UK Newswire Archive
Benefit concert for the Industrial Workers of the World
11-09-2007 22:29

£4 entrance £2 Union concessions. Doors open at 7:30pm
Pegah Emambakhsh Granted Bail
11-09-2007 21:58
Following is a message from the Friends of Pegah, for background information about her case see: "Save Pegah Emambakhsh from British Prison and Iranian Lashes"
We have some good news at last! Pegah was granted bail this morning, is now out of Yarls Wood Detention Centre and back with people who will love and care for her. The Court of Appeal have also agreed to hear her case. It will be listed within the next couple of weeks and will be heard sometime in the next few months, we believe.
Sheffield Guantanamo Protest
11-09-2007 21:50

Migrating University Goldsmiths to Gatwick
11-09-2007 21:40
General enthusiasm for this event is very high. A feeling of frustration, and therefore energy for exploring activist options, is strong on campus. This is the joint result of the ongoing managerialism that afflicts the ‘teaching factory’ at all levels, alongside the wider malaise of neo-liberal war-mongering imperialism/Border-ism evident in the current conjuncture, everywhere. The role of the university in relation to borders between people and knowledge, between different knowledges, between peoples, between students, between students who pay ‘overseas’ fees and those who pay too much (‘training’ for industrial gain, paid for by the student??) and the ever extended morale crush that afflicts staff… linked to the obsolescence of older ideas of ‘education’ in favour of opportunism and productivity… Exclusions and …racism, murder-death-kill… there is much good reason to explore these concerns in our workshop.WE ARE GOING TO MAKE GLOBALISATION BREAKS DOWN !!!
11-09-2007 20:41
This was the session two at the UK Defence System conference in MayfairSESSION 2: Protecting Freedom of the Seas, Littorals and Choke Points if Globalisation breaks down
CAAT press release on DSEi arms fair and protests - Sept 11th
11-09-2007 19:56
11 September 2007Arms fair opens in London to wave of protest

An international arms fair opening in London today was met with a wave of protest from local residents, community leaders, politicians and Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT). The comedian and writer Mark Thomas addressed a peaceful demonstration organised by CAAT outside the event. The fair, Defence Systems and Equipment International (DSEi), will run from today until Friday at the Excel Centre in Newham, east London.
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Zimbabwean women behind the wire go on hunger strike
11-09-2007 18:29
Five female detainees from Zimbabwe in Yarl's Wood detention centre have gone on hunger strike yesterday (Monday, 10 September). They are demanding to be released from detention.INDY-OAXACA SPEAKER @ LARC
11-09-2007 17:47
Our speaker is an IndyOaxaca activist, indigenous to the mixed territory of oaxaca and an avid community radio, video and print and independent media activist.Stop the Privatisation of Cardiff Bus!
11-09-2007 17:37

The Campaign Against Prison Slavery & ITN News
11-09-2007 16:05
Are you a recently released ex-con and want to both help CAPS and be on prime-time TV news?Olympic Budget scandal is minute compared to Crossrail
11-09-2007 15:45
The City backed Crossrail scheme which is reported in the corporate press and by Government department's as costing £10-15 billion will in fact cost more than £30 billion and taxpayers will also be expected to underwrite the scheme, service the debt interest and Mr Livingstone has also kindly offered to raise fares so the poorest people of London and commuters can subsidise a rail scheme that will primarily benefit the City and Canary Wharf - yes you guessed it the richest part of London. Write down the names of any MPs who say Crossrail is a good idea. Name and shame is about to arrive in Westminster.Freedom for the Cuban Five!
11-09-2007 14:39

Cycle to Recycle: A Radley Lakes Protest 15 September 2007
11-09-2007 14:19

11-09-2007 13:25

Tuesday 11th September
Oxford Town Hall, 7.15 - 9.30
Detention Profiteers
11-09-2007 12:24
The UK has Europe's most privatised criminal justice system. It is second only to the United States in terms of the number of private prisons, which currently hold around 10% of the prisoner population. In addition to private prisons, the country has privately operated 'secure training centres' for young offenders, prisoner escort services, electronic monitoring programmes, a wide range of non-custodial services in publicly run prisons, as well as privately financed, built and operated court complexes, police complexes and probation hostels. In short, the UK currently represents the second-largest private prison market in the world. And immigration prisons are no exception.. except that they are not called prisons any more.