UK Newswire Archive
WTO is not that bad
26-04-2003 16:56
Sometime ago I wrote to these people explaining my views.Seems to have worked. Yes I feel very important!
Their order is the most satisfactory so far.

24th April Carnival Chaos at BP conference
26-04-2003 12:59

Poem for Peace
26-04-2003 10:34
Poets are sensitive to the state of the world and few of them approve war.SAVE THE NHS
26-04-2003 10:16
Last week a returned China tourist developed a cold, next day called a doctor who diagnosed chest infection and prescribed anti-biotics. How many people might he have infected through not being isolated?ANL - Fundamentally dishonest
26-04-2003 10:07
With the generalised hostility toward asylum seekers and the absence of a credible left electoral alternative in England and Wales, the British National Party seems likely to do well in the upcoming local elections in May.Information Terror Civil War
26-04-2003 10:01
Information warfare and low-intensity conflict discussed by the editor of datacide magazine, in this pre- 9/11 article.The Really Big Blockade, Faslane, Scotland, 22nd April 2003
26-04-2003 09:01
Report on the 22nd April Faslane demoA week of End the Occupation actions
26-04-2003 08:49
A week of End the Occupation actions around the world, from May 30 through June 8 to mark the beginning of the occupation in 1967 and demand that it end.Public Interest Law
26-04-2003 03:07
If you already know this...apologies. But Civil Soceity groups take note.Even not ensurign water supply (especially blackmailing through the essential needs) is against the Geneva convention.
We all know that it has been a constant Oil related drama.
Just imagine SARS getting here
26-04-2003 02:05
This is Baghdad.Remember Basra? That place full of friendly Shie'ets which was supposed to riseup and welcome our boyz (Hey!) . With Chemical Ali's swimming pool we see no more of it. May be our boyz (Hey!) bombed the hospital there. Maybe Basra people all travel to Baghdad general!
ghost riders in the sky:sept 11
26-04-2003 01:16
an alternative view by canadian scientist A K DewdneyInternational Camp against EU-Summit (14-22.06.03) Greece
26-04-2003 00:39

Middle East Road Map - Cartoon (resized)
25-04-2003 20:04

Plymouth UK Anti-Trident Demonstration & Citizens' Weapons Inspection Poster.
25-04-2003 17:19

MAYDAY 2002 benefit party
25-04-2003 17:19
MAYDAY 2003 Benefit Party - saturday 26th AprilVOTE!
25-04-2003 16:42
Mayday on its way, now is the time to vote out the pro-war MPs.Timeline of Faslane Really Big Blockade
25-04-2003 16:38
Timeline of reports - Faslane Nuclear Submarine BaseReally Big Blockade - Tuesday 22nd April 2003
Trident Ploughshares / Scottish CND
Bayer CropScience Blockade
25-04-2003 16:26
Anti GM crops activists blockade UK HQ of GM crops company Bayer CropScienceBP AGM Drummers and Dancers
25-04-2003 15:33