UK Newswire Archive
Videos of Speeches (in full) at Manchester Galloway Meeting
21-05-2003 16:58
Video clips from the Manchester Galloway meeting, 9 May 2003.ISM: Appeal From The Tom Hurndall Fund
21-05-2003 16:14
This weekend Tom Hurndall's parents will try to fly Tom home to Englandto
be closer to his friends and family.
Web of deceit
21-05-2003 15:57
When we come to power we will throw light on many more atrocities by opening up the secrets locked away in the public records office. eg: the assasination of the elected PM of Burma, The devious plans surrounding the partion of India etc.18 UN agencies and NGOs protest Gaza closure
21-05-2003 15:39
18 UN agencies and NGOs protest Gaza closureUNRWA
19 May 2003
Short Introduction on G8 meeting in Evian
21-05-2003 13:01

Blockades in Lausanne
21-05-2003 12:48
A call to all who refuse to be ruled by the self-proclaimed "lords of the world" to come and block the access ways to Lausanne(Switzerland).Palestinian Civilians fired upon
21-05-2003 12:19

21-05-2003 11:49
There should be a public debate between Tariq Ali and Mike Ruppert on the realities of 9/11Anti-USA demo banned in Netherlands
21-05-2003 11:48
Demonstration banned quietly, but the idea provokes outrage among right-wing Americans.More dubious US contracts in Iraq
21-05-2003 11:45
Hey lets have a war to bankroll the bankrupt companies who funded us into office!Are the lights still out in Baghdad? Whos ya gonna call...ENRON
21-05-2003 11:33
Phoney has turned the Downing Street smear machine on Brown.The British Plan for Middle East Unrest - The Man Who Made Borders
21-05-2003 11:08
A look at the creation of the Middle East map as we know it today and the British man, who with the backing of the British government, ensured decades of unrest and political tension for the Middle EastThe Israeli Bushes
21-05-2003 09:01
Sharon and Sons, Inc.Profiting from the Occupation
Tony may be deluding himself
21-05-2003 08:52
Go to your computer now, Mr. Blair. Look at the reality behind all this sanctimonious wringing of hands over the plight of the Iraqi people. Read what your American Republican friends are really intending. Please.URGENT: First ISM and now CPT
21-05-2003 06:17
We knew it was coming. Next will be IWPS (International Women's Peace Service), and then Israeli activists (who are already highly restricted in their movements in the Territories). Israel will be able to do whatever it will to Palestinians (with Bush's blessing) And who will know?DEMAND A PUBLIC DEBATE BETWEEN TARIQ ALI AND MIKE RUPPERT
21-05-2003 05:56
Call for a public debate between Tariq Ali and Mike RuppertNew Efforts to Maintain Calm in Congo
21-05-2003 05:46
During a lull in the fighting between the ethnic militias, the U.N. personnel were given safe passage to allow them to relocate internal refugees from a crowded compound in the center of the city to a larger one near the airport.Inside the 'Country'-Club for Growth
21-05-2003 02:10
In 2002, the fiscally conservative Club targeted 19 congressional races and won 17. The 9,000-member Club is the No. 1 source of campaign funds for Republican congressional candidates, aside from the party itself. It targets Republican incumbents whom its officers deem too liberal...Iraq, the ICC, and Mrs Windsor's moonlight job
21-05-2003 01:47
The International Criminal Court in the Hague has apparently not responded at all to the invasion of Iraq. Judging by their website, it never happened. The ICC has, inter alia, not yet responded to a call to investigate possible war crimes by Mr Howard, Mr Blair and Mrs Windsor.Protest song
21-05-2003 01:23
For anyone who enjoyed the singalong at in the Mayday riot pen, here's some lyrics for a poss. cover version of the Stealer's Wheel classic...