UK Newswire Archive
Fernando Lugo: El Obispo, las amantes y el Tráfico de Influencias
02-06-2009 00:46

Riseup! Radio 17: Struggle in Our Cities
01-06-2009 23:58

Hi folks. Can you believe the weather? In this first June installation, we cover a jolly folk dance day that happened in Forest Fields on perhaps the only rainy weekend of last month. Nevertheless, lots of people, music and dance, with a tastefully anti-authoritarian undercurrent.
cyclemax meet alvaston neighbourhood comitte in secret / burning plastic plant
01-06-2009 22:43

pics from start of climate rush critical mass tonight
01-06-2009 22:40

Starbucks Closed by Rev Bill & Co
01-06-2009 21:46

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Prospects For A Multipolar World
01-06-2009 18:21
"As an earlier quote mentioned, the SCO is composed of six member states and four observers representing a true diversity of cultures, civilizations, histories and political systems, from many of the world's oldest and most venerable traditions to some of its newest nations, from the world's two most populous states to Kyrgyzstan with slightly over five million citizens, and political structures ranging from secular to religious and multi-party to single-party. The internal demographic composition of the ten members and observers, excluding Mongolia, is also a rich tapestry of ethnic, national, linguistic and confessional pluralism and variety. In additional to calling for a just, rational and peaceful world in a global situation that was little enough of any of the three, the Declaration contained both an appeal and blueprint for the sort of international order required as an antidote to the current one of unipolarity, unilateralism, cutthroat competition, cynical complacency, brute force and war."Repay the Climate debt.
01-06-2009 18:14
This from from vicky tauli-corpuz chair of UNPFII.I am sending a statement calling on Annex 1 countries to repay their historical adaptation and emissions debt. Please read this statement
and see whether your organization, nation or peoples can sign on to
this. I am now at the Climate Change negotiations taking place in Bonn
from June 1-12 and the civil society organizations along with
indigenous peoples will be speaking about this. We hope to get wide
support for this concept and proposal so that we can influence the
governments negotiating here in Bonn. This is a proposal coming from
Bolivia and other developing country governments and many civil
society organizations are in support of this.
Anti-facists leaflet against BNP in Hastings
01-06-2009 16:49
Today, Anti-facists leafletted the streets on Hastings discouraging people not to vote for the BNP in Thursdays EU and council elections.SHAC Mad Science Week Part 2; Sweden, UK, Chile & USA
01-06-2009 15:54

Part 1

live video coverage of climate rush bike ride
01-06-2009 15:53
from 5.45pm.. See
Palestine Today 060109
01-06-2009 15:00

Callout for 2 days of direct action on the 18th & 19th of September 2009
01-06-2009 14:53
This is a call out to people involved in squats and autonomous spaces for2 days of direct action on the 18th & 19th of September 2009 around
housing and the creation of more autonomous spaces at this time of crisis.
Cameron outlines Conservative’s “reform” agenda
01-06-2009 14:10
Conservative leader David Cameron is advancing himself as the ideal leader to “clean up” British politics in the wake of the scandal over MP’s extravagant expense claims.Lund, Sweden: Report from Squatting festival "165"
01-06-2009 12:36

5 activists convicted in 'Carnival Against the arms Trade' and Shut ITT' Court Cases
01-06-2009 12:06

Around the Campaigns Monday 1st June 2009
01-06-2009 11:52
The Home Office does not have it all its' own way, people resist by any means that work!Eco-village occupation update + other news.
01-06-2009 11:50

News of the upcoming Eco-Village occupation taking place on a disused piece of land near Hammersmith starting on Saturday, 6th June (see attached e-flyer for details).
The latest from the Tyting community farm occupation <--- information on how you can get involved and support the action.
And some interesting facts about the land in Britain.
Last Hours is back online!
01-06-2009 11:21
After a couple of weeks of being down the radical culture and alternative media webzine Last Hours is back online.
Five Climate Suffragettes are arrested for blockading coal conference at Chatham
01-06-2009 11:10

Israel lobby commits major blunder in France: tries to silence a comedian
01-06-2009 10:19

This was hardly the first time that the French Zionist mob had decided to crush an outspoken critic of its role in French politics or its unconditional support for the last racist state on the planet: Israel. But this time, the Ziomob miscalculated, badly. Dieudonne began making the accusations of anti-Semitism made against him a central piece of his shows.