UK Newswire Archive
Oil pipeline company Amec gets blockaded
10-07-2003 23:19

Itemised update on US losses in Iraq (65)
10-07-2003 23:05
US Central Command has reported the deaths of 65American service personnel in Iraq since 1 May when
President Bush declared that major combat was over.
nearby road scheme planned - A57/A628 Mottram-Tintwistle bypass
10-07-2003 22:35

AMEC Blockaded over Baku Pipeline Construction
10-07-2003 22:11
At 7:30 this morning (thurs 10th July) Earth First! and other concerned individuals blockaded AMEC’s office in Warrington for 3 hours, demanding they pull out of the Baku pipeline. Staff and visitors were unable to park at the offices and, to get into work, had to clamber over people spanning the entrance with a tripod and a series of arm tubes and lock-ons.nearby road scheme planned - A57/A628 Mottram-Tintwistle bypass
10-07-2003 22:11
details of proposed A57/A628 Mottram-Tintwistle bypass - part of a new M6/M1 cross-Pennines link?Baku pipeline protest - AMEC Warrington blockaded
10-07-2003 21:48
AMEC House, Warrington, Cheshire, targetted by direct action campaign against the Baku-Ceyhan oil pipelineTwo political events in Leeds
10-07-2003 21:36
Two political events in Leeds: "Euro: Yes or No?" - "Morning Star - Paper of the Left?"Congo Settling into Peaceful Routine, Hope Beginning to Rise
10-07-2003 21:25
After a civil war lasting nearly five years, involving seven foreign armies and producing up to 4.7 million deaths, it appears a lasting peace might be on the horizon.Conservatives Try to Block US From Rejoining UN Agency
10-07-2003 21:11
Vocal opponent of UNESCO is U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) who once ran for president as a Libertarian. Ron is opposed to the United Nations in general and believes UNESCO is especially dangerous.Palestine: ISM Update On Arrested Internationals
10-07-2003 20:21

report from 10, July 2003 3PM EST. 4min39sec
! ! ! STOP THE PRESSES ! ! ! - ! ! ! STOP THE PRESSES ! ! !
10-07-2003 19:34
Someone in the ""US Government", seems to think it would make a badimage if Democracy's bush and cheney, truly knew before hand, of the
ACTUAL evidence they repeatedly sited, but didn't tell US publicly of,
all so they then could steal billions in an attempt to destroy our
freedoms while killing The People as not represented in their decision
Intelligence Committee Congresman Exposes behind-the-scenes pressures
10-07-2003 18:35
Available until the new newshour broadcast at 8 p.m. UK time todayStart at 33:41

Declaration of Independence from America (full text)
10-07-2003 18:20
Declaration of Independence from AmericaDated on 4th July 2003
Read and signed at US military bases in the UK
Top boys and teachers pets
10-07-2003 16:55
The NIO are also holding a collection of files on the unionist old 'top'boy network. dating back to the kincora child sex abuse scandal. Pappa doc paisley recently protested on hearing of the alleged 'republican spy ring' claiming that the NIO were holding secret documents relating to himself, I wonder what they could be??Iraq: International Activists Begin 7 Day Hunger Strike with Palestinian
10-07-2003 16:39
Iraq: International Activists Begin 7 Day Hunger Strike with PalestinianRefugees in Baghdad
State terrorism and impunity: the murder of Santi Brouard
10-07-2003 16:38
On 20 November 1984 two gunmen walked into the medical practice where Santiago Brouard worked; he was a paediatrician and a leader of the political party Herri Batasuna. Right from the beginning, a sense that the murder had been committed by members of the state security forces under the acronym GAL (Antiterrorist Liberation Groups) was clear.The war in Iraq: Danes prepare for snow in Iraq
10-07-2003 16:37
"We admit that there were some mistakes made in the shipment of materiel," a military spokesman, Major Jan Brinck, told the AFP news agency.ISM Reports: Nablus.Six More Activists Arrested-Including two from UK
10-07-2003 15:23
The Latest Updates From The Freedom Summer Campaign.Two British Activists Among Six Arrested In Nablus.