UK Newswire Archive
Omar Ibrahim March 26th Anti-Cuts Prisoner Blog – 2nd January 2012
05-01-2012 20:40
bangedupforprotestingOmar Ibrahim March 26th Anti-Cuts Prisoner Blog
Not A Sick Society: A Sick State – 2nd January 2012
Comparing how States deal with dissent
Avoiding automated facial recognition / computer surveillance
05-01-2012 16:18
There is an interesting article here about how to avoid facial recognition from CCTV cameras, etc.Ruling Class Plays Divide and Rule Over Abbott Tweet
05-01-2012 15:50

European Day of Action against Capitalism: March31
05-01-2012 14:39

Venezuelan prison occupation
05-01-2012 14:00

1000 friends and family members of inmates are currently occupying a prison in Venezuela. This in protest against the judicial system, and prison conditions and brutality. The Venezuelan government believes the occupation to be part of a CIA backed plot to destabilise the country.
Around one thousand friends and family members of inmates held within Venezuelan prisons, have today entered the Yare prison near Caracas, and have refused to leave. They are made up of around 800 women, 150 children, and a handful of men.
The murder of Stephen Lawrence & institutional racism - an overview
05-01-2012 13:18
The deeper exploration of the facts surrounding the murder of Stephen Lawrence & the expose of institutional racism in the UK, most particularly the revelation that whilst the original prosecuting officers were knee deep in association with criminal activity with a father of one of the accused (David Norris), one can also question how at the time of the non-investigation into Stephen Lawrence's murder, a public trial into the death of young David Norris' uncle also called David Norris who was a police informant which was happening at the same time may have threatened to expose criminal cartels operating in 3 specialist police squads operating in south-east - one of which included association with gangster Kenneth Noye (who is/was also a freemason).Solar powered cinema in running for national award
05-01-2012 10:40

Merry Christmas for all? (Athens)
05-01-2012 08:43
A brosure from Athens regarding X-MAS and the cities problems. Things have turned bad over there.B&K Universal March - Hull - This Saturday!
05-01-2012 00:50
Campaigners are preparing to march and rally in Hull this Saturday against theplans to construct a laboratory beagle breeding farm in the area.
Oil Shock - The No Growth World
05-01-2012 00:25

Blood and Honour Uk Leak
04-01-2012 19:38
From Anonymous hack of German Blood and Honour websitesWukan Peasant Victory Sets Stage For Chinese Turmoil
04-01-2012 17:23

Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre still in Deliberations over Israeli Apartheid
04-01-2012 16:57

Institutional racism still present in the police
04-01-2012 16:55
Today two of Stephen Lawrence's murderers were sentenced. Met police chiefs have been out in a public relations frenzy to paint themselves as finally having overcome the 'institutional racism' that the Macpherson inquiry found them guilty of. But recent news of racist coppers who would have been sacked in any other job keeping their jobs suggests otherwise.
The Northampton Chronicle reported that a Northants police officer was found guilty of gross misconduct after sending racist and sexist texts to other officers was still in his job. And at the end of last month a Leicestershire officer who called "foreigners" "scum" on his Facebook page got to keep his job whilst being investigated. The responses of their forces to these officers' racist behaviour suggests that they do not consider it gross misconduct at all, but worthy only of a slap on the rest. They certainly do not seem to think that racist attitudes are a problem whilst on the beat.
There are, of course, much more serious incidents like the alleged attack on Khurum Ali Khan by West Midlands police in November, the mysterious death of Smiley Culture whilst police raided his home, not to mention the police and IPCC cover up around the killing of Mark Duggan. Over Christmas, the family of Indian student Anuj Bidve, who was shot in Manchester, complained bitterly about the way the Greater Manchester Police had dealt with his murder. His brother-in-law said "[The UK authorities and police] have to help us to believe again that Britain is not a racist place."
Inquest, an organisation investigating deaths in police custody has said that "a disproportionate number of Black people and those from minority ethnic communities have died as a result of excessive force, restraint or serious medical neglect. We believe this is indicative of institutional racism in the criminal justice system." IPCC reports reveal that despite 333 deaths in police custody between 2000-2010, no officer has ever been successfully prosecuted in relation to those deaths. The families of many of these people hold an annual march for justice to Downing Street and this year their peaceful protest was attacked by police.
No justice. No peace.
Demonstration in support of Ruhul Anam
04-01-2012 14:55
Supporters gathered outside Nottingham Magistrates this morning to call for justice for Ruhul Anam. Ruhul was in court for Upper Tribunal immigration hearing. He has been in immigration detention for the last 3 years and 9 months and is currently detained at Morton Hall IRC in Lincolnshire. The Court of Appeal has already determined that the first 18 months of his detention was unlawful and Ruhul has won the right to argue that his entire detention has been unlawful in the High Court.
Ruhul has spent his time in detention well, extensively researching immigration law and helping his fellow detainees to make their cases, and often, to win them. He has recently had an important role in producing Speak Out, a newsletter for detainees that is being distributed in detention centres. After such a long period of time in detention, much of which has already been declared unlawful, supporters, which included many of Ruhul's family members who had travelled from London, hoped that Ruhul would be able to win recognition of his right to remain in the UK, the country he has lived in since he was 13.
Ruhul's barrister argued that, with the unlawful detention case still pending, the immigration hearing should be adjourned because its outcome would affect the extent to which his client could rely on arguments around the Ruhul's right to a private life and right to a family life. If Ruhul wins his case in the High Court then it will demonstrate that the Secretary of State unlawfully deprived him of these rights by isolating him from his family and community in detention centres for the past 3 years 9 months, a powerful argument in his case.
At first the judge was adamant that the case should go ahead today, but on realising that a decision made before the High Court could be undone by its decision, she changed her mind. The hearing is now adjourned for a month, which should allow time for the High Court case to take place, and will be transferred back to London.
Ruhul was disappointed. He wanted today to be his day in court and to get one step closer to freedom. We hope he will get that next month instead.
Solidarity with Manning & Assange: A year in pictures and links [Part 3]
04-01-2012 11:35

Part 3: A selection of photos and links missed from parts 1 and 2.
Occupy Nigeria: Civil Society, Labour Unions To Engage In Series Of Mass Action In January 2012
04-01-2012 09:01

This revelation was made today by the National Convener of the group ,Jaye Gaskia, at a press briefing. Gaskia said that the group would mobilize all Nigerian and other organized bodies for permanent street protest which would cut across the country if Government go a finally go ahead with the removal of the fuel subsidy.
The group which comprises of Action Aid , United Action for Democracy (UAD), Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Legislative Advocacy Center (CISLAC).
The Occupy Movement Is In Danger From Within!!!
04-01-2012 00:43
CIA funded "Informants" or "New World Order Facilitators" who specialise in sophisticated intelligence gathering techniques, are working as informants within Occupy groups worldwide!!!! OR NOT as the case may be.