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Shocking video of cop kicking handcuffed woman in head

18-10-2011 06:27

A SHOCKING video of a cop brutally kicking a handcuffed female protester in the head has emerged on the internet.

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Interview with an Anarchist at Dale Farm

18-10-2011 01:25

A self written interview by group of anarchists currently involved in the Dale Farm struggle. The interview attempts to answer some basic questions about anarchism in order to explain our position and reasoning for being at Dale Farm; attempting also to solidify the Dale Farm struggles place in the broader class war.

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Occupy Birmingham: a camp has started

17-10-2011 23:29

A small group of people camp at Victoria Square at Birmingham. Two assemblies have been celebrated since Saturday 15th October. A general assembly is announced to be hold at Victoria Square on Wednesday 19th October around 6pm.

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Occupy London Day 2 - pics

17-10-2011 22:56

Sunday 16 October 2011 - Second day of the anti-capitalist and anti-austerity protest camp in front of St Paul's Cathedral - adjacent to the London Stock Exchange - in the City of London, the financial heart of the capital.

All images are Copyright (c) 2011 D. Viesnik. They may be reproduced free of charge for non-commercial use if credited. For larger high resolution versions, please e-mail.

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#Occupylsx - Exclusive videos

17-10-2011 22:56

St. Paul's Cathedral Wandsman - War, debt and Jesus Christ - Occupy the London Stock Exchange


Sceptic grills protester - a passer-by has his say - Occupy the London Stock Exchange


General assembly - provisional demands - Occupy the Stock Exchange - London


Discussing police barriers - Occupy the London Stock Exchange


What are we here for? - Occupy the Stock Exchange - London


Exclusive vidoes from the #occupylsx demonstration.

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Occupy London Stock Exchange 17.10.11

17-10-2011 22:56

I visited the St Pauls occupation site around 10am Monday morning for an hour or so with my daughter. The police were around of course, a few of them milling about being 'nice', while a number of identikit TV reporters were making banal commentaries about the goings on around them, Actually things were quite quiet - there were a couple of meetings going on here and there, and some discussions with a representative of the Cathedral about moving people temporarily to enable cleaning of the steps and areas around St Pauls. It did start getting a wee bit busier when I decided to leave for lunch.

It will be interesting to see how things progress in the coming days and weeks.

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Audio Recordings from the Sheffield Free School

17-10-2011 22:47

Attached are recording of 4 sessions of the Sheffield Free School, which was held on 15th October 2011 at CADS in Sheffield.

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Occupy London Day3

17-10-2011 20:56

A time line pulled togther from comments, texts and twitter.

Read other round-ups of today here: by Lucy

[14:25] After the success of the weekend the numbers are down as people start to leave to return to work, family needs etc so we are down to about 300-400 of us however we are not down hearted and morale is good.

We are surprised at the attitude of the police which seems to be one of ignoring us now after their violence at the weekend perhaps in the hope we wil get bored and leave.

We believe the employees of banks etc have been told to ignore us because attempts to engage with them are met with silence. Settling in now for a colder night

[16.00] Direct action workshop still on today @ 4pm behind black RBS banner

[17.00] Kitchen needs canisters of Butane Gas (7KG+) for cooking equipment! - Old canisters can be collected/refilled, or new ones donated.

[17.30] 179 tents counted

[17.50] Media skill share meeting at 6 in the newly constructed media tent: happening now!

[18.00]  We are in need of: Blackboard Paint, Lights (desk lamps, torches, etc)

Please donate: Tables, chairs, gazebos, tents, sleeping bags, roll mats, socks lights, lighter gas, markers/pens, tarps, gaffa tape, batteries and wooden supports.

Media+Tech group need: Lighting for tent and a windproof Microphone for Live Streaming - Cheers for your support

We have enough kitchen/toilet rolls, Tupperware, washing up liquid, sponges, and bread.

[18.35] Live stream reporting now at 6.35pm that big marquee is going up and more on way - sandbags are required to weight down structures against wind. More power is being sourced for the occupation.

[19.00] OccupyLSX General Assembly at 19:10

[19.35] The General assembly has just started with a big cheer saying "It's the third night and we're still here - brilliant!"

[19.30] General Assembly: Organisers ask crowd to get in small groups and talk about what we want and how we get it. And people are actually doing it!

Finance working group is responsible for distributing money, anything over £150 has to be agreed by all at the GA.

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#occupylsx working group updates 17th oct

17-10-2011 20:56

Notes from the general assembly held this evening with updates from some of the working groups.

For note the wish list of supplies is currently sturdy folding tables, lighting + solar lighting, sand + sandbags, marker boards, tents, pavilions, power generation equipment, food, drinks, cutlery, butane gas, rings, saucepans cups, washing up stuff, kettles, buckets brooms, sanitaries, chairs, hammers and nails, wood, ropes, blankets, tarps, gazebos, rope, cushions, cardboard, sleeping mats, waterproofs, bin liners, tape, gaffa, stationary.

And people who can help transport kit with vehicles.


Report backs:

Kitchen: closing in 1 hr to relocate to big tent - location still tbc. 

Recycling: Make sure you use the right bags to separate out different types of recycling and waste. Make sure to compact cans and so on. If you're going home please take a bag away with you to recycle.

Legal Update: Started more training to enlarge team for legal observing workshop at 9pm tonight.

From weekend there were 8 arrests, 6 charged and 2 bailed. Those charged are appearing at city of london magistrates court soon - Oct 21st if you want to show solidarity. If youwitnessed any arrests pls call / contact green black cross. 6-7pm every night is know your rights session - big marquee.

Media Update: Press feedback very positive. Want volunteer spokespeople. Media training scheduled. Volunteer reporters wanted - get in touch at media tent. Create Indymedia - create our own media so we don't have to rely on the mainstream press. 

Extra: 420 people watching livestream now! New radio PA system in place. In process of getting solar panels brought in. Donations coming in fast. 

People's health care update: We have an area for help, esp if you are cold - come and get blankets. Volunteers with skills welcome. Remember to wash your hands or use antibacterial gel :)

University committee starting lessons tomorrow (marquee hopefully going up tonight).

Meeting continues with breaking into smaller groups for discussions...


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Rome 15 october Protest

17-10-2011 20:54

After years of protests against a corrupt and bungling Italian political system (whose Prime Minister makes laws for his own benefit) some of the protesters in Rome last Saturday apparently felt that walking through the capital with banners and slogans was a waste of time and energy.

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Worldwide Declaration in Support of the Zapatista Support Bases of San Marcos Av

17-10-2011 20:11

The Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Centre and the Movement for Justice in El Barrio, The Other Campaign, New York, have written the following declaration with the goal of collecting signatures of support.

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Thomas Blak Moved

17-10-2011 19:11

Antifascist prisoner Thomas Blak has been transferred.

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Towards the end of state

17-10-2011 18:55

The occupation of the London Stock Exchange along with the rest of the world last Saturday with large public support may seem like a trifle reformist for most activists but its very presence shows a real disenchantment with standard democratic functions, and a desire for more horizontal decision-making.

The worldwide movement, which in its original form started in Spain, is a reminder to the governments of the world that they can no longer push the citizens they represent around without them speaking out.

And this awakening now happening in both Britain and the USA can only be good news for worldviews to change about how political our participation must be in order to see our needs being met. While the masses are spoonfed by propaganda meals which create the mainstay of their views in a system which still supports those who slave for it, the indignant now are a mixed band which includes parts of the disfavoured middle class.

Maybe this is why traditional leftist groups cannot get a foothold in these groups, their composition being much more varied across the board. Middle class is united with working class, who themselves have become used to a privileged status of a system that enslaved the rest of the world for their benefit. Now that the circle has closed around the even more privileged few who own multinational countries, the rules have changed, or even disappeared altogether.

This phenomenum was described 30 years ago by Italian activist Alfredo Bonnano, who said the new system of neo-liberalism creates a new 'excluded' group of people who are no longer considered citizens but instead problems to the system or criminals by their mere economic state. This group differs from the 'included' group or class, which considers the third group, the oligarchs, to be giving them enough to be satisfied and see the excluded as an obstruction to their personal everyday existence. In this light they see repression as a necessary evil to eliminate their sense of comfort, or maybe even halt the creation of the same fears that are starting to pop up in their own heads.

The 'excluded' are traditionally comprised of the very poor who live in city ghettos, as well as those who choose from their own analysis to live outside what Bonnano called "the Teutonic castle". It is this type of people that see the fundamental flaws in the current economic and social system of profit-driven existence and try to create a better world for themselves and the rest of the excluded.

The only difference now is that with these latest bouts of crises this group has widened to take in all those whose comfort has been taken away, and therefore turns the trickle of individuals moving from the included to the excluded into a flood. This barrier took a long time to arrive because of healthier financial conditions which allowed the supply of their upkeep for so many years. They never needed to try to make a difference but now they feel they have no choice when all this is taken away and their futures of comfort are put into turmoil.

This new group of the excluded just demand the system to be logical and consequent so that there is a larger participation in the rules that govern their everyday life in this country and abroad. And the government owes it to them for all the years of taxes paid to them with the firm guarantees they would get the same benefits as their parents.

The LSX camp and the demonstrations will continue to expand as the new depression hits, allowing their fear and anger to be vented in a logical way as allowed by the right to democratic assembly, a system that passed away since the European Constitution was passed.

This document, which was passed by governments all over the world without the consent of the people, establishes a new protocol for dealing with opponents of the neo-liberal system. Branded as terrorists the new European president, who was voted in by the Presidents and Prime Ministers of Europe and not its citizens, has the power to demand repression of this threat.

And this repression is only the start, with a special European riot police force already being sent to Greece to end any opposition to the social peace created in some countries at the expense of others.

So the 99% will charge on, because at the end of the day the burden of debt owed to the banks is nearly entirely theirs and it is their head which is on the chopping block this time. Whether change will happen or not depends more on how much pressure they want to apply, and if they are willing to go the whole way to fight their causes.

What is sure is that the oligarchs, in bed with politicians for many years now do not want their despotism to end and will try to starve the movement of freedom through their propaganda outlets. They will work to destroy it from the inside and outside by a process of negative publicity and agents provocateurs that will try to poison any goodwill that is created by the collective.

It is for this reason, that activists everywhere need to support this move, and try to shape the world as we want to see it, because after all, that is what horizontal decision-making is all about. And if we are all ready to fight for the excluded we start a change that will lead to the disappearance of the state which governs us while being controlled by others.

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Court fails Dale Farm - Eviction expected soon

17-10-2011 18:55


The Court of Appeal has just rejected the residents’ right to a judicial review, which means that Basildon Council will be able to come on to conduct an eviction from now onwards.

We need supporters to come down as soon as possible to help resist this eviction. We need people to come willing to engage in civil disobedience as well as support residents and activists in resisting the eviction through non-arrestable roles. It may seem like a scary thing to do, but coming down to Dale Farm is one of the most important things we can do for the community here, and to protest the injustice that even the United Nations and Amnesty International have unreservedly condemned. This is a historic moment of resistance- let’s do something.

The residents have nowhere to go. They are united in resisting the eviction, and we have been working with them to develop plans and strategies. Travellers in the UK are at the receiving end of state violence. The way the Dale Farm community is being treated is a form of ethnic cleansing which criminalizes a people and a culture, and it is vital that we come together in solidarity to resist it. We are ready to resist the eviction, and we need more people to join us and the residents as soon as you can come down. Bring a sleeping bag, food and resistance paraphernalia. (For a full list of things to bring, how to get here – only 30 min from London- and other important info, see or call 07583621312).

In addition to getting supporters down to Dale Farm, we still need a lot of funds to cover the work we have been doing so far. Please donate at:



Dale Farm residents and supporters have gone into “lockdown” in anticipation of an eviction.

Today the Dale Farm community were rejected the right to appeal the decision made last week which gave Basildon Council the go-ahead to evict. Mr Justice Ouseley, the judge responsible for making the decision last week, was responsible for the eviction of Hovefields Traveller site, also in Basildon in 2010.

In response to this news, residents of Dale Farm and their supporters reinforced the perimeter of the fifty plots which house 83 families, and placed the entire site into lockdown in order to resist eviction.

Dale Farm resident Kathleen McCarthy said, “We’ve been left with no choice – we really have nowhere else to go, do you think we’d put ourselves through this if we did? The law is prejudiced against Travellers – we were told 15 years ago to get off the road and buy our own land, but now they are forcing us and our kids out onto the road again. The barricades are all that stand between us and homelessness now.”

Lily Hayes, a Dale Farm supporter, said:

“The law, planning regulations and the judicial system all discriminate against Travellers. Engaging in civil disobedience is the reasonable response to this senseless eviction which is making 86 families homeless. We will stand side by side with the residents to resist this eviction.”

Residents have expressed concern that Basildon Council has failed to give an indication of when the eviction will begin. Basildon Council only provided a date for the attempted eviction on the 19th September in response to significant pressure. Legal advisors have strongly urged Basildon Council to re-issue the 28 day notices due to the significant period of time that has elapsed since the latest set were issued.

Even before the court judgement was delivered, the Council sent in a helicopter to fly low over Dale Farm homes and bailiffs into the woods surrounding the land. Residents were intimidated and panicking, worried that an eviction would be launched with no prior warning.


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Edinburgh occupied, world revolution expected by Christmas

17-10-2011 18:55

On Sunday 15 October Edinburgh, and thousands of cities around the world, joined the occupy movement demanding a world where human needs are prioritised over private greed.

read more

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Occupy Norwich Attempt To Intimidate By Calling For Info And Personal Details On

17-10-2011 18:28

REDWATCH and POLICE TOUT tactics being employed...

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Jarrow marchers

17-10-2011 18:17

Have been walking for jobs for the past two weeks.

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Christmas Art Market

17-10-2011 16:55

Give original art as a truly creative Christmas gift!
Our popular Christmas Art Market is back for the 3rd year, offering local artists the opportunity to exhibit their creativity & talent and to give Christmas shoppers the experience of buying original handcrafted arts & crafts that cannot be found on the High Street.

From ceramics, jewellery, textiles, prints, glass and fine art, whatever your budget is, this is the ideal place to find unique and creative gifts.

With a range of festive activities including live acoustic music, mulled wine and cider as well as mince pies to get everyone in the Christmas Spirit, come join us to shop or simply soak up the atmosphere!

Music from Tom Holder, Sam Easton, Gavin Osborne
Free entry
When Dec 03, 2011
from 11:00 AM to 06:00 PM
Contact Phone 01179351200

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Help to wipe out the fur trade in Worcestershire

17-10-2011 16:48

Please contact the shop below letting them know that profiting from the imprisonment and murder of non-humans for their skins is despicable. Thank you in advance.

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Dale Farm appeal rejected, eviction expected soon

17-10-2011 16:18

The Court of Appeal has just rejected the residents' right to a judicial review, which means that Basildon Council will be able to come on to conduct an eviction from now onwards. We need activists to come down for active resistance and support roles as soon as possible.