UK Newswire Archive
"War sucks, go Ducks!": peace actions in Eugene, Oregon, USA
22-10-2001 06:48
Peace marches in Eugene, October 19-20Feeding U.S. public opinion with WAR! (cartoon by Latuff)
22-10-2001 05:20

22-10-2001 04:26
Forward with the anti-war movement!Urgent: International war capitalising conference in London
22-10-2001 01:50
Newly Independent States are a collective euphemism for New Markets and People To Exploit. A conference running from October 22-24 is convening international bankers, TNC CEO's, presidents, high profile politicians, media reps and anyone else who can afford to pay over £1200 for the privelage of talking tactics on how best to carve up the industrial potential of Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, and Georgia....Smallpox Vaccine
21-10-2001 22:24
The WHO has advised governments to produce enough vaccine to protect their populations against smallpox, and is preparing to order mass precautionary vaccinations of all citizensReminder from the subcomandante: Chiapas 1997
21-10-2001 21:28
On Independent Media
January 31, 1997
A message from Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos
to “Free Media” Teach-In, NYC:
London Civil Disobedience Sit Down report
21-10-2001 20:55
Respectable turn out to this event despite atrocious weather. A successful demonstration - but where are the media reports?'Why War?' - a free newspaper for Nov.9th
21-10-2001 20:10
London Reclaim the Streets is putting together a free newspaper to be given out at anti-war events and at various local World Trade Organisation-related actions on November 9th and beyondPuja protest pokes fun at war
21-10-2001 20:03
The annual puja celebrating Durga, the mother of the universe, has turned into a mass protest in CalcuttaHindu puja pokes fun at the war
21-10-2001 19:57
The annual puja celebrating Durga, the mother of the universe, has turned into a mass protest in CalcuttaNO TO THE WTO!
21-10-2001 19:04
London picket and public meeting to coincide with WTO ministerial in Qatar, November 2001 approx 100 wordsTHE DEATH OF RACISM
21-10-2001 18:07
To bring down a structure,to irrevocably destroy it,a clear understanding of its material base is required,and it is towards this foundation that the coupe de grace must be dealt.Any other strategy will merely be absorbedor deflected,the base remaining unaltered.This is how we must also approach racism.
The Terrorist War is A Propaganda War
21-10-2001 17:29
The new terrorist war and Colombia.US Imperialism, nothing's changed, a snippet from 1932 !
21-10-2001 17:29
What's Changed !Monopolise Resistance? - how Globalise Resistance would hijack revolt...
21-10-2001 17:21
For the first time in decades, millions of people are actively questioning the existence of capitalism. From the Mexican jungle to the streets of London, from the summits of Seattle and Genoa to the factories of Indonesia, a broad alliance of groups, networks and campaigns is mobilising people to take part in action directly challenging capitalism and its destruction of communities and ecologies. Millions are beginning to see that another world is possible.Write letter to Tony Blair
21-10-2001 17:09
Oxfam letter writing action on pausing bombing so that food supplies can enter AfghanistanLet`s not forget the recent events that brought us here
21-10-2001 16:51
Vote scam 2000, now this, what next?!?New twist on official CIA recruiting poster (image)
21-10-2001 16:35

Socialized Psychopath, George W Bus
21-10-2001 15:40
As a Cherokee/Irish/French American, I watch in amazement as my country continually allows the destruction of the worlds poorest peoples and their eco systems by socialized psychopathic plutocrats. We elect them. We idolize them. We suffer at their hands.George W Bush is the worst to come along in years.
war costs us each £200 - so let's withhold it?
21-10-2001 15:15
the war will cost each of us in the UK £200 - so let's each withhold £200 of our tax till the government stops the violent lunacy and put our money where we want it...