he confronted the police and moved them off the steps of St Paul's in support of the right to peaceful protest, after a court injunction stopped them from setting up camp in Paternoster Square.
Statement from Occupied London
At the same time is sounds like the catherdral will open to the public again on Friday as the church realised its own stupidity in closing itself down in the first place!
In other discsions about what the state might do about the camp; The new Metropolitan Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe is reported to have said that "under Section 14 of the Public Order Act police could move the protesters outside St Paul's and those gathered in Finsbury Square, if it was decided they were causing "serious" disruption to the public."
Occupy Movement - an opportunity for demilitarisation
27-10-2011 14:12
The 15-M movement - which began occupying city squares on May 15 - has not emerged as a movement with necessarily overt antimilitarist, pacifist or nonviolent overtones. It has, however, from its very inception declared itself as “pacifist”, and conducted its protests through “peaceful means” and “without violence”. Without having carried out a detailed analysis of what this means exactly I can say that the many thousands of people in the squares of the Spanish State, have opted to carry out actions and raise their voices without using violence.The murder of Kaddafi by lynch mob and a dark start to “new” Libya
27-10-2011 13:38
The killing of Muammar Kaddafi and the victory of the rebel forces have been quickly celebrated by Obama and other leaders of the NATO, whose warplanes massively bombed the cities of Libya over the past eight months under the guise of “protecting civilians”. The manner in which Kaddafi was killed has, however, been considered by many in Africa as a return to what they called the dark days of colonialism and slavery where captured victims were treated with disrespect and in a dehumanising manner.Telegraph & Daily Mail OLSX smear based on "rubbish science"
27-10-2011 13:29
A military scientist specialising in camouflage and thermal imaging techniques has confirmed that The Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail claims smearing OLSX are based on "rubbish science"; while Daily Express hack Matt Wilkinson (
Occupy West Midlands Police HQ 4 Justice
27-10-2011 13:01
From 5th to 7th November 2011, we will be occupying West Midlands Police Headquarters in support of the Burrell family. To date they have been waiting 6 months to have Kinglsey Burrell's body released for burial due to the IPCC investigation. They say they are still interviewing witnesses.Occupy Birmingham Gets Notice to Vacate from Birmingham City Council
27-10-2011 12:15
Breaking news, two representatives of Birmingham City Council have handed to the group occupying Victoria Square on behalf of Occupy movement, a notice to vacate the square, the message is as follows:St Paul's Canon who supported OLSX has resigned
27-10-2011 11:22

2012 Green Light Festival
27-10-2011 11:19
Booking stall holders and speakers...needed NOW for 2012 Greenlight Festival.Visa issues: EU risks credibility as human rights actor
27-10-2011 09:58
27 October 2011 – A European coalition of human rights NGOs expressed concerns over the EU’s pressures on the countries of the so-called Western Balkans to cut down the influx of asylum seekers. Reacting to a letter by EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmström to the ministers of interior of the five Balkan countries, which have been recently granted a liberalization of their visa regime with the EU, the NGOs said, that the EU was gambling its credibility on human rights.“Corporate greed,” or just plain old capitalism?
27-10-2011 09:21

Pamphlet for participants in the "Occupy" aka "99%" movement, explaining why the problem is not "corporate greed," but capitalism, and what is meant by capitalism, crisis, anti-capitalist struggle, and "occupation" in a (libertarian) Marxist sense.
Pdf of illustrated pamphlet for printing here.
Calls Grow For Global General Strike Following Oakland Declaration
27-10-2011 08:18

Since that declaration twitter and social media have been abuzz with calls for a US General strike, and also a GLOBAL GENERAL STRIKE ON NOVEMBER 2nd!!
Smash EDO Halloween Demo
26-10-2011 23:18

Independent media accounts of attack on Occupy Oakland in US
26-10-2011 23:04

Homeless Debacle in North America
26-10-2011 22:27

Remembrance procession in London against deaths in custody - Saturday 29th October 12:30pm
26-10-2011 20:47

Protesters condemn Nigerian support for mass deportations
26-10-2011 19:46
A crowd gathered outside the Nigerian high commission in London on Wednesday to protest their assistance to the UK authorities in deporting Nigerians. The demo coincided with a mass removal flight to Nigeria on which over 40 women were removed, some with outstanding legal cases.Public meeting announced to defend Grow Heathrow
26-10-2011 19:40
>They trashed the land. >They were evicted by the council.>We cleared 30 tonnes of their rubbish. >We planted vegetables, fixed bikes and provided community space.
>They want to evict us.
>We want to stop them.
Antifascist ceilidh benefit in Dalston
26-10-2011 19:20

Report On The 2011 Observation And Solidarity Brigade To Zapatista Communities
26-10-2011 19:18
In response to the increasing levels of aggression and harassment they are experiencing, we went on the Brigade of Observation and Solidarity with the Zapatista Communities from the 27th August to the 2nd September 2011.The Occupied Times of London - newspaper issue #1
26-10-2011 18:55
The first issue of The Occupied Times of London has been published and distributed. Produced at the Occupy London protests 26th October 2011
View and read
02 Editorial
03 Occupy London
03 Sunday Church Service
04 Recycling Job
04 This is Revolution
05 Why I Hate Samba
06 Past Tents
08 Money Talk
09 Real Democracy,
09 Real Decisions
10 Occupational Therapy
11 Are You An Anti-capitalist?
It's now over a week since more than 3000 people first occupied St. Paul's, and many of us are still here. The transformation of the site has been incredible.
We have a kitchen serving food around the clock in accordance with health and safety regulations, an info tent, recycling centre, library, university, prayer tent, tea room, tech centre, legal office, and now: a newspaper.
It hasn't been easy, and there have been hiccups, but the speed and efficiency with which the camp has come together is a small triumph for democratic non-profit co-operation outside the rigid framework of traditional, hierarchical power structures. As well as a space in which to develop ideas, the site itself serves as an example of how things could be different.
There have been some key moments along the way; St. Paul's initial backing was crucial, and were it not for some ‘direct action' when the general assembly granted police permission to erect a barrier along the shop side of the camp, it might not feel as homely. This was not, though, a failing of the GA.
Although the initial decision was eventually overturned, the second consensus meeting - held while a group blocked the police barrier - resulted in us constructing our own non-imposing divide on our own terms. Psychologically, it was important to demonstrate that this is our space, and that we will not be dictated to.
Since then, we have established a second camp at Finsbury Square in response to pressure from the church for us to move on. Finsbury Square is not a replacement for St. Paul's; it's an extension, and this movement will continue to expand until effective change arrives.
This publication - produced in an often unpowered, unlit tent towards the back of the camp - does not speak for the movement. Instead, we aim to host a variety of opinions and philosophies, advance the debate, report on significant events and challenge the narratives of mainstream media.
Everyone within this movement agrees on at least one thing: the system as it is cannot go on. We must seek alternatives, and we must do so together as a people with new emphasis placed on equality. Privilege of all kinds must be challenged, and we hope you will help this newspaper to be part of that effort by reading, contributing, and adding your own voice to its pages.