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URGENT ACTION: Dawn Raid in Glasgow

12-07-2006 13:12

Young family abducted in Glasgow this morning are en route to England and deportation.

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Indian Bollywood Actors goes for Surgical Body Piercing Jewelry

12-07-2006 12:59

Ayesha Takia Akshay Kumar Emraan Hashmi
With trends of next generation body piercing
Plastic Cosmetic Surgeons-Doctors, skin - dermatologists in India had started procedures of Surgical Body Piercing like western countries to cater the upcoming needs of modern trends as per universal demands.

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Starbucks thanks

12-07-2006 12:48

A Thank you To All Starbucks Customers
Written by Howard Schultz

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SOCPA - successful protest for blair this morning (pics coming)

12-07-2006 12:36

brian haw on his megaphone. steve and barbara with their banners. a rousing welcome for bliar as he attended question time this morning. (pics to be added to this report later).

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Crude Food

12-07-2006 12:01

The relentless power of supermarket traders has revolutionised Britain's retail indusry practices and consumer shopping habbits.

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Come to the UK Forum for Non-Violence

12-07-2006 11:43

We are holding a festival of non-violent resistance on the weekend of July 21st in London. Read on for more details!

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Abbeyfield Park Festival

12-07-2006 11:11

riddimption crew
Abbeyfield Park Festival saw off the cretins that disrupted the event last year to provide a cracking afternoon of entertainment.

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URGENT: stop the deportation of Antony Aghayere, tomorrow, Thursday

12-07-2006 11:00

THE HOME OFFICE INTENDS REMOVING Antony Aghayere, and "deport the evidence" of its brutality to refugees, on Thursday evening (13th July) at 22:00 aboard Virgin Atlantic Flight VS651 from Heathrow to Lagos, Nigeria.

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Why not all Innocent Victims are the same?

12-07-2006 10:59

It seems that for the BBC there are two kinds of innocent civilian victims.

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Australia installs its man in East Timor: Jose Ramos-Horta

12-07-2006 10:54

150,000 refugees regime change in Dili
Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer greeted Ramos-Horta’s inauguration with the announcement that Canberra could now consider pulling out some of the Australian-led military force of 2,500 soldiers—in other words, mission accomplished. The concern of the Howard government has never been for the welfare of the East Timorese people. Rather the political instability, which has been deliberately fanned by the Australian media and which created 150,000 refugees, was only ever a pretext for masking the real objective: regime change in Dili.

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National Demonstration - 'No Trident Replacement,' 'Don't Attack Iran'

12-07-2006 09:49

Time To Go
23 September, Manchester: CND and the Stop the War Coalition are holding a national “No Trident Replacement, Don’t Attack Iran” demonstration on the eve of the Labour Party conference. Please join us to say NO to another war of aggression in the Middle East.

Saturday 23 September 1pm
Albert Square, Manchester

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12-07-2006 09:28

New Internationalist Magazine Cover
The idea that nuclear energy is carbon carbon neutral goes uncontested in the media and general public. What can we make of this collective denial?

The following article was written in New Internationalist Magazine (382). It shows that the the construction and decommissioning of a nuclear power station and is far more carbon intensive that coal or gas.

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12-07-2006 09:24

From principles of this year, we are trying to create a world-wide scale window of a vestibule political bookstore, at first in three languages, that we hoped to extend in but the brief space of time, with three objectives very defined.......

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Public Meeting Tonight: Before and After 7/7

12-07-2006 09:20

Interrogating British 'Security' Policies

Why did the 7/7 terrorist attack happen?

Like the 11 September 2001 attack, was this a 'blowback' effect of government policy?

What is being protected by British 'security' policies? What alternative policies could protect us?

6.30pm Wednesday 12 July

Committee Room 3, House of Lords, Westminster, SW1

Hosted by Lord Rea

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Make Bono History!

12-07-2006 09:07

Ageing rock star Bono has shown his true colours by backing a video game which depicts an invasion of Venezuela. Multi-millionaire Bono is taking a break from his tireless work to end global poverty by promoting multi-national companies and making a bit of much needed cash for himself.

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The Trial of the Pit Stop Ploughshares Ongoing at Dublin's Four Courts

12-07-2006 06:10

5 members of the anarcho-pacifist Catholic Worker Movement are presently syanding trial in Dublin charged with "$US 2.5 million criminal damage without lawful excuse" to a U.S. Navy War Plane en route to the invasion of Iraq at Shannon Airport (3/2/03). This is their third trial.

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products using Nanotechnology

12-07-2006 06:09

L'Oreal and Boots use nanoparticles in sunscreens and cosmetics, the Gap and Next are putting nanoparticles in clothes to make them stain and wrinkle resistant, Smith and Nephew are putting them in bandages while chemical company BASF are putting nanoparticles in food additives into drinks. Meanwhile Unilever and Nestle are working on nanoparticle ice cream. Unfortunately products that contain nanomaterials do not have to be labeled

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South Africa/world cup/prisons

12-07-2006 06:01

'dubbed Africa Calling'
Public utilities, including even our water, have been sold to foreign corporations who have teamed up with the new black elite as required by government "empowerment" policies. Cost reduction‚ measures have destroyed many jobs and the insensitive cost-recovery‚ policies, which advocate for service termination for those too poor to afford increased tariffs, have seen millions go without the most basic of necessities.

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International of Torture: The Documents the Crown Would Like to Censor

12-07-2006 01:36

Craig Murray
The United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) has forbidden Craig Murray to publish documents he obtained under the Freedom of Information Act and Freedom of Data Act, which clearly show the responsibility of the Crown in the International of torture. Having not dared resorting to military censorship, the Blair government has claimed copyright on the official documents in order to block their publication. This manoeuver is of course a breach of the international commitments of the United Kingdom of Great-Brittain and Northern Ireland. Indeed, Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights and jurisprudence of the Strasbourg Court of Justice state that freedom of speech prevails on any other consideration and cannot be restrained by State imperatives. By bringing its support to Ambassador Murray, the Voltaire Network has decided to bypass censorship of Her Majesty and publish the documents. It calls for all other information websites to do the same.

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Is this racist against gypsies/travellers?

12-07-2006 00:29

An advert for a mobile phone screen saver with racist content?