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pics from start of climate rush critical mass tonight

rikki | 01.06.2009 22:40 | Climate Chaos

up to 200 cyclists joined the climate rush bike ride tonight outside chatham house where the corporate conference "coal: an answer to energy security?" was being held.

rockin krishna band on wheels
rockin krishna band on wheels

second sound system
second sound system

mass gathering
mass gathering

toilet humour
toilet humour

forward intelligence
forward intelligence

the mass sets off
the mass sets off

travelling in style
travelling in style

practise for naked bike ride (london 13th june)
practise for naked bike ride (london 13th june)


around 200 cyclists assembled outside chatham house, while an energetic krishna band on wheels played rather good covers of sex pistols and other rousing tunes. a second sound system was used for short speeches and announcements.

there were quite a few police around, including some forward intelligence and photographer taking snaps (which dependent on a possible appeal to the house of lords by police, may soon be a pointless job if they can't keep all their nice pics on a nice big database of innocent protesters).

slightly later than planned (isn't it always), the mass set off on it's mystery bike ride to visit 'climate crime scenes' and aiming to end with a picnic.

the ride took in BAA and E-ON HQs among other places, and after a few rounds of parliament square, set up a picnic on westminster bridge.

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