UK Newswire Archive
Cancel Cunning Council Cuts!
09-09-2010 19:22
Protect the B&NES Youth Services!Rather unsurprisingly, there are cuts planned for all sorts of things in B&NES. The Youth Service being one of them.
We intend to register our discontent with the Council's policy of closing down our youth Centres; one of the only safe spaces for young people. They're somewhere we can go that doesn't annoy anyone else, provides information and education and gives the impression someone listened to what we need. Let's try and save some of them in B&NES, shall we?
Come, bring your placards, let them know we won't stand for service and job cuts.
Already savaged in previous rounds of spending cuts, the Youth Service is once more being targeted as a "soft option" for cuts. I think the Tory council should know that young people won't let their services go under, and the workers in them aren't going to surrender their jobs without a fight.
The protest will take place outside an Overview & Scrutiny panel meeting, so make some noise! Also, if you've got any bright ideas for giving it more impact, get in contact.
This crisis was not of our making. It should not be down to us to pay for it.
Activists Occupy Parliament
09-09-2010 17:22
Two activists have occupied the houses of Parliament with banners calling for an end to the war in Afghanistan, and also a section 6 legal warning banner. They intend to stay for as long as possible.
Skywarrior from the PetroSiege squat, in solidarity with the peace strike campaign, has today occupied the Houses of Parliament with several banners. He intends to make this his home for as long as possible. He hopes that this direct action will inspire others to rise up and challenge the current political system. This is a signal of resistance to unjust, illegal wars being carried out undemocratically, without consent of the people, in America, the UK and other global powers.
Skywarrior today said: “This afternoon at 4:30pm, I took my life in my hands for the future of my children, and the children of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine. Not in my name!”
We at PetroSiege resent and reject the current austerity measures, which in fact, are nothing more than a war tax. We echo the words of the honourable Tony Benn, and call for open revolt against the attack on the welfare state to pay for these atrocities, that are being carried out without our consent, in our name.
No Pasaran!
Arms are for linking
09-09-2010 17:22
Trident refit at Devonport DockyardDevonport Dockyard is where the Trident nuclear weapons submarines dock for a major maintenance programme. After about ten years of service, each of the four submarines arrives (unarmed) at the yard for a refit. As the Trident submarines are also nuclear powered, during this time the nuclear reactors are refuelled and a new reactor core is fitted. The old reactor core and spent fuel rods (all highly radioactive) are then transported to be stored at Sellafield.
Rolls Royce in Derby design and produce the reactors and reactor cores for these and Britain’s other nuclear powered submarines which also undergo refit at Devonport. During refit, the radioactive coolant water from the submarine's reactor is allowed to be discharged into the local river, the Tamar.
The company Babcock Marine runs Devonport Dockyard. It also services the Naval Base run by the Ministry of Defence next to the Dockyard and provides services for Rosyth naval dockyard and Faslane Naval Base where Trident submarines are based.
Obsolete nuclear powered submarines
Devonport Dockyard is also where eight obsolete nuclear powered submarines are being kept stored afloat. Plans are currently being hatched about what to do with them plus seven more obsolete submarines at Rosyth dockyard in Scotland, and the twelve submarines including Trident ones currently in service which will eventually be declared obsolete too. The problem is that the storage space at the two dockyards will be full by 2012, and any cutting up of the submarines (whose radioactive nuclear reactor compartments are the size of two double-decker buses) may release further poisonous radioactive discharges into the environment. Short term plans might mean nuclear waste from the submarines being stored at Devonport for many decades. Long-term plans for the waste to eventually end up in an enormous underground nuclear dump site elsewhere might not be viable. Such dumps have not yet been built anywhere in the world.
The radioactive risk
Devonport Dockyard is in the heart of Plymouth, which has a population of around 250,000 people. The Dockyard is close to the city centre and situated in an urban area minutes from homes and schools. The refit work and any proposal to cut up obsolete nuclear submarines there risks contaminating the local people and their environment with potentially harmful radioactivity. There have also been numerous accidents at the Dockyard further releasing radioactive discharge into the river.
CND calls for Trident to be scrapped and for no Trident replacement. We call on the government to pay heed to ever increasing local and national opposition and ensure that the city of Plymouth does not become a nuclear waste processing site or dump for obsolete nuclear powered submarines.
A city location is no place for handling radioactive waste in this manner and there is no guarantee that accidents will not occur. The government should make alternative investment into a regenerative strategy for the city, providing long-term sustainable job development; potential areas could include renewable energy projects like wave and wind power.
In November 2008 an investigation was launched after hundreds of litres of radioactive coolant spilled from a Devonport-based nuclear submarine.
The liquid escaped into the River Tamar after an incident involving HMS Trafalgar.
The Royal Navy confirmed up to 280 litres of water, likely to have been contaminated with tritium, poured from a burst hose as it was being pumped from the submarine.
The submarine was alongside at Devonport, after undergoing routine maintenance.
No-one was hurt in the incident and the vessel’s nuclear power plant was unaffected.
Previous reported radioactive spills at the dockyard include one in October 2005, when it was confirmed 10 litres of water leaked out as the main reactor circuit of HMS Victorious was being cleaned to reduce radiation.
Earlier the same year the Environment Agency had threatened legal action against former dockyard owners Devonport Management Limited (DML) after two spillages within the space of a week.
There were 10 nuclear leaks at the base between 1980 and 1998, during which 570 litres of radioactive liquid was lost. The worst incident was in 1985 when around 350 litres was spilled.
Fascist demo in Glasgow
09-09-2010 16:23
The vile Nazi dafties in the Scottish Divot League are proposing a demo in Glasgow on November 6th.
If anybody can access the fascist forum via the English Doughnut League there are postings aiming to stir up moslems and catholics.
Organisation Scottish Defence League
Date of Procession Saturday 6 November 2010
Start Time of Outward Route 11:00 AM
Bristol Indymedia @ Anarchist Bookfair 2010
09-09-2010 16:22
Bristol Indymedia is hosting a room at this years Anarchist Bookfair. Here's what we'll be getting up to - and hope you can join us!The 2010 Bristol Anarchist Bookfair is on Saturday 11 September, from 10.30am to 6pm
At Hamilton House, 80 Stokes Croft, Bristol BS1 3QY (fully accessible via ramp & lifts)
Here's what's on!
Bristol Indymedia Room (lower floor)
11 till 12noon (Bookfair workshop): Myths of Capitalism by Phil P of the bookfair collective
From Malthus and Smith to David Cameron, capitalism has always had a ‘difficult’ relationship with reality. This meeting will debunk some of the most popular claptrap and humbug from the pervasive to the perverse.
12.30 till 1: How to tell 5000 people about your campaign, event or news in just 2 minutes
Bristol Indymedia is used by 5000 people per day who come to get news, views and happenings. We'll show you how to use the site to maximise impact no technical knowledge required.
1 till 1.15: Want to Volunteer for Bristol Indymedia? Find out how to get involved and meet some of the Indymedia volunteers.
1.15 till 2: Censorship, Free Speech and Indymedia
With the Wikileaks release of classified information on Afghanistan, issues of censorship and free speech are front page news again. We look at these issues globally and locally in relation to Bristol Indymedia. This is your chance to help shape how the site works and debate the issues.
2 till 3: Schmovies presents: Raiders of the Lost Archive Come and see the latest offering of activist and campaign film from the Schnews collective.
3 till 3.15: How to...tell 5000 people about your campaign, event or news in just 2 minutes (repeated).
3.15 till 4: What is successful activism?
Why do corporates, capitalists and governments tend to get the upper hand against us? Is it because they carefully study the principles of success as taught by Carnegie, Covey and others. Where do these ideas come from? Are they useful? Should we use them?
4 till 4.15: Want to Volunteer for Bristol Indymedia? (repeated).
4.15 till 5: Venezuela and the BBC
The BBC has a duty to provide accurate information that citizens can use as the basis for participation in democracy. If this is the case, then why has its reporting of Chavez and Venezuela been so biased. Lee Salter from UWE will chair a discussion based on their research into this.
5 till6: Detroit ' True Alternative'
In Detroit capitalism has left the area, leaving behind derelict factories, land and buildings. In its place alternative new seeds of development are growing with a huge upsurge in community gardens. Reel News have just visited Detroit and will be reporting back about this movement.
Links & more:
Full programme (PDF)
Venue location:
Palestine Today 09 09 2010
09-09-2010 15:43

Biofuels Demo
09-09-2010 14:22
A day out at the sea-sidePack your buckets and spades for a day out to Portalnd in Dorset. There will be a coach leaving Bristol on Saturday 25th September at 10.00am for a march, rally, workshops followed by live music and food.
W4B intend to build a biofuel power station in the same area where wind turbines have been refused. W4B is the same company who have appealed a planning decision to build an even bigger biofuel power station in Avonmouth, so the two locations and campaigns are closely linked. Let W4B no that burning palm oil is not green.
For more details on the coach and to book a seat, please contact Ian at
National Demonstration Against Agrofuels
09-09-2010 14:16

solidarity for the comrades in Chile, for Friday, September 24th
09-09-2010 13:52
international call for actions of solidarity for the comrades in Chile, for Friday, September 24thBenifit Gig- Bristol No Borders
09-09-2010 12:22
The Plough, Kilburn StreetFriday 24th September... £3/4 donation.
Kilnaboy (back for another legendary performance)
Jimi Can Band (Afro-Latin rock)
Section 6 (travelling folk-punk)
JPS (Manchester lovin Dub Ska)
Ragga Vagabond (Jungle)
Chef (DnB)
Oliffka (Hardtek/Hardcore)
The EDL, Cash & Zionism
09-09-2010 12:01
Crivvens, all is not well at the house of the EDL what with the poor show at Bradford, the division over tactics and politics, the continued attendance of fascists at demos and the behaviour of unrepentant hooligans and ‘chav scrotes.’westminster banner drop set for debate
09-09-2010 11:22
the two protestors who yesterday eluded security to climb the scaffolding at the front of parliament have now been told they can remain until the afghanistan debate is over
yesterday afternoon two protestors scaled the side fences and accessed the scaffolding at the front of the houses of parliament. after a very cold overnight stay, they have negotiated with police and have agreed to come down after the afghanistan debate in the house of commons this afternoon.
this means their banners will be visible to the demonstration called by STWC and others at noon today in parliament square, as well as to MPs arriving for the debate.
the room behind their platform has now been taken over by police who are keeping an eye on them, but who have agreed not to send in a rope team to attempt to remove them before or during the debate.
photo by 'sky warrior' - free for credited non-commercial use - other rights reserved
original story posted at
No Borders/Kebele Sound Gig
09-09-2010 11:22
Benefit gig for No Borders and No More DeathThe Plough, Kilburn Street
24th September... £3/4 donation.
Kilnaboy (back for another legendary performance)
Jimi Can Band (Afro-Latin rock)
Section 6 (travelling folk-punk)
JPS (Manchester lovin Dub Ska)
Ragga Vagabond (Jungle)
Chef (DnB)
Oliffka (Hardtek/Hardcore)
Masonic Cover Up?
09-09-2010 09:23
THE case against four men — who were charged in connection with the alleged attempted murder of a man outside Dumbarton’s Masonic Hall — has been dropped.
Solidarity needed for Russian anarchist forest defenders
09-09-2010 08:14
The Russian movement to defend the Khimki forest is a movement defending all forests. If corporations and politicians working in the interest of a global neoliberal and environmentally destructive model is able to exploit the Khimki forest and continue repressing the activists in spite of a historically broad and strong movement in Russia defending the forest, than it can be done anywhere.Around the Campaigns Thursday 9th September 2010
09-09-2010 07:12

The last message from Patrick was on Saturday at 5:50 am to say that he was handcuffed and had 12 security officers controlling him. Attempts to contact Patrick since then have failed. Many thanks to all who tried to prevent the removal.
Keep Patrick Masengo in the UK, no removals to DR Congo

blair party at tate modern
08-09-2010 23:22
the real tony blair seemed not to have partied at the tate modern this evening amidst rumours and disinformation. but a few dozen protestors still turned up and some theatrics and speeches were watched by onlookers and about a dozen media cameras.
with a last minute announcement that blair's book launch party at tate modern had been cancelled, some people, including myself, wondered whether this might have been misinformation. someone was also posting suggestion of an alternative venue at the ritz, although this was soon unmasked as further disinformation or a spurious stunt.
however, a few dozen activists did turn up at tate modern after 5pm and found unusually strict security with bag searches.
the police operation seemed to be overseen by the same southwark police sergeant (MD94) who had "facilitated" the iain tomlinson DPP protest and impromptu march at the end of july. he was also accompanied by a forward intelligence team constable. they did sterling police work shutting down a food stall under the millenium bridge before hiding amongst the trees and watching the theatrics.
in front of the bankside building, lindsey german and others from the 'stop the war coalition' staged a little event including victorious speeches at having at least stopped blair's party (having of course conspicuously failed to stop any wars due to their concentration on words rather than deeds and their total aversion to any direct action or civil disobedience). they also staged a mock book-signing for the many cameras, with a blair-masked bloody-handed actor signing copies of a booklet "iraq: a people's dossier - questions for tony blair".
the STWC folk were later joined by chris knight and others dressed quite fetchingly as grannies. they were in good spirits having just created a diversion outside parliament while two activists got in and scaled the scaffolding at the front of the building for an anti-war banner drop
with no sign of blair, people drifted off and it was all over within the hour.
Dialect - Are restrictions on local government finance killing Bristol?
08-09-2010 23:22
plus the world as a hidden nuclear dustbinDialect Radio is a Bristol (UK) podcast produced by volunteers. Our main activity is our weekly current affairs and arts magazine programme Dialect, which is recorded at our Queen's Square studios and posted for download every week on Friday morning. Want to volunteer? Volunteering Bristol, Royal Oak House, Royal Oak Avenue, Bristol. BS1 4GB Tel: 0117 989 7733. Listen on air: 93.2 FM (BCFM), Sundays at 12 noon. Or listen live on the internet at
0.00-0.48 Introduction
0.48-9.10 Are restrictions on local government finance killing Bristol? Interview with Chris Worthington
9.37-19.08 Temple Local History Group with Julian Lea-Jones who looks this week at Bristol's ancient city walls
19.08-22.53 Good to Cry by Sweeney and Lackey (including intro)
22.53-33.56- Part 2 of Lucca in Bulgaria (including intro)
33.56-42.05 Secrets and Lies - the world as a hidden nuclear dustbin by David Southwell, read by Malcolm Grieves
42.05-50.00 IG Fest - Using Bristol as a gigantic gaming board
50.00-54.00 Poem by Trevor about Tony Blair's new book + Plug for Cabaret
54.00-56.36 What's on guide from Jeff Sparks with Jeff's Song of the week
56.36-57.00 Credits.
Presenters: John Peters-Coleman and Michaela Dennis
Reporters: Anthea Page, Micaela Dennis and Tony Gosling
Studio Engineer: Michael Noyes
Producer: Anthea Page
sky warrior speaks
08-09-2010 22:22
short speech by sky warrior from the occupied platform at westminstermaria speaks
08-09-2010 22:22
short speech by maria from the occupied platform at westminster