The British Plan for Middle East Unrest - The Man Who Made Borders
Red Dragon | 21.05.2003 11:08
A look at the creation of the Middle East map as we know it today and the British man, who with the backing of the British government, ensured decades of unrest and political tension for the Middle East
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During the time of the British controlled Mandates of the Middle East many of the people in Europe were pulling back their people back from the colonies they owned. This was mainly due to the slow and painful change of the pros and cons of owning these colonies after World War 1. So to limit the amount of work and money needed to sustain and use these colonies for their resources the British decided to do something that would benefit them in the long run that has worked for numerous occasions in their history of colonizing other countries.
They used the infamous policy of "Divide and Conquer" where instead of using countless man-hours and money to finance and equip a small force of soldiers to keep the control of the colony they decided to save themselves the trouble. Sir Percy Cox was the person they turned to do this exact thing that would help their country in the long run and lead to what the many problems are occurring in the Middle Eastern world.
The year is 1922 England is still recovering from World War 1 and problems are occurring without them being in control of the situation as it grew. The trouble to control colonies or as the English loved calling them "British Mandates" thousands of miles away consuming precious money and resources that should be going the other way.
As a High Commissioner from England Sir Percy Cox was sent to take care of realizing the British controlled Mandates in the hands of the loyal and powerful family and tribes of the Middle East. He met with a Junior Cabinet Member who represented the Iraqi people, a British Political Agent who stood for Kuwait, and Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Bin Saud who would soon have his family rule what is now known as Saudi Arabia.
The meeting was based on the issue of creating permanent borders that would address the needs of the countries that were to become what we have in the Middle East as present day Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and finally Kuwait. This meeting though with its "good intentions" of returning the land to its people took only seven days to do; the three parties whose interests were on the line did not reach any kind of compromise. So Sir Percy Cox took the initiative to stamp down hard and produced the borders by himself with a ruler and a pen.
Out of three nations Iraq being the most sophisticated of the group was placed out of the reach of the Persian Gulf, which resulted in the Iraqi representative, and the later generations of Iraqis to become bitter with the borders with the country being almost landlocked. Saudi Arabia was given the largest piece of land due to its commitment with keeping good relations with the British government. This came with a horrible price of dividing reducing a once united Arab people under one leader and kingdom in the Middle East to several hostile nations unwilling to give or share their land to their own brethren.
Now that the borders were established and governments took over their own countries, time flashes by and with it the results of World War 2, the Yom Kippur War, and the establishment of Israel, the Suez Canal Crisis and finally the tensions between Iraq and its neighbor Kuwait. The British have been known by history for being the most sneakiest when it came to revenge and controlling other countries without even using its own forces.
Essentially Sir Percy Cox did the same thing that the British Empire has always done when it had dropped its colonies, it established hostile and potential hotspots by creating borders between groups of people who cannot coexist with one another due to their religious, cultural, and ethnic differences to keep the region unstable. Take for instance the examples of the Kurdish people who were and still are being denied their land rights by being placed in the midst of Turkey and Iraq. So due to one person and his pen and ruler the Middle East has now become so hostile of a region that should anyone want to use the opportunity to take over they could do so without any large scale resistance.
The present day problems speak for themselves as the present generation of youth witness full scale conflicts and rising tensions as more and more Middle Eastern nations begin pushing and shoving each other in anger due to various factors. Those factors being the Israeli and Palestinian issue, the rising fundamentalism of Islam, the growing agitation by the people under the control by kingdoms and tyrannical despots, and the view biased American foreign policies concerning the Middle East.
So as far as we know, everything we see and hear and witness in the Middle East are all the products and creations by the power of one man, Sir Percy Cox.
During the time of the British controlled Mandates of the Middle East many of the people in Europe were pulling back their people back from the colonies they owned. This was mainly due to the slow and painful change of the pros and cons of owning these colonies after World War 1. So to limit the amount of work and money needed to sustain and use these colonies for their resources the British decided to do something that would benefit them in the long run that has worked for numerous occasions in their history of colonizing other countries.
They used the infamous policy of "Divide and Conquer" where instead of using countless man-hours and money to finance and equip a small force of soldiers to keep the control of the colony they decided to save themselves the trouble. Sir Percy Cox was the person they turned to do this exact thing that would help their country in the long run and lead to what the many problems are occurring in the Middle Eastern world.
The year is 1922 England is still recovering from World War 1 and problems are occurring without them being in control of the situation as it grew. The trouble to control colonies or as the English loved calling them "British Mandates" thousands of miles away consuming precious money and resources that should be going the other way.
As a High Commissioner from England Sir Percy Cox was sent to take care of realizing the British controlled Mandates in the hands of the loyal and powerful family and tribes of the Middle East. He met with a Junior Cabinet Member who represented the Iraqi people, a British Political Agent who stood for Kuwait, and Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Bin Saud who would soon have his family rule what is now known as Saudi Arabia.
The meeting was based on the issue of creating permanent borders that would address the needs of the countries that were to become what we have in the Middle East as present day Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and finally Kuwait. This meeting though with its "good intentions" of returning the land to its people took only seven days to do; the three parties whose interests were on the line did not reach any kind of compromise. So Sir Percy Cox took the initiative to stamp down hard and produced the borders by himself with a ruler and a pen.
Out of three nations Iraq being the most sophisticated of the group was placed out of the reach of the Persian Gulf, which resulted in the Iraqi representative, and the later generations of Iraqis to become bitter with the borders with the country being almost landlocked. Saudi Arabia was given the largest piece of land due to its commitment with keeping good relations with the British government. This came with a horrible price of dividing reducing a once united Arab people under one leader and kingdom in the Middle East to several hostile nations unwilling to give or share their land to their own brethren.
Now that the borders were established and governments took over their own countries, time flashes by and with it the results of World War 2, the Yom Kippur War, and the establishment of Israel, the Suez Canal Crisis and finally the tensions between Iraq and its neighbor Kuwait. The British have been known by history for being the most sneakiest when it came to revenge and controlling other countries without even using its own forces.
Essentially Sir Percy Cox did the same thing that the British Empire has always done when it had dropped its colonies, it established hostile and potential hotspots by creating borders between groups of people who cannot coexist with one another due to their religious, cultural, and ethnic differences to keep the region unstable. Take for instance the examples of the Kurdish people who were and still are being denied their land rights by being placed in the midst of Turkey and Iraq. So due to one person and his pen and ruler the Middle East has now become so hostile of a region that should anyone want to use the opportunity to take over they could do so without any large scale resistance.
The present day problems speak for themselves as the present generation of youth witness full scale conflicts and rising tensions as more and more Middle Eastern nations begin pushing and shoving each other in anger due to various factors. Those factors being the Israeli and Palestinian issue, the rising fundamentalism of Islam, the growing agitation by the people under the control by kingdoms and tyrannical despots, and the view biased American foreign policies concerning the Middle East.
So as far as we know, everything we see and hear and witness in the Middle East are all the products and creations by the power of one man, Sir Percy Cox.
Red Dragon
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