UK Newswire Archive
UPDATE: London ESF Arrest
08-02-2005 13:28
UPDATE OF THOSE ARRESTED & CHARGED AT THE LONDON ESF, OCTOBER 2004.Of the 3 people still charged with offences durng the London ESF:
Travellers site near ski village evicted
08-02-2005 12:31

euforia as they kill unarmed iraqies
08-02-2005 11:34

Reggae deal to halt gay-bash lyrics
08-02-2005 11:24
Stop Murder Music campaign suspended - Music industry committed to reject violent hate songsFINANCIAL G7 LEADERS RECIEVED A NOISEY WELCOME!
08-02-2005 10:49
The first of the G7 meetings leading up to the G8 Summit took place in London over February 4th/5th in the form of the G7 Financial Ministerial.Activists from Dissent!, the new South East Resist G8 Network and others were there to greet them...G7 Finance Ministers Protest Friday
08-02-2005 10:45
Last night, the G7 Finance ministers met in Lancaster House, The Mall, Central LondonReport of Glasgow Première of `WMD weapons of mass deception` with photos.
08-02-2005 07:10

defence of freedom to protest in parliament square tonight - pics
07-02-2005 23:07

Report of Anti-War Meeting at Bristol Council House
07-02-2005 23:03
Report of Anti-War Meeting at Bristol Council House. Because of the huge audience, the were two meetings in two seperate halls. This report is from the overflow hall and mainly covers Caroline Lucas's (Green Party) speech.please, preserve the London continous protest, and say us how can we help
07-02-2005 19:14
I was, like turist some months ago in London.I was positive surprised by the fact, some protestors continue since 2001 in Parliament Square.
And now, a friend in London said me by phone that the guvernement want to finish this kind of continous pdemostratio
New from Iraq - post election
07-02-2005 19:10
This editorial by Amil Taheri explains why the issue of theocracy (among others) has remained an issue after the election.Faslane Peace Camp open and struggeling on
07-02-2005 18:37

Faslane Peace Camp is still open.
This afternoon two CND activists from Helensburgh checked on the camp because they were not answering phone calls.
Your chance to say no to the Olympics in London
07-02-2005 18:00
London is awash with posters advertising the opportunity to Back the Olympic Bid. Noticably absent however has been the opportunity to state your opposition to the bid.Transport - the options
07-02-2005 17:47
Very much against public and political sentiment roads managed to avoid congestion would offer 3 to 4 times the capacity to move freight and people at one quarter the cost of rail while using 30% to 40% less energy and reducing casualty costs suffered by rail passengers by a factor of 2.gerry aams
07-02-2005 17:18
sinn fein speaker gerry adams has been refused right to speak in liverpool by the trades council for next mayday celebrations.the reasons have not been given, but heightened fears over terrorism are likely to be the cause.
Positive Global Movements
07-02-2005 16:26
Positive Global Movements started yesterday Sunday the 6th with a nice turn up, we showed 'The Alberdi School' a film about the community involvement in revolutionising education in Venezuela. Then we had musicians and poet Sofia and Santiago both Peruvian artists reciting poetry and singing to the beat of the Global Revolution. After having lovely Venezuelan food Ricardo Galindez Venezuelan trade unionist gave a passionate speech about the role of the workers in the revolution not only in Venezuela but also in the world.Linslade anti-bypass protest need people
07-02-2005 15:05
Linslade anti-bypass protest site near london (leighton buzzard/milton keynes) urgently need people. They have started cutting trees and a site has been establised.