UK Newswire Archive
SURVEILLANCE AND CONTROL - A mini-conference : Saturday 9 March - Tate Modern
07-03-2002 18:05
Starr Auditorium, Level 2, Tate Modern, London, UK
he knows what he's talking about
07-03-2002 18:02
Forgive a re-post from the BBC, but this is great:Argentinian embassy occupiers walk free
07-03-2002 17:08
Anarchist rascals TPK who occupied the argentinian embassy in January see the case against them thrown out of court.Uprising in Argentina - film and discussion
07-03-2002 16:58

07-03-2002 16:19
In the last couple of days there has been a lively and passionate discussion on UK Indymedia regarding the creation of an Anti-War Direct Action Block, not only for the following anti-war demos, but as a permanent network of active struggle: here are some of the conclusions reached. This is just the beginning!organised response to planned government propaganda
07-03-2002 16:10
The British government is apparantly preparing a dossier on Iraq's terrorist links and attempts to produce weapons of mass destruction.Protests in the airport in Fortaleza
07-03-2002 15:27
Today, the youth from Fortaleza played one more actionto denounce the perverse side of the politics
implemented by BID (Inter American Bank of Development).
Korea: power workers strike update
07-03-2002 15:22
Latest update from Korean Confederation of Trade Unions on the power workers strike and international solidarity:US top torture device maker (Sign the petition please)
07-03-2002 14:48

Zimbabwe: protest at kidnap of union leader
07-03-2002 13:24
Mugabe allies are still holding a union leader (and his wife) having kidnapped them in February. Link to letter of protest from the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU):resistance issue 35
07-03-2002 13:19
Monthly bulletin of the Anarchist Federation (Britain and Ireland)Guantanamo base turning into concentration camp-hungerstrike continues
07-03-2002 11:12
The base is preparing to hold more prisoners. Construction of a more permanent detention center has begun and Lehnert said the first 408 cells should be ready about April 12.big demo planned against kissinger - 24th April London
07-03-2002 10:24
Henry Kissinger, the world's greatest living war criminal, is coming to speak to top business people in London.US Missile "Defense" System Could Cost British Taxpayer £10bn
07-03-2002 08:57
The officials disclosed that the government had already given permission for the US to install a new space-based infra-red system ground relay station at Menwith Hill to monitor missile launches around the world.When Socialism takes over the education
07-03-2002 08:47
Socialist State university education on Business is like your 14 old son’s first drive with your old van; he has always wanted to do it, and he thinks he knows everything related to driving already, just because he has sat next to you, while you have been driving.Robert Fisk: America's morality has been distorted by 11 September
07-03-2002 03:31