UK Newswire Archive
Anti-Racist and Proud @ Bristol Pride Parade 2013
13-07-2013 00:55

Saturday 13th July - 11am from Queen Square
Pink and Black Bloc meet up centre of Queen Square
Far-right band to play in Bristol tomorrow - take action now!
12-07-2013 20:48
Right-wing Oi band, Close Shave, due to play in Bristol tomorrow night...Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Stop evicting Brixton - July 15th
12-07-2013 15:50
STOP EVICTING BRIXTONRushcroft Road Eviction - this Monday 15th July.
Join the people of the Rushcroft Road to stop Lambeth evicting Brixton.
Policital surveillance cannot be justified – Netpol statement on Police Spying.
12-07-2013 15:43
Recent revelations about undercover policing have shown that a number of legal and political campaigns and organisations, including the Newham Monitoring Group, a partner organisation in Netpol, have been subject to covert surveillance operations.While the police are keen to dismiss criticism as being merely an historic issue, applying to a bygone era, Netpol sees no reason to believe that things have improved in recent years. The covert policing of dissent still lacks any effective internal accountability mechanism or means of independent/public scrutiny.
Glasgow's Walk-of-Shame.
12-07-2013 12:55

Some photos from Glasgow's "Walk-of-Shame" Thursday 11 July. A group set off down Sauchiehall Street armed with banners and leaflets, stopping outside those shops that milk the governments free slave labour scheme, workfare. They engaged the public and handed out a considerable number of leaflets at the entrance of the shops involved, which were well received by the public. The more the public are made aware of this free slave labour scheme and what it actually means, the more resistance will grow. Here's to more and larger "Walks-of-Shame", until this slave labour scheme bites the dust.
Demonstrators besiege Leith Job Centre – police manhandle protestors out of building
12-07-2013 10:55

Demonstrators besieged Leith Job Centre in Edinburgh on 11th July to oppose the 30% sanctions target set by a new manager there. Police manhandled protestors who entered the building and announced that the Public Order Act was in force. Part of the Boycott Workfare Week of Action Against Workfare, the demo denounced all work-for-your-benefits schemes, and proclaimed opposition to the whole austerity programme.
Boycott workfare Brent
12-07-2013 09:44
Picket Sainsburys Homebase Willesden, London NW10Support for Bradley Manning in Wrexham. Support needed everywhere Sat 27 July.
11-07-2013 21:48

Ethical fashion debated or not at Ethical Fashion Source Summit Friday 12th of J
11-07-2013 18:16
What's missing from this government-subsidised list of what "ethical fashion" means?- Fair Trade (or ethical trading), the second one would be
- Organic, manmade, bio-degradable fabrics, and the third is
- Recycling and upcycling.
No Borders info night and social, 16th July
11-07-2013 14:56
Everybody is welcome to speak, and if you have particular skills, or experience on a particular subject, you are welcome to contribute. The aim is to inform, share knowledge and stimulate action!Free Evenia Mawongera - stop the deportation
11-07-2013 12:56
Evenia, who has lived in the UK for 10 years and whose children are British citizens, has been detained by the UK Border Agency awaiting possible deportation to Zimbabwe. We cannot allow this to happen. Support the campaign, sign the petition!Protest Sanctions Targets at Leith Job Centre
11-07-2013 10:55
This week’s short-notice-hey-demo post features this call-out for action against Leith Job Centre’s move to “Sanctions Targets”
UG#653 -The Biopsychosocial Approach (The Growth Of Child Development Disorders)
11-07-2013 10:40

Summer Peace News Camp In-Line!
11-07-2013 10:34
How to jump dinner queues at Summer Peace News Camp!!NSA, It's the end of your world as you knew it and I feel fine
11-07-2013 09:13

Cambridge Food Stores Hiding Their Bins.
10-07-2013 23:40
It has come to light that in the last few weeks many local food shops have started to actively hide their food waste bins, meaning that many of the poorer residents of Cambridge now no longer have a supplemental food source at a time when they need it the most.Demo tomorrow outside Houses of Parliament #Syria #onstrikeforpeace
10-07-2013 20:56
Demo tomorrow outside Houses of Parliament.Backbenchers debating right to vote should government decide to arm Syrian Rebels.
Bring a placard if possible.
Meet 12 noon by the Churchill Statue, Parliament Square.
Activists in the U.S. Call for Anti-Fracking Solidarity Actions!
10-07-2013 20:33
“We are here to send a message to the oil and gas industries: we will not stand idly by as you destroy this land, or any other, for your personal profit. Respect existence, or expect resistance,” said an Earth First! activist.