URGENT: First ISM and now CPT
New Profile~Mutter | 21.05.2003 06:17
We knew it was coming. Next will be IWPS (International Women's Peace Service), and then Israeli activists (who are already highly restricted in their movements in the Territories). Israel will be able to do whatever it will to Palestinians (with Bush's blessing) And who will know?
Hebron: CPT Team Movements Restricted
May 20, 2003
At 8:20pm on Tuesday, May 20, 2003 eight Israeli Defense Force
soldiers entered the Christian Peacemaker Teams apartments, asked to
look at the passports and visas of the CPTers present, and passed on
the following information verbally:
- CPT is not to go anywhere near an Israeli settlement.
- CPT is not allowed to go on school patrol in H2.
- CPT is not allowed in H1. If we are caught in H1 by the Israeli
military we will be arrested. We cannot get back into H2 if we leave
(i.e. go to Jerusalem).
- No internationals or Israelis are allowed in H1 except those
working for NGO's recognized by the Israeli government.
The soldiers also photographed several of the CPTers and the
apartment. The maps and pictures on the wall were examined along
with the contents of the filing cabinet.
Hebron is split into H1 (theoretically controlled by Palestinians)
and H2 (controlled by the Israeli military, includes the old city
where the CPT apartments and four Israeli settlements are).
This is the second search of the CPT apartment within the past two
days. The soldiers on Monday did not ask for passports and visas and
did not pass on any orders to CPT.
Current CPT Hebron Team members are: Sue Rhodes (Bath, England),
Germana Nijim (Cedar Falls, IA), Mary Lawrence (Lunenburg, MA), Eric
Schiller (Ottawa, ON), Harriet Taylor (Germantown, MD), Chris Brown
(San Francisco, CA), Greg Rollins (Surrey, BC), Kathie Uhler (New
York, NY), Diane Janzen (Calgary, AB)
Christian Peacemaker Teams is an ecumenical initiative to support
violence reduction efforts around the world. To learn more about
CPT's peacemaking work, please visit our website at:
Photos of our projects may be viewed at:
Login as:
New Profile – Movement for the Civil-ization of Israeli Society
POB 48005, Tel-Aviv 61480, Israel
E-mail: mailto:
Voice box: ++972-(0)3-516-01-19
May 20, 2003
At 8:20pm on Tuesday, May 20, 2003 eight Israeli Defense Force
soldiers entered the Christian Peacemaker Teams apartments, asked to
look at the passports and visas of the CPTers present, and passed on
the following information verbally:
- CPT is not to go anywhere near an Israeli settlement.
- CPT is not allowed to go on school patrol in H2.
- CPT is not allowed in H1. If we are caught in H1 by the Israeli
military we will be arrested. We cannot get back into H2 if we leave
(i.e. go to Jerusalem).
- No internationals or Israelis are allowed in H1 except those
working for NGO's recognized by the Israeli government.
The soldiers also photographed several of the CPTers and the
apartment. The maps and pictures on the wall were examined along
with the contents of the filing cabinet.
Hebron is split into H1 (theoretically controlled by Palestinians)
and H2 (controlled by the Israeli military, includes the old city
where the CPT apartments and four Israeli settlements are).
This is the second search of the CPT apartment within the past two
days. The soldiers on Monday did not ask for passports and visas and
did not pass on any orders to CPT.
Current CPT Hebron Team members are: Sue Rhodes (Bath, England),
Germana Nijim (Cedar Falls, IA), Mary Lawrence (Lunenburg, MA), Eric
Schiller (Ottawa, ON), Harriet Taylor (Germantown, MD), Chris Brown
(San Francisco, CA), Greg Rollins (Surrey, BC), Kathie Uhler (New
York, NY), Diane Janzen (Calgary, AB)
Christian Peacemaker Teams is an ecumenical initiative to support
violence reduction efforts around the world. To learn more about
CPT's peacemaking work, please visit our website at:

Photos of our projects may be viewed at:

Login as:

New Profile – Movement for the Civil-ization of Israeli Society
POB 48005, Tel-Aviv 61480, Israel
E-mail: mailto:

Voice box: ++972-(0)3-516-01-19

New Profile~Mutter
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