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London Stock Exchange: Paternoster Square Occupied
01-05-2012 20:55

The original intended occupation site of Occupy London - Paternoster Square - adjacent to the stock exchange, has been occupied by Occupy London on Mayday since around 6.45pm
Mayday Workfare Demos Shut Ox St. Stores - report
01-05-2012 18:55
After the London Mayday trade union march up to 300 people took part in a roving anti-workfare demo with a banner reading "Workfare is Stealing Our Jobs", shutting down various branches of MacDonalds, Greggs, Topshop, BHS, Holland and Barrett and others including Boots, Pizza Hut, Greggs and more all along Oxford street and beyond. The protest was called by the London Solidarity Federations and supported by Occupy London. The final destination for Occupy London was to retake Paternoster Square.
Mayday! Mayday! Smash EDO Summer of Resistance Day One
01-05-2012 18:00

Unrest over Cuadrilla Fracking
01-05-2012 16:55
Residents from the Fylde gathered on Sunday at St Cuthbert's in Lytham to discuss and question the proposed hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in the area. Drilling company Cuadrilla Resources is seeking the green light to go ahead with fracking at Preese Hall farm, Singleton. A further 800 sites are also being considered in the area for fracking.
Residents from the Fylde gathered on Sunday at St Cuthbert's in Lytham to discuss and question the proposed hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in the area. Drilling company Cuadrilla Resources is seeking the green light to go ahead with fracking at Preese Hall farm, Singleton. A further 800 sites are also being considered in the area for fracking.
Gayzer Tarjanyi of Residents Action on Fylde Fracking (RAFF) and ‘No Cuadrilla Lytham' invited residents of both the Fylde and other areas that could be affected by fracking; a highly controversial practice of extracting gas from shale by drilling deep into the ground and pushing through vast quantities of fresh water and chemicals. Independent Engineer Mike Hill, an adviser to Fylde Borough Council Task & Finish Group on Fracking gave up his time to give a well-informed presentation and answered questions at the meeting; attended by more than 80 concerned individuals from as far afield as Manchester.
Ministers to allow fracking in the Fylde
Hill highlighted the technical detail of the processes of hydraulic fracturing as well as addressing the issues of regulation and responsibility. Currently, there is still no clarity on which department has complete accountability or what official regulations are in place by the Department of Energy and Climate Change(DECC) or The Health & Safety Executive(HSE). Despite this, the DECC report on ‘Induced Seismic Mitigation' that came out last week, advises Ministers to allow fracking in the Fylde.
Tarjanyi chaired the meeting that included two films; representing Cuadrilla's assurances of safety as well as the concerns, risks and evidence of ongoing harm in the USA: "We would like to take this opportunity to applaud Mike Hill on his dogged determination to give up so much of his time and self finance his one man crusade to pursue strict regulations on fracking. " Hill has dedicated the past 18 months to exploring the regulations, responsibility and practice of fracking and communicated extensively with all parties involved: DECC, HSE, Cuadrilla, concerned citizens and action groups.
The well-attended meeting went on longer than the planned three hours as the number of questions reflected wide-spread concerns. A resident at the meeting said she had no idea that there were so many wells planned for the area and that each would require the use of up to 500 trucks during the process. This was a concern echoed by many who attended, as was the issue of regulation of the fracking industry.
"Do you want your kids at risk from this stuff?"
A new member of RAFF who attended the meeting, Tina Rothery: "I have deep worries about fracking and feel like we do not have a say in what is being planned. It feels like we are simply being told not to worry because Cuadrilla will ensure safety for us. I don't think that's good enough; I want my government to take responsibility, not a private drilling company with profit as a prime motivator. Fracking worsens our air quality, brings a huge amount of traffic and activity to each well, increases the risks of earthquakes and puts our water supply at risk from the dangerous chemicals used in the fracking process. Chemicals used include some pretty awful threats to our health, including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene. Do you want your kids at risk from this stuff?"
Most in attendance have vowed to find out more about how the fracking operations will affect the area; with many planning on writing to their insurance companies to find out how this will affect premiums and property values. The Royal Society for the Protection for Birds and the Royal Horticultural Society are also being approached for their views. There was a clear determination from people at the meeting that they will be continuing to meet, share information and push for answers.
Tarjanyi offered to provide the PA system, projector and screen to any community seeking to inform their residents of the dangers and directed those at the meeting to the RAFF website : "After four meetings this has been shown to be the best way to give residents information and contacts to be able to voice their concerns and be able to act. As well as giving factual information that Cuadrilla didn't give on their recent three-town PR tour of the Fylde(St Annes, Elswick & Wesham). Being a Children's Entertainer I felt I may be able to shed a light on the fact that may be lost in all the overwhelming information; that this is on the biggest events that we face in our life time here on the Fylde and is the legacy we will leave to our children if we do not act now, while we still can."
Please contact RAFF on 01253 734678 or visit for further information.
Residents from the Fylde gathered on Sunday at St Cuthbert's in Lytham to discuss and question the proposed hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in the area. Drilling company Cuadrilla Resources is seeking the green light to go ahead with fracking at Preese Hall farm, Singleton. A further 800 sites are also being considered in the area for fracking.
Gayzer Tarjanyi of Residents Action on Fylde Fracking (RAFF) and ‘No Cuadrilla Lytham' invited residents of both the Fylde and other areas that could be affected by fracking; a highly controversial practice of extracting gas from shale by drilling deep into the ground and pushing through vast quantities of fresh water and chemicals. Independent Engineer Mike Hill, an adviser to Fylde Borough Council Task & Finish Group on Fracking gave up his time to give a well-informed presentation and answered questions at the meeting; attended by more than 80 concerned individuals from as far afield as Manchester.
Ministers to allow fracking in the Fylde
Hill highlighted the technical detail of the processes of hydraulic fracturing as well as addressing the issues of regulation and responsibility. Currently, there is still no clarity on which department has complete accountability or what official regulations are in place by the Department of Energy and Climate Change(DECC) or The Health & Safety Executive(HSE). Despite this, the DECC report on ‘Induced Seismic Mitigation' that came out last week, advises Ministers to allow fracking in the Fylde.
Tarjanyi chaired the meeting that included two films; representing Cuadrilla's assurances of safety as well as the concerns, risks and evidence of ongoing harm in the USA: "We would like to take this opportunity to applaud Mike Hill on his dogged determination to give up so much of his time and self finance his one man crusade to pursue strict regulations on fracking. " Hill has dedicated the past 18 months to exploring the regulations, responsibility and practice of fracking and communicated extensively with all parties involved: DECC, HSE, Cuadrilla, concerned citizens and action groups.
The well-attended meeting went on longer than the planned three hours as the number of questions reflected wide-spread concerns. A resident at the meeting said she had no idea that there were so many wells planned for the area and that each would require the use of up to 500 trucks during the process. This was a concern echoed by many who attended, as was the issue of regulation of the fracking industry.
"Do you want your kids at risk from this stuff?"
A new member of RAFF who attended the meeting, Tina Rothery: "I have deep worries about fracking and feel like we do not have a say in what is being planned. It feels like we are simply being told not to worry because Cuadrilla will ensure safety for us. I don't think that's good enough; I want my government to take responsibility, not a private drilling company with profit as a prime motivator. Fracking worsens our air quality, brings a huge amount of traffic and activity to each well, increases the risks of earthquakes and puts our water supply at risk from the dangerous chemicals used in the fracking process. Chemicals used include some pretty awful threats to our health, including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene. Do you want your kids at risk from this stuff?"
Most in attendance have vowed to find out more about how the fracking operations will affect the area; with many planning on writing to their insurance companies to find out how this will affect premiums and property values. The Royal Society for the Protection for Birds and the Royal Horticultural Society are also being approached for their views. There was a clear determination from people at the meeting that they will be continuing to meet, share information and push for answers.
Tarjanyi offered to provide the PA system, projector and screen to any community seeking to inform their residents of the dangers and directed those at the meeting to the RAFF website : "After four meetings this has been shown to be the best way to give residents information and contacts to be able to voice their concerns and be able to act. As well as giving factual information that Cuadrilla didn't give on their recent three-town PR tour of the Fylde(St Annes, Elswick & Wesham). Being a Children's Entertainer I felt I may be able to shed a light on the fact that may be lost in all the overwhelming information; that this is on the biggest events that we face in our life time here on the Fylde and is the legacy we will leave to our children if we do not act now, while we still can."
Please contact RAFF on 01253 734678 or visit for further information.
EUSKADI: A Call To Awakening
01-05-2012 15:14
A reflection upon the neccessary force to lead lives of strength and solidarity.Pro Hare Coursing accessories withdrawn from sale on Amazon!
01-05-2012 12:20

Fences at GM wheat trial, Hertfordshire
01-05-2012 11:43

Where We Stand : Formation of a new anarchist communist project in the UK
01-05-2012 11:14
May Day statement of "Collective Action". In it we outline our analysis of the problems facing the anarchist movement in the UK and offer a call out to all independent anarchist communists to participate in our project to re-visit our political tradition, re-group and re-kindle our political action.Occupy give out hope to commuters on the tube
01-05-2012 10:55
Occupy celebrate MayDay this morning giving out roses to communters on the tube and at Liverpool Street station. Each rose has a small message attached saying "There is something better out there" and links to their website. Further events continue later in the day with a march around the London Stock Exchange and actions against Workfare.
Later on today:
11.30am – Assemble at Paternoster Square for May Day march From 11.30am, supporters of Occupy London will gather at Paternoster Square, just by the London Stock Exchange and St Paul’s Cathedral, in preparation for then joining the thousands of people coming together for the main May Day March in London. Moving off at around 12.30pm, Occupy London will join the main march as it makes its way to the rally point at Trafalgar Square. More info about the May Day march and rally at and new facebook event at
2.30pm onwards – Against Workfare Post march, Occupy London supporters plan to support the anti-workfare actions against companies participating in the workfare schemes, which have been called by North and South London Solidarity Federations. More information and map of targets will be at Strike, march and occupy. See you on May Day.
Smash EDO Statement on anti-Semitism
01-05-2012 10:18 Mayday celebration at Liverpool St Stn
01-05-2012 08:55
One of the early Mayday protests and celebrations has been taking place at Liverpool St station, with people from Occupy London and supporters spreading the mayday message, informing ppl about the workfare protests and the global protests happening throughout the month of may.
7.55 Lots of police at liverpool st station, about 30 distributed within station & 3 vanloads outside.
8.00 Uniformed and plain clothes officers EVERYWHERE at Liverpool St station
8.10 Most police waiting at entrance to underground. A few overhead. None at extrance of station at Bishopsgate
8.13 Photographers coming out of the woodwork
8.14 Police vans leave liverpool st station in hurry. Lots of photographers here.
8.36 ppl gathered at finsbury sq with flying helium tent, masks, big bags, bannerrs and sound system, readying leave for liv st
8.43 ppl leaving from occupy finsbury square
8.45 passing old site of occupied bank of ideas
8.46 one of the helium balloons has escaped!
8.48 3 balloons have now escaped - need back up balloons!
- one banner reads "May 12: Bring Your Tent", others read "(heart) occupy" and "Evict This!"
8.51 procession from finsbury sq arriving liverpool st
8.54 loads of photographers and british transport police and normal met cops
8.55 informing cops about the upcoming police demo 10th may
8.56 huge banner (black with white letters) unfurled at liverpool st station concourse reads "A Line of Tents Guards Our Future - Occupy"
Another reads "Occupy London" - pic
8.56 samba drumming loud
9.00 moving through station handing out flowers with tags saying "There is something better out there"
9.08 now up onto upper level at liverpool st and leaving station
9.10 outside station with big banner and band, FIT taking pictures
9.15 handing out flowers and wishing people happy mayday! chatting about upcoming demos and workfare
Stand off in Santa Cruze ends with arrests
01-05-2012 08:02
Stand off in Santa Cruze ends with arrestsYOUTUBE - Jeremy Scahill Speech on Obama Administration and the Use of Drones i
01-05-2012 05:45
jeremy Scahill
Excellent viewing....

Is the Parole Board deciding on the continued detention of life sentence prisone
30-04-2012 22:53
The review process itself, known as an 'Oral Hearing', at which the lifer is present, is conducted like a semi-judicial hearing where reports by social workers, prison staff and psychologists are considered and assessed, and the lifer is given the opportunity to present their own case for release.Anti-Olympic Meeting, Mile End Park, London, May 2nd.
30-04-2012 20:54
7pm at the Occupy Mile End camp, wednesday may 2nd.all invited.
Anti-Fascist OAPs Attacked by Far Right
30-04-2012 20:27

Is the Parole Board deciding on the continued detention of life sentence prisone
30-04-2012 16:22
Periodically reviewing life sentences by the Parole Board is a process required by law and such reviews, known as Tribunals, are intended to assess the current level of risk presented by life-sentence prisoners at the expiry of Tariff point of their sentence; Tariffs are the minimum length of time trial judges specify a lifer should spend in prison to satisfy the interests of retribution and punishment. Once the tariff point has been reached or exceeded by the lifer then the Parole Board has a legal duty to review and make an informed decision on the lifer's continued imprisonment.